Point3 Class Reference

Point3 Class Reference
+ Related help topics:

#include <point3.h>

Class Description

See also
Class IPoint3, Class DPoint3, Class Matrix3.

This class describes a 3D point using float x, y and z coordinates. Methods are provided to add and subtract points, multiply and divide by scalars, and element by element multiply and divide two points.

This class is also frequently used to simply store three floating point values that may not represent a point. For example, a color value where x=red, y=green, and z=blue. For color, the range of values is 0.0 to 1.0, where 0 is 0 and 1.0 is 255. All methods are implemented by the system.

Note: In 3ds Max, all vectors are assumed to be row vectors. Under this assumption, multiplication of a vector with a matrix can be written either way (Matrix*Vector or Vector*Matrix), for ease of use, and the result is the same – the (row) vector transformed by the matrix.
Data Members:
float x, y, z;

The x, y and z components of the point.

static const Point3 Origin;

This data member is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This is equivalent to Point3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

static const Point3 XAxis;

This data member is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This is equivalent to Point3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

static const Point3 YAxis;

This data member is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This is equivalent to Point3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

static const Point3 ZAxis;

This data member is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This is equivalent to Point3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
+ Inheritance diagram for Point3:

Public Member Functions

 Point3 ()
 Point3 (float X, float Y, float Z)
 Point3 (double X, double Y, double Z)
 Point3 (int X, int Y, int Z)
 Point3 (const Point3 &a)
 Point3 (float af[3])
float & operator[] (int i)
const float & operator[] (int i) const
 operator float * ()
Point3 operator- () const
Point3 operator+ () const
float Length () const
float FLength () const
float LengthSquared () const
int MaxComponent () const
int MinComponent () const
Point3 Normalize () const
Point3 FNormalize () const
Point3operator-= (const Point3 &)
Point3operator+= (const Point3 &)
Point3operator*= (float)
Point3operator/= (float)
Point3operator*= (const Point3 &)
Point3Set (float X, float Y, float Z)
int operator== (const Point3 &p) const
int operator!= (const Point3 &p) const
int Equals (const Point3 &p, float epsilon=1E-6f) const
Point3Unify ()
float LengthUnify ()
Point3 operator- (const Point3 &) const
Point3 operator+ (const Point3 &) const
Point3 operator/ (const Point3 &) const
Point3 operator* (const Point3 &) const
Point3 operator^ (const Point3 &) const
float operator% (const Point3 &) const
Point2 XY () const
 Converts this Point3 into a Point2 using the X and Y components. Useful for passing a Point3 where a Point2 is expected. More...

Public Attributes

float x
float y
float z

Static Public Attributes

static const Point3 Origin
static const Point3 XAxis
static const Point3 YAxis
static const Point3 ZAxis

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MaxHeapOperators
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size)
 Standard new operator used to allocate objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard new operator used to allocate objects if there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, void *placement_ptr)
 Placement new operator. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, void *placement_ptr)
 Placement delete operator. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Point3 ( )
Constructor. No initialization is performed.
59 : x(0.0f), y(0.0f), z(0.0f) { /* NO INIT */ }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
Point3 ( float  X,
float  Y,
float  Z 
Constructor. x, y, and z are initialized to the values specified.
61  {
62  x = X; y = Y; z = Z;
63  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
Point3 ( double  X,
double  Y,
double  Z 
Constructor. x, y, and z are initialized to the specified values (cast as floats).
65  {
66  x = (float)X; y = (float)Y; z = (float)Z;
67  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
Point3 ( int  X,
int  Y,
int  Z 
Constructor. x, y, and z are initialized to the specified values (cast as floats).
69  {
70  x = (float)X; y = (float)Y; z = (float)Z;
71  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
Point3 ( const Point3 a)
Constructor. x, y, and z are initialized to the specified Point3.
73  {
74  x = a.x; y = a.y; z = a.z;
75  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
Point3 ( float  af[3])
Constructor. x, y, and z are initialized to af[0], af[1], and af[2] respectively.
78  {
79  x = af[0]; y = af[1]; z = af[2];
80  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55

Member Function Documentation

float& operator[] ( int  i)
Allows access to x, y and z using the subscript operator.
An value for i of 0 will return x, 1 will return y, 2 will return z.
91  {
92  return (&x)[i];
93  }
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
const float& operator[] ( int  i) const
Allows access to x, y and z using the subscript operator.
An value for i of 0 will return x, 1 will return y, 2 will return z.
97  {
98  return (&x)[i];
99  }
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
operator float * ( )
Conversion function. Returns the address of the Point3.x
103  {
104  return(&x);
105  }
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
Point3 operator- ( ) const
Unary - operator. Negates x, y and z.
109  {
110  return(Point3(-x,-y,-z));
111  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
Definition: point3.h:59
Point3 operator+ ( ) const
Unary +. Returns the Point3.
113  {
114  return *this;
115  }
float Length ( ) const
Returns the 'Length' of this point (vector). This is:

235  {
236  return (float)sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
237  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
float FLength ( ) const
Returns the 'Length' of this point (vector) using a faster assembly language implementation for square root. This is:

239  {
240  return Sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
241  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float Sqrt(float arg)
Definition: gfloat.h:76
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
__forceinline float LengthSquared ( ) const
The 'Length' squared of this point. This is v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y+v.z*v.z.
243  {
244  return (x*x+y*y+z*z);
245  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
int MaxComponent ( ) const
int MinComponent ( ) const
Point3 Normalize ( ) const
Point3 FNormalize ( ) const
__forceinline Point3 & operator-= ( const Point3 a)
Subtracts a Point3 from this Point3.
259  {
260  x -= a.x; y -= a.y; z -= a.z;
261  return *this;
262  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
__forceinline Point3 & operator+= ( const Point3 a)
Adds a Point3 to this Point3.
264  {
265  x += a.x; y += a.y; z += a.z;
266  return *this;
267  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
__forceinline Point3 & operator*= ( float  f)
Multiplies this Point3 by a floating point value.
269  {
270  x *= f; y *= f; z *= f;
271  return *this;
272  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
__forceinline Point3 & operator/= ( float  f)
Divides this Point3 by a floating point value.
274  {
275  x /= f; y /= f; z /= f;
276  return *this;
277  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
__forceinline Point3 & operator*= ( const Point3 a)
Element-by-element multiplication of two Point3s:

(x*x, y*y, z*z).
279  {
280  x *= a.x; y *= a.y; z *= a.z;
281  return *this;
282  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
__forceinline Point3 & Set ( float  X,
float  Y,
float  Z 
284  {
285  x = X;
286  y = Y;
287  z = Z;
288  return *this;
289  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
int operator== ( const Point3 p) const
Equality operator. Test for equality between two Point3's.
Nonzero if the Point3's are equal; otherwise 0.
151  {
152  return ((p.x==x)&&(p.y==y)&&(p.z==z));
153  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
int operator!= ( const Point3 p) const
154  {
155  return ((p.x!=x)||(p.y!=y)||(p.z!=z));
156  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
int Equals ( const Point3 p,
float  epsilon = 1E-6f 
) const
Point3& Unify ( )
float LengthUnify ( )
__forceinline Point3 operator- ( const Point3 b) const
Subtracts a Point3 from a Point3.
291  {
292  return(Point3(x-b.x,y-b.y,z-b.z));
293  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
Definition: point3.h:59
__forceinline Point3 operator+ ( const Point3 b) const
Adds a Point3 to a Point3.
295  {
296  return(Point3(x+b.x,y+b.y,z+b.z));
297  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
Definition: point3.h:59
__forceinline Point3 operator/ ( const Point3 b) const
Divides a Point3 by a Point3 element by element.
299  {
300  assert(b.x != 0.0f && b.y != 0.0f && b.z != 0.0f);
301  return Point3(x/b.x,y/b.y,z/b.z);
302  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
#define assert(expr)
Definition: assert1.h:73
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
Definition: point3.h:59
__forceinline Point3 operator* ( const Point3 b) const
Multiplies a Point3 by a Point3 element by element.

(x*x, y*y, z*z).
304  {
305  return Point3(x*b.x, y*b.y, z*b.z);
306  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
Definition: point3.h:59
Point3 operator^ ( const Point3 ) const
The cross product of two Point3's (vectors).
The cross product of two Point3's.
__forceinline float operator% ( const Point3 b) const
308  {
309  return (x*b.x + y*b.y + z*b.z);
310  }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float z
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
__forceinline Point2 XY ( ) const

Converts this Point3 into a Point2 using the X and Y components. Useful for passing a Point3 where a Point2 is expected.

313 {
314  return Point2(x, y);
315 }
float y
Definition: point3.h:55
float x
Definition: point3.h:55
Definition: point2.h:41

Member Data Documentation

float x
float y
float z
const Point3 Origin
const Point3 XAxis
const Point3 YAxis
const Point3 ZAxis