Basic Interoperability Workflow

The setup of your interoperability project depends on whether you have Smoke/Flame and Lustre installed on separate workstations or whether you have them installed on the same workstation, as in Flame Premium.

To set up an interoperability project on standalone Smoke/Flame and Lustre workstations:

  1. Create your projects in Smoke/Flame and Lustre.
  2. Set your Scans and Renders paths in Lustre to correspond with your Smoke/Flame projects.


Project Menu Settings

Setting Up the Lustre Wiretap Project

To set up an interoperability project with Smoke/Flame and Lustre on the same workstation, as in Flame Premium:

  1. Create your project in Flame Premium as usual.

Smoke/Flame create a Lustre project and a shared library named Lustre in your project that Lustre renders back to by default.

Note: Creating a Flame Premium project automatically creates a Lustre project. However, creating a Lustre project does not create a Flame Premium project.