Caching Frames with Lustre ShotReactor or Burn

You can use ShotReactor (locally or remotely) to cache frames in the background as you work, or Burn to submit a caching job.

Note: Degrained frames cannot be cached using Incinerator.

If you want to cache remotely to a user-defined location, you must enter a BrowseD file path in the Degrain Cache field. See Project Settings. For example, in Linux, a valid BrowseD file path can have the following structure: <IP address>:/mnt/storage/<project_name>. In Windows, it can be <IP address>:\F:\storage\<project_name>.

In Linux, to cache remotely using absolute file paths for a user-defined degrain cache location, you must create a shared NFS mount point on the ShotReactor server or Burn node. In Windows, you use a UNC path for the Windows Slave Rendering machine, or use a Samba path to create a mount point on a Burn node.

To perform background caching using ShotReactor:

  1. Display the ShotReactor menu. See Rendering Shots as You Work.
  2. In the ShotReactor panel, toggle the On/Off button to On.
  3. In the Degrain Only panel, toggle the On/Off button to On.

    When the Apply Degrain button is enabled in the Degrain menu, degrained frames are cached after you navigate to another shot.

Note: To render degrained frames using ShotReactor, set the Degrain Only panel On/Off button to Off. Graded frames with Degrain will be rendered in the Renders Full Home destination.

To cache using a Burn node:

  1. Display the Burn menu. See Submitting a Remote Render Job.
  2. Enable the Degrain Only button.
  3. Click Burn.

    When the Apply Degrain button is enabled in the Degrain menu, the degrained frames are cached.

Note: To render degrained frames using a Burn node, disable the Degrain Only button. Graded frames with Degrain will be rendered in the Renders Full Home destination.