Use the Rendering settings to:
Select: | To have: |
Normal | Each shot of a cut rendered to a separate directory, with a Unique ID, under the render path specified in the project. |
No Shot ID | Each shot in the cut rendered to a separate directory under the render path specified in the project. |
One Sequence | Shots rendered into one directory as a single sequence of renamed images. |
Src Grade | Individually-graded shots rendered to their own UID (unique ID) folder in the Renders Home location. This option is mostly used in the Interoperability workflow. |
This option is disabled if the colour transform selected in Render > Output converts from floating point to integer values. This is to avoid the potential confusion that could be caused if the input scans are OpenEXR, in which case the float conversion LUT (fclut) would be applied in the viewport as usual for floating-point inputs.
Select: | To: |
Based on Wedge | Save marry grade files based on the wedge number, defined by the first and last frame in the shot’s frame range. |
Based on UID | Save marry grade files based on their unique identifiers. |
Select: | To save marry grade files to a resolution-specific directory: |
Saved with Scan Full | Under the Scans Full Home directory. |
Saved with Scan Half | Under the Scans Half Home directory. |
Select: | To save dust files to a resolution-specific directory: |
Saved with Scan Full | Under the Scans Full Home directory. |
Saved with Scan Half | Under the Scans Half Home directory. |
Select: | To save cached frames: |
Saved with Scan | In the Scans directories. |
Saved in Degrain Cache | In the user-defined Degrain Cache directory. |
Select: | To use as default: |
Normal | An average filter if the resolution of the proxy is half, and to use a Sync filter if the resolution of the proxy is full. |
CatmullRom | The CatmullRom proxy generation filter when creating proxies. |
Lanczos | The Lanczos proxy generation filter when creating proxies. |
Sinc | The Sinc proxy generation filter when creating proxies. |
Mitchell | The Mitchell proxy generation filter when creating proxies. Use the sliders below to define the filter settings. |
Select: | To use as default: |
Normal | An Average filter if the resolution of the proxy is half, and to use a Sync filter if the resolution of the proxy is full. |
CatmullRom | The CatmullRom reposition filter. |
Lanczos3lobe | The Lanczos3lobe reposition filter. |
Mitchell | The Mitchell reposition filter. Use the sliders below to define the filter settings. |