Method Groups for Class IParamBlock2

Method Groups for Class IParamBlock2

The methods in this class are grouped below.

(Links go to the IParamBlock2 Class Reference page.)

Version / Parameter Number / Local Name / ParamDef / BlockID / Owner Access
IParamBlock2::GetParamDef(ParamID id)=0
Descriptor Access
IParamBlock2::SetDesc(ParamBlockDesc2* desc)=0
Index-to/from-ID Methods
IParamBlock2::IDtoIndex(ParamID id)=0
Super Class ID Access
IParamBlock2::GetAnimParamControlType(int anim)=0
IParamBlock2::GetParamControlType(ParamID id)=0
Parameter Type and Local Name
IParamBlock2::GetParameterType(ParamID id)=0
IParamBlock2::GetLocalName(ParamID id, int tabIndex = -1)=0
SetValue() Parameter Accessors
IParamBlock2::SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, float v, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, int v, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Point3& v, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Color& v, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, TCHAR* v, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Mtl*v, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Texmap* v, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, PBBitmap* v, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, INode* v, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, ReferenceTarget*v, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Matrix3& v, int tabIndex=0)
GetValue() Parameter Accessors
IParamBlock2::GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, float& v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, int& v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Point3& v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Color& v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, TCHAR*& v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Mtl*& v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Texmap*& v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, PBBitmap*& v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, INode*& v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, ReferenceTarget*& v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Matrix3& v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)
Shortcut Get Methods
IParamBlock2::GetColor(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetPoint3(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetInt(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetFloat(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetTimeValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetMtl(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetStr(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetTexmap(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetBitmap(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetINode(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetReferenceTarget(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetPB2Value(ParamID id, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetMatrix3(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0
Table (Tab<>) Management
IParamBlock2::Count(ParamID id)=0
IParamBlock2::ZeroCount(ParamID id)=0
IParamBlock2::SetCount(ParamID id, int n)=0
IParamBlock2::Delete(ParamID id, int start,int num)=0
IParamBlock2::Resize(ParamID id, int num)=0
IParamBlock2::Shrink(ParamID id)=0
IParamBlock2::Sort(ParamID id, CompareFnc cmp)=0
Table (Tab<>) Insert Methods
IParamBlock2::Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, float* el)=0
IParamBlock2::Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, Point3** el)=0
IParamBlock2::Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, Color** el)=0
IParamBlock2::Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, TimeValue* el)=0
IParamBlock2::Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, TCHAR** vel)=0
IParamBlock2::Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, Mtl** el)=0
IParamBlock2::Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, Texmap** el)=0
IParamBlock2::Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, PBBitmap** el)=0
IParamBlock2::Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, INode** v)=0
IParamBlock2::Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, ReferenceTarget** el)=0
IParamBlock2::Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, Matrix3** el)=0
Table (Tab<>) Append Methods
IParamBlock2::Append(ParamID id, int num, float* el, int allocExtra=0)=0
IParamBlock2::Append(ParamID id, int num, Point3** el, int allocExtra=0)=0
IParamBlock2::Append(ParamID id, int num, Color** el, int allocExtra=0)=0
IParamBlock2::Append(ParamID id, int num, TimeValue* el, int allocExtra=0)=0
IParamBlock2::Append(ParamID id, int num, TCHAR** el, int allocExtra=0)=0
IParamBlock2::Append(ParamID id, int num, Mtl** el, int allocExtra=0)=0
IParamBlock2::Append(ParamID id, int num, Texmap** el, int allocExtra=0)=0
IParamBlock2::Append(ParamID id, int num, PBBitmap** el, int allocExtra=0)=0
IParamBlock2::Append(ParamID id, int num, INode** el, int allocExtra=0)=0
IParamBlock2::Append(ParamID id, int num, ReferenceTarget** el, int allocExtra=0)=0
IParamBlock2::Append(ParamID id, int num, Matrix3** el, int allocExtra=0)=0
Keyframe Checking
IParamBlock2::KeyFrameAtTime(int i, TimeValue t, int tabIndex=0)
IParamBlock2::KeyFrameAtTime(ParamID id, TimeValue t, int tabIndex=0)
Controller Access
IParamBlock2::RemoveController(int i, int tabIndex)=0
IParamBlock2::GetController(ParamID id, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetController(int i, int tabIndex)=0
IParamBlock2::SetController(int i, int tabIndex, Control *c, BOOL preserveFrame0Value=TRUE)=0
IParamBlock2::SwapControllers(int i1, int tabIndex1, int i2, int tabIndex2)=0
Reference Related Methods
IParamBlock2::GetRefNum(int i, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetControllerRefNum(int i, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::LastNotifyParamID(int& tabIndex)=0
IParamBlock2::RefDeleted(ParamID id, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::EnableNotifications(BOOL onOff)=0
Anim Num / Param ID Conversion
IParamBlock2::GetAnimNum(ParamID id, int tabIndex=0)=0
IParamBlock2::AnimNumToParamNum(int animNum, int& tabIndex)=0
Parameter Dimension Related Methods
IParamBlock2::GetParamDimension(int subAnim)=0
IParamBlock2::RescaleParam(int paramNum, int tabIndex, float f)=0
Parameter Map Access
IParamBlock2::SetMap(IParamMap2* m, MapID map_id = 0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetMap(MapID map_id = 0)=0
Rollout Access
IParamBlock2::SetRolloutOpen(BOOL open, MapID map_id = 0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetRolloutOpen(MapID map_id = 0)=0
IParamBlock2::SetRolloutScrollPos(int pos, MapID map_id = 0)=0
IParamBlock2::GetRolloutScrollPos(MapID map_id = 0)=0
ParamDlg Access
MAXScript Default Parameter Initialization
Alias Maintenance
IParamBlock2::DefineParamAlias(TCHAR* alias_name, ParamID id, int tabIndex=-1)=0
IParamBlock2::FindParamAlias(TCHAR* alias_name)=0
IParamBlock2::FindParamAlias(ParamID id, int tabIndex=-1)=0
IParamBlock2::GetParamAlias(int i)=0
SubAnim Numbering Related Methods
IParamBlock2::SetSubAnimNum(ParamID id, int subAnimNum, int tabIndex=0)=0
Copying Parameter Values Between Blocks
IParamBlock2::Assign(ParamID id, IParamBlock2* src, ParamID src_id)=0
Finding Parameter IDs
IParamBlock2::FindRefParam(ReferenceTarget* ref, int& tabIndex)=0
Reset To Default Values
IParamBlock2::ResetAll(BOOL updateUI = TRUE, BOOL callSetHandlers = TRUE)=0
IParamBlock2::Reset(ParamID id, int tabIndex=-1, BOOL updateUI = TRUE, BOOL callSetHandlers = TRUE)=0
PBAccessor Get / Set Methods
IParamBlock2::CallSet(ParamID id, int tabIndex=-1)=0
IParamBlock2::CallGet(ParamID id, int tabIndex=-1)=0
Validity of Parameters
IParamBlock2::GetValidity(TimeValue t, Interval &valid)=0