Animatable.h File Reference

#include "CoreExport.h"
#include "Noncopyable.h"
#include "baseinterface.h"
#include "autoptr.h"
#include "strclass.h"
#include "AnimPropertyList.h"
#include "interval.h"
#include "TrackHitRecord.h"
#include "box2.h"
#include "svcore.h"
#include "FileEnumConstants.h"
#include "ParamDimension.h"
#include "TrackFlags.h"
#include "SysNodeContext.h"
#include "EditParamFlags.h"
#include "AnimatableFlags.h"
#include "AnimatableInterfaceIDs.h"


class  Animatable
class  Animatable::EnumAnimList
 A callback class for enumerating animatables. More...


typedef UINT_PTR AnimHandle
typedef void(* APPDATALOADPROC) (Animatable *anim, const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, ILoad *iload, Tab< DWORD > &subIDs)
 Signature of the AppDataLoadCallback callback function that can be registered via Animatable::RegisterAppDataLoadCallback. More...


__inline int GetClassName (HWND hWnd, LPTSTR lpClassName, int nMaxCount)

Typedef Documentation

typedef UINT_PTR AnimHandle
typedef void(* APPDATALOADPROC) (Animatable *anim, const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, ILoad *iload, Tab< DWORD > &subIDs)

Signature of the AppDataLoadCallback callback function that can be registered via Animatable::RegisterAppDataLoadCallback.

When an AppDataChunk with a specified SuperClassID and Class_ID is read from the scene file, the specified callback proc is called. This is to permit versioning of the AppDataChunk. The values passed through the procs argument list are the Animatable holding the AppData, the Class_ID and SClass_ID of the owner of the AppDataChunk, the ILoad*, and a Tab containing the sub-chunk ids.

Function Documentation

__inline int GetClassName ( HWND  hWnd,
LPTSTR  lpClassName,
int  nMaxCount 
83 {
84 #ifdef UNICODE
85  return GetClassNameW(
86 #else
87  return GetClassNameA(
88 #endif
89  hWnd,
90  lpClassName,
91  nMaxCount
92  );
93 }