Revealing Sources

The Reveal tool allows you to paint the contents of one or more source front images directly onto the result. You can also use the Reveal tool to copy source matte images onto the output matte. For example, if one source has a tree that you would like to include on the canvas, you can select the source with the tree and then paint it onto the result.

To paint with a copy of the result or output matte image, use the Clone tool. See Clone.

Note: If changes are made upstream of the Paint Node, revealed strokes are preserved. However, the strokes will reflect the “old” input unless you force an update by clicking the Update button or by pressing U. Updates are not performed automatically because they affect system performance.

To reveal a front or matte input:

  1. Select Reveal from the Paint Modes box.

    The Reveal Offset parameters appear.

  2. Set the brush attributes. See Brush Attributes and Attribute Modes.
  3. In the Sources list, select the source you want to reveal.
    Note: You can reveal sources that are marked as hidden in the Sources list. You will only be able to view the strokes created with a source when you disable Hide Strokes.
  4. To limit the revealed sources to the areas delimited by their mattes, select an option in the Matte Source box.
  5. To display the source as an overlay of the result image, enable Overlay (Tab). You can apply transformations to the source before you apply strokes:
  6. Click and drag on the canvas to apply strokes that reveal the transformed contents of the selected source.