Saving and Loading Marry Grades

When you save a grade using the Marry controls, the colour grading metadata is saved separately from the regular grade file. Marry grade files are saved in the same location as the original shots (except for shots imported from Wiretap or the Wiretap Gateway). Marry grade files can also be saved and loaded with the Marry Grade bin thumbnails and Grade view. See Using the Marry Grade Bin.

(a) Marry controls  

Marry Grade bin  

You can save an individual grade for the current shot or grades for all the shots in the timeline. Similarly, you can load the grade back to the current shot or to all shots in the timeline. One situation where Marry grade files can be useful is if you start your project working on a rough cut of a scene, and later are given the final EDL for the scene. You can save the grades created for particular shots on the rough cut and apply them to shots on the final cut.

Marry grade files can be created with any type of content and are saved along with the original scans files. Marry grades created from Wiretap or Wiretap Gateway media are stored under a local wt folder under the Scans Full Home or Scans Half Home.

Marry grade files are saved as binary files by default. You can also save the grading metadata as an XML file.

Note: You can load Marry grade files from previous versions of Lustre that are in text format. They will be automatically converted into binary files.

The folders in which Marry grade files are saved are named based on the unique identifier (UID) or wedge number of the shot. When you use the Scene Detect function to splice a larger shot into individual shots, each scene-detected shot is also assigned a unique identifier (UID). A shot is also assigned a wedge number, which is a range based on the first and last frame in the shot. A wedge number is also associated to shots that are spliced manually.

Note: You can find the UID for each shot in the cut file located in your scene's Library folder.

When configuring the Marry Grade panel, select Based on Wedge or Based on UID in the Marry Grade File Location option box. See Rendering Settings.

To save the grade of one or all shots in a cut:

  1. Click Setup, then click Grade to display the Grade menu.
  2. If you are saving the grade for one shot, navigate to that shot. See Navigating through Shots.
  3. Using the Marry controls, do one of the following:
    • Click Save to save the grade for the current shot as a binary file.
    • Click Save All or hold Shift and click Save under the Marry Grade bin to save individual grades for each shot in the cut.
    • Hold down the Ctrl key and click either Save or Save All to save the grade(s) in XML format.

To load the grade of one or all shots in a cut:

    Note: To load grades using the Marry controls, the shots in the two cuts must point to the same original footage. If you want to apply the grade of one shot to a different shot, use the Grade bin. See Using Grade Bins.
  1. Load any cut containing one or more shots for which individual grades have been saved.
  2. If you are loading the grade of one shot, navigate to the shot.
  3. Using the Marry controls, do one of the following:
    • Click Load or double-click the appropriate thumbnail in the Marry Grade bin to load the grade of the current shot.
    • Click Load All or hold Shift and double-click the appropriate thumbnail in the Marry Grade bin to load the grades for all shots in the cut.

    The grades are loaded to the shots. If the cut contains shots for which no individual grades were saved, those shots are unchanged.