Source Controls
Displays the front clip, matte clip, and sources. The Sources list manages the sources attached to the current node. A source is composed of a front source and a matte source. See Using Sources .
- Add button
- Click to add a new source node, and select the source front and source matte. Ctrl-click to add a source node only.
- Source Front option box
- Select Front Lock to use the current frame for the duration of the source front clip. Select Front On to unlock the clip and apply it in its original state.
- Source Matte option box
- Select Matte Off to paint anywhere on the canvas, Matte On to limit painting to areas on the source matte, or Matte Invert to limit painting to areas outside the source matte.
- Hide Strokes button
- Hides the strokes associated with the current source.
- Clear Strokes button
- Clears the strokes associated with the current source.
- Current Frame box
- Select to clear strokes for the Current Frame or the entire Sequence.
- Sources List
- Displays the sources attached to the current node.
Brush Attributes
Sets the size of the brush and other brush attributes affecting how paint is applied to the canvas. See Brush Attributes and Attribute Modes.
- Size field
- Set the radius of the brush in pixels. Editable.
- Rate field
- Set the rate at which to apply brush strokes to the canvas. Use a higher percentage value to produce a smoother continuous stroke. Editable.
- Fixed Rate button
- Enable to make the stroke dependent on the speed at which you move the brush.
- Pressure field
- Set the transparency on the pressure and direction of the pen. Editable.
- Jitter field
- Set the level of dispersion. A lower value produces a greater concentration of paint. Editable.
- Direction field
- Set the percentage of a complete rotation to rotate the brush around the Z-axis. Editable.
- Roll field
- Set the percentage of a complete rotation to rotate the brush around the X-axis. Editable.
Brush Attribute Modes
- Brush Attribute Modes option box
- Select an attribute as a reference value. Select a clip to use its luminance as a reference.
- Brush Attribute Modes option box
- Select an attribute as a reference value. Select a clip to use its luminance as a reference.
- Brush Attribute Modes option box
- Select an attribute as a reference value. Select a clip to use its luminance as a reference.
- Brush Attribute Modes option box
- Select an attribute as a reference value. Select a clip to use its luminance as a reference.
- Brush Attribute Modes option box
- Select an attribute as a reference value. Select a clip to use its luminance as a reference.
- Brush Attribute Modes option box
- Select an attribute as a reference value. Select a clip to use its luminance as a reference.
Paint Mode
Sets the type of paint operation that is applied to the brush. Some brushes paint in a colour; others use contents of the result or a source. See Using Paint Modes and Using Blending Modes.
- Paint Modes box
- Select the type of effect you want to apply to the brush.
- Opacity field
- Displays the opacity of the brush. Use a lower value to apply a more transparent colour. Editable.
- Fade field
- Displays how quickly the stroke fades when the Fade brush attribute mode is selected. A higher value fades the stroke faster.
- Blending Modes box
- Select the blending operation to apply to the brush colour components.
- Paint On box
- Select to apply strokes to the current frame, from the current frame to the last frame, or to all frames in the sequence.
- Scale field
- Displays the scale value of the reference image. Editable.
- Rotate field
- Displays the angle of rotation to rotate the reference image. Editable.
- X Offset field
- Displays the horizontal coordinate for the Clone offset. Editable.
- Y Offset field
- Displays the vertical coordinate for the Clone offset. Editable.
Overlay Controls
- Overlay button
- Enable to show a reference clip overlaid onto the canvas.
- Reference box
- Select the view with the reference clip you want overlay.
- Transparency field
- Set the transparency percentage of the reference clip. Editable.
Slip fieldSet the slip value of a Result, Front, or Matte to show different frames from the reference clip.
Colour Palette and Brushes
- Current colour pot
- Select the current brush colour. Editable.
- Preset colour pots
- Select preset brush colours. Editable.
- Brushes
- Select a default brush profile to set it as the brush stroke.
Matte Controls
Defines the area that can be used to paint. You can paint on the entire canvas or areas delimited by the matte properties. See Restricting Strokes with the Source Matte and Restricting Brush Strokes.
- Use Matte button
- Enable to limit brush strokes on the canvas to areas inside the matte.
- Invert button
- Enable to limit brush strokes on the canvas to areas outside the matte.
- Both button
- Enable to paint on the result and output matte simultaneously.
Canvas Controls
Controls clearing and wiping the canvas at the current frame. See Using the Canvas.
- Clear box
- Select whether to clear all strokes from the result image and output matte at the current frame or to clear strokes from all frames.
- Wipe button
- Select to apply a uniform colour in a single brush stroke to the entire result image, the front only or the output matte only at the current frame.
- Wipe colour pot
- Select the wipe brush stroke. Editable.
- Use Source button
- Enable to use the current source to wipe over the image.
- Rotation field
- Displays the angle of rotation used to rotate the canvas in the image window. Editable.
Node Setup
- Active
- Enable to activate smooth filtering of pixels for enhanced display.