Method Groups for Class EPoly
The methods in this class are grouped below.
(Links go to the EPoly Class Reference page.)
- group 1
- EPoly::GetDesc()
- Cache and update methods
- EPoly::LocalDataChanged(DWORD parts)
- Selection and component flag access
- EPoly::GetEPolySelLevel()
EPoly::SetEPolySelLevel(int level)
EPoly::EpGetVerticesByFlag(BitArray & vset, DWORD flags, DWORD fmask=0x0)
EPoly::EpGetEdgesByFlag(BitArray & eset, DWORD flags, DWORD fmask=0x0)
EPoly::EpGetFacesByFlag(BitArray & fset, DWORD flags, DWORD fmask=0x0)
EPoly::EpSetVertexFlags(BitArray &vset, DWORD flags, DWORD fmask=0x0, bool undoable=true)
EPoly::EpSetEdgeFlags(BitArray &eset, DWORD flags, DWORD fmask = 0x0, bool undoable=true)
EPoly::EpSetFaceFlags(BitArray &fset, DWORD flags, DWORD fmask = 0x0, bool undoable=true)
- UI Button and Command Mode methods
- These methods allow the developer to simulate pushing the buttons available in the UI. Some buttons in Editable Poly, such as "Delete", complete an operation when pressed. Others, such as "Create", enter into an interactive command mode while they're depressed.
EPoly::EpActionButtonOp(int opcode)
EPoly::EpActionToggleCommandMode(int mode)
EPoly::EpActionEnterPickMode(int mode)
- Transform Methods
- EPoly::MoveSelection(int level, TimeValue t, Matrix3& partm, Matrix3& tmAxis, Point3& val, BOOL localOrigin)
EPoly::RotateSelection(int level, TimeValue t, Matrix3& partm, Matrix3& tmAxis, Quat& val, BOOL localOrigin)
EPoly::ScaleSelection(int level, TimeValue t, Matrix3& partm, Matrix3& tmAxis, Point3& val, BOOL localOrigin)
EPoly::ApplyDelta(Tab<Point3> & delta, EPoly *epol, TimeValue t)
- Slice plane accessors
- EPoly::EpResetSlicePlane() EPoly::EpGetSlicePlane(Point3 & planeNormal, Point3 & planeCenter, float *planeSize=NULL)
EPoly::EpSetSlicePlane(Point3 & planeNormal, Point3 & planeCenter, float planeSize)
- Component data access methods
- EPoly::GetVertexColor(bool *uniform=NULL, int *num=NULL, int mp=0, DWORD flag=MN_SEL, TimeValue t=0)
EPoly::SetVertexColor(Color clr, int mp=0, DWORD flag=MN_SEL, TimeValue t=0)
EPoly::GetFaceColor(bool *uniform=NULL, int *num=NULL, int mp=0, DWORD flag=MN_SEL, TimeValue t=0)
EPoly::SetFaceColor(Color clr, int mp=0, DWORD flag=MN_SEL, TimeValue t=0)
EPoly::GetVertexDataValue(int channel, int *numSel, bool *uniform, DWORD vertexFlags, TimeValue t)
EPoly::GetEdgeDataValue(int channel, int *numSel, bool *uniform, DWORD edgeFlags, TimeValue t)
EPoly::SetVertexDataValue(int channel, float w, DWORD vertexFlags, TimeValue t)
EPoly::SetEdgeDataValue(int channel, float w, DWORD edgeFlags, TimeValue t)
EPoly::ResetVertexData(int channel)
EPoly::ResetEdgeData(int channel)
EPoly::BeginPerDataModify(int mnSelLevel, int channel)
EPoly::EndPerDataModify(bool success)
EPoly::BeginVertexColorModify(int mp=0)
EPoly::EndVertexColorModify(bool success)
EPoly::GetMatIndex(bool *determined, DWORD flag=MN_SEL)
EPoly::SetMatIndex(int index, DWORD flag=MN_SEL)
EPoly::GetSmoothingGroups(DWORD faceFlag, DWORD *anyFaces, DWORD *allFaces=NULL)
EPoly::SetSmoothBits(DWORD bits, DWORD bitmask, DWORD flag)
- Displacement approximation methods
- EPoly::SetDisplacementParams()
EPoly::UseDisplacementPreset(int presetNumber)
- Drag operations
- EPoly::EpfnBeginExtrude(int msl, DWORD flag, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnEndExtrude(bool accept, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnDragExtrude(float amount, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnBeginBevel(int msl, DWORD flag, bool doExtrude, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnEndBevel(bool accept, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnDragBevel(float outline, float height, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnBeginChamfer(int msl, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnEndChamfer(bool accept, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnDragChamfer(float amount, TimeValue t)
- Regular operations
- EPoly::EpfnHide(int msl, DWORD flags)
EPoly::EpfnUnhideAll(int msl)
EPoly::EpfnNamedSelectionCopy(TSTR setName)
EPoly::EpfnNamedSelectionPaste(bool useDlgToRename)
EPoly::EpfnCreateVertex(Point3 pt, bool pt_local=false, bool select=true)
EPoly::EpfnCreateEdge(int v1, int v2, bool select=true)
EPoly::EpfnCreateFace(int *v, int deg, bool select=true)
EPoly::EpfnCapHoles(int msl=MNM_SL_EDGE, DWORD targetFlags=MN_SEL)
EPoly::EpfnDelete(int msl, DWORD delFlag=MN_SEL, bool delIsoVerts=false)
EPoly::EpfnAttach(INode *node, bool &canUndo, INode *myNode, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnMultiAttach(INodeTab &nodeTab, INode *myNode, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnDetachToElement(int msl, DWORD flag, bool keepOriginal)
EPoly::EpfnDetachToObject(TSTR name, int msl, DWORD flag, bool keepOriginal, INode *myNode, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnSplitEdges(DWORD flag=MN_SEL)
EPoly::EpfnBreakVerts(DWORD flag=MN_SEL)
EPoly::EpfnDivideFace(int face, Tab<float> &bary, bool select=true)
EPoly::EpfnDivideEdge(int edge, float prop, bool select=true)
EPoly::EpfnCollapse(int msl, DWORD flag)
EPoly::EpfnExtrudeFaces(float amount, DWORD flag, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnBevelFaces(float height, float outline, DWORD flag, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnChamferVertices(float amount, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnChamferEdges(float amount, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnSlice(Point3 planeNormal, Point3 planeCenter, bool flaggedFacesOnly=false, DWORD faceFlags=MN_SEL)
EPoly::EpfnCutVertex(int startv, Point3 destination, Point3 projDir)
EPoly::EpfnCutEdge(int e1, float prop1, int e2, float prop2, Point3 projDir)
EPoly::EpfnCutFace(int f1, Point3 p1, Point3 p2, Point3 projDir)
EPoly::EpfnWeldVerts(int vert1, int vert2, Point3 destination)
EPoly::EpfnWeldEdges(int edge1, int edge2)
EPoly::EpfnWeldFlaggedVerts(DWORD flag)
EPoly::EpfnWeldFlaggedEdges(DWORD flag)
EPoly::EpfnCreateShape(TSTR name, bool smooth, INode *myNode, DWORD edgeFlag=MN_SEL)
EPoly::EpfnMakePlanar(int msl, DWORD flag=MN_SEL, TimeValue t=0)
EPoly::EpfnMoveToPlane(Point3 planeNormal, float planeOffset, int msl, DWORD flag=MN_SEL, TimeValue t=0)
EPoly::EpfnAlignToGrid(int msl, DWORD flag=MN_SEL)
EPoly::EpfnAlignToView(int msl, DWORD flag=MN_SEL)
EPoly::EpfnMeshSmooth(int msl, DWORD flag=MN_SEL)
EPoly::EpfnTessellate (int msl, DWORD flag=MN_SEL)
EPoly::EpfnSelectVertByColor(BOOL add, BOOL sub, int mp=0, TimeValue t=0)
EPoly::EpfnSetDiagonal(int face, int corner1, int corner2)
EPoly::EpfnRetriangulate(DWORD flag=MN_SEL)
EPoly::EpfnFlipNormals(DWORD flag=MN_SEL)
EPoly::EpfnSelectByMat(int index, bool clear, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnSelectBySmoothGroup(DWORD bits, BOOL clear, TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnAutoSmooth(TimeValue t)
EPoly::EpfnPropagateComponentFlags(int slTo, DWORD flTo, int slFrom, DWORD flFrom, bool ampersand=FALSE, bool set=TRUE, bool undoable=FALSE)