custcont.h File Reference

#include "maxheap.h"
#include "winutil.h"
#include "buildver.h"
#include "strclass.h"
#include "actiontableTypedefs.h"
#include "acolor.h"
#include "baseinterface.h"
#include "RollupConstants.h"


class  DADMgr
class  ICustomControl
class  CUIPosData
class  CUIFrameMsgHandler
class  ICUIFrame
class  ICUIFrameDestructorPolicy
 Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICUIFrame pointers. More...
class  CUIFrameMgr
class  MacroButtonData
class  ISpinnerControl
class  ISpinnerControlDestructorPolicy
 Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ISpinnerControl pointers. More...
class  ISliderControl
class  ISliderControlDestructorPolicy
 Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ISliderControl pointers. More...
class  IRollupCallback
 class IRollupCallback : public InterfaceServer More...
class  IRollupPanel
 class IRollupPanel : public InterfaceServer More...
class  IRollupRCMenuItem
 class IRollupRCMenuItem : public InterfaceServer More...
class  IRollupWindow
class  IRollupWindowDestructorPolicy
 Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping IRollupWindow pointers. More...
class  ICustEdit
class  ICustEditDestructorPolicy
 Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustEdit pointers. More...
class  ICustStatusEdit
class  ICustStatusEditDestructorPolicy
 Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustStatusEdit pointers. More...
class  FlyOffData
class  ICustButton
class  ICustButtonDestructorPolicy
 Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustButton pointers. More...
class  ICustStatus
class  ICustStatusDestructorPolicy
 Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustStatus pointers. More...
class  ICustSeparator
class  ICustSeparatorDestructorPolicy
 Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustSeparator pointers. More...
class  ToolItem
class  ToolButtonItem
 This class describes the properties of a 3ds Max custom toolbar button. More...
class  ToolMacroItem
class  ToolSeparatorItem
class  ToolStatusItem
class  ToolOtherItem
class  ICustToolbar
class  ICustToolbarDestructorPolicy
 Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustToolbar pointers. More...
class  ICustImage
class  ICustImageDestructorPolicy
 Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustImage pointers. More...
class  IOffScreenBuf
class  IColorSwatch
class  IColorSwatchDestructorPolicy
 Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping IColorSwatch pointers. More...
class  IColorSwatchRenamer

class IColorSwatchRenamer

class  IDADWindow
class  IDADWindowDestructorPolicy
 Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping IDADWindow pointers. More...


#define I_EXEC_CB_NO_BORDER   0xA000
 Pass this to CustButton::Execute() to turnoff borders, like in the toolbar. More...
#define I_EXEC_CS_NO_BORDER   0xA001
 Pass this to CustStatus::Execute() to turnoff borders, like in the toolbar. More...
#define I_EXEC_SPINNER_RESET   0xA002
 Set a spinner back to its Reset value. More...
 When called during a CC_SPINNER_xxx messages, it will return true if the msg was triggered by a right-click reset. More...
 disable the alt key spinner behaviour More...
 enable the alt key spinner behaviour More...
 disable the one click spinner behaviour with alt or ctrl down More...
 enable the one click spinner behaviour with alt or ctrl down More...
 enable or disable button drag & drop within a toolbar More...
#define I_EXEC_GET_TOOLTIP_HWND   0xA009
 return the hwnd for the tooltip More...
#define OWNER_NODE   1
#define OWNER_MTL_TEX   2
#define OWNER_SCENE   3
#define OWNER_BROWSE_NEW   4
#define OWNER_BROWSE_LIB   5
#define CUIFRAMECLASS   _M("CUIFrame")
#define CUI_TOOLBAR   (1<<0)
 set if frame holds toolbars and/or tool palettes More...
#define CUI_MENU   (1<<1)
 set if frame holds a menu More...
#define CUI_HWND   (1<<2)
 set if frame hold a generic hWnd More...
#define CUI_TOP_DOCK   (1<<0)
 Can be docked at the top. More...
#define CUI_BOTTOM_DOCK   (1<<1)
 Can be docked at the bottom. More...
#define CUI_LEFT_DOCK   (1<<2)
 Can be docked on the left. More...
#define CUI_RIGHT_DOCK   (1<<3)
 Can be docked at the right. More...
 Can be docked at any of the four positions. More...
 Can be docked at the top or bottom. More...
 Can be docked at the left or right. More...
#define CUI_FLOATABLE   (1<<4)
 Can be floated. More...
#define CUI_FLOATING   (1<<4)
 Synonym for CUI_FLOATABLE. More...
#define CUI_CONNECTABLE   (1<<5)
 Not currently implemented. More...
#define CUI_SM_HANDLES   (1<<6)
 Set if frame should display size/move handles. More...
#define CUI_SLIDING   (1<<7)
 Frame doesn't butt up against the one next to it. More...
#define CUI_MAX_SIZED   (1<<8)
 Frame takes up the entire row. More...
#define CUI_DONT_SAVE   (1<<9)
 Don't save this CUI frame in the .cui file. More...
#define CUI_HAS_MENUBAR   (1<<10)
 CUI frames that have a menu bar need to be treated differently. More...
#define CUI_MINIMIZED_DOCKABLE   (1<<11)
 CUI frames can be minimized docked, which has an minimized handle to allow expanding. More...
#define CUI_MINIMIZED_DOCK   (1<<12)
 CUI frmaes are minimized docked. More...
#define CUI_NO_PANEL   0
 Turn off docking. More...
 Docks to the top of the viewport. More...
 Docks to the bottom of the viewport. More...
 Docks to the left of the viewport. More...
 Docks to the right of the viewport. More...
 docs anywhere More...
#define CUI_FLOATING_PANELS   (1<<4)
 Signifies a floating panel. More...
 All options combined. More...
#define CUI_POSDATA_MSG   (WM_APP + 0x3412)
 used for retrieving CUIFrame position data More...
#define CUI_SUBFRAME_ADDED_MSG   (WM_APP + 0x3413)
 tells a parent window that an ICUIFrame has been added More...
#define CUI_SUBFRAME_REMOVED_MSG   (WM_APP + 0x3414)
 tells a parent window that an ICUIFrame has been removed More...
 Set MacroButtonStates is about to be called on the toolbar. More...
 tells a parent window that a subframe's active state has changed More...
#define CUI_NONE   0
 Docked horizontally. More...
 Docked vertically. More...
 Floating. More...
#define CUI_MIN_TB_WIDTH   25
#define CUI_MENU_HIDE   0
#define CUI_MIN_SIZE   0
 The minimum size. More...
#define CUI_MAX_SIZE   1
 The maximum size. More...
#define CUI_PREF_SIZE   2
 3ds Max does not currently take advantage of this size, only MIN and MAX are used. More...
#define CUI_SIZE_16   16
#define CUI_SIZE_24   24
#define CUI_MASK_NONE   0
#define CUI_MASK_MONO   1
#define CUI_MASK_ALPHA   2
#define CUI_EDIT_NONE   0
#define CUI_EDIT_KBD   (1<<0)
#define CUI_EDIT_SCRIPT   (1<<1)
#define CUI_EDIT_ORDER   (1<<2)
#define CUI_MODE_NORMAL   0
#define CUI_MODE_EDIT   1
#define MB_TYPE_KBD   1
#define MB_TYPE_SCRIPT   2
#define MB_TYPE_ACTION   3
#define MB_FLAG_ENABLED   (1 << 0)
#define MB_FLAG_CHECKED   (1 << 1)
#define SPINNERWINDOWCLASS   _M("SpinnerControl")
 LOWORD(wParam) = ctrlID,

HIWORD(wParam) = TRUE if user is dragging the spinner interactively. More...
 LOWORD(wParam) = ctrlID,

lParam = pointer to ISpinnerControl

. More...
 LOWORD(wParam) = ctrlID,

HIWORD(wParam) = FALSE if user cancelled - TRUE otherwise

lParam = pointer to ISpinnerControl. More...
 LOWORD(wParam) = ctrlID,

HIWORD(wParam) = Param ID in Paramblock2

lParam = pointer to ParamDef - range_high & range_low of ParamDef is the limits users try to set
This Message is used when users choose "Set Max Limit"/"Set Min Limit" on right-click menu of the spinner box of Custom Attributes. More...
 lParam = A string containing MAXScript to be executed

wParam = Result(FPValue*) to be returned by Script Execution

This Message is used when a MAXScript should be executed in other thread More...
 This Message is used when users choose "Visual Editor" on right-click menu of the spinner box of Custom Attributes. More...
#define SLIDERWINDOWCLASS   _M("SliderControl")
#define CC_SLIDER_CHANGE   WM_USER + 611
 LOWORD(wParam) = ctrlID,

HIWORD(wParam) = TRUE if user is dragging the slider interactively. More...
 LOWORD(wParam) = ctrlID,

lParam = pointer to ISliderControl. More...
 LOWORD(wParam) = ctrlID,

HIWORD(wParam) = FALSE if user cancelled - TRUE otherwise

lParam = pointer to ISliderControl. More...
#define ROLLUPWINDOWCLASS   _M("RollupWindow")
#define APPENDROLL_CLOSED   (1<<0)
#define DONTAUTOCLOSE   (1<<1)
#define ROLLUP_SAVECAT   (1<<2)
#define ROLLUP_NOBORDER   (1<<4)
#define CUSTEDITWINDOWCLASS   _M("CustEdit")
#define CUSTBUTTONWINDOWCLASS   _M("CustButton")
#define CC_COMMAND   WM_USER + 700
#define CC_CMD_SET_TYPE   23
#define CC_CMD_SET_STATE   24
#define CC_CMD_HILITE_COLOR   25
#define RED_WASH   RGB(255,192,192)
#define GREEN_WASH   (ColorMan()->GetColor(kActiveCommand))
#define BLUE_WASH   (ColorMan()->GetColor(kPressedHierarchyButton))
#define SUBOBJ_COLOR   (ColorMan()->GetColor(kSubObjectColor))
#define BN_BUTTONDOWN   8173
#define BN_BUTTONUP   8174
#define BN_RIGHTCLICK   8183
#define BN_FLYOFF   8187
#define CMF_TOOLBUTTON   9274
#define FLY_VARIABLE   1
#define FLY_UP   2
#define FLY_DOWN   3
#define FLY_HVARIABLE   4
#define FLY_LEFT   5
#define FLY_RIGHT   6
#define CUSTSTATUSWINDOWCLASS   _M("CustStatus")
#define CUSTSEPARATORWINDOWCLASS   _M("CustSeparator")
#define CUSTTOOLBARWINDOWCLASS   _M("CustToolbar")
#define TB_RIGHTCLICK   0x2861
#define CENTER_TOOL_VERTICALLY   0xffffffff
#define CUSTIMAGEWINDOWCLASS   _M("CustImage")
#define CC_COLOR_CHANGE   WM_USER + 603
#define CC_COLOR_SEL   WM_USER + 604
#define CC_COLOR_DROP   WM_USER + 605
#define CC_COLOR_CLOSE   WM_USER + 608
#define COLORSWATCHWINDOWCLASS   _M("ColorSwatch")
#define COLOR_SWATCH_RENAMER_INTERFACE_51   Interface_ID(0x5a684953, 0x1fc043dc)
#define DADWINDOWCLASS   _M("DragDropWindow")


typedef voidRollupState
typedef LRESULT CALLBACK PaintProc(HDC hdc, Rect rect, BOOL in, BOOL checked, BOOL enabled)
typedef LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)


enum  EditSpinnerType {
enum  CustButType { CBT_PUSH, CBT_CHECK }
enum  ToolItemType {


CoreExport HBRUSH GetLTGrayBrush ()
CoreExport HBRUSH GetDKGrayBrush ()
CoreExport void MakeBrushesSolid (BOOL onOff)
CoreExport HFONT GetFixedFont ()
 Return the fixed font used by 3ds Max. More...
CoreExport HFONT GetFixedFont_LocalCharSet ()
 Return the fixed font used by 3ds Max, based on the 3ds Max's language and character set. For internal use only. More...
CoreExport HFONT GetFixedFontBold ()
 Return the fixed bold font used by 3ds Max. More...
CoreExport HFONT GetFixedFontBold_LocalCharSet ()
 Return the fixed bold font used by 3ds Max, based on the 3ds Max's language and character set. For internal use only. More...
CoreExport LONG GetFixedFontHeight ()
 Returns the height of the fixed font used by 3ds Max. More...
CoreExport LONG GetFixedFontHeightSmall ()
 Returns the height of the small fixed font used by 3ds Max. More...
CoreExport DWORD GetFixedFontCharset ()
 Returns the fixed font character set for the language currently used by 3ds Max. More...
CoreExport const MCHARGetFixedFontFace ()
 Returns the font face string for the fixed font used by 3ds Max. More...
CoreExport HFONT GetUIFont ()
 Return the standard font used in 3ds Max's user interface. More...
CoreExport HFONT GetUIFont_LocalCharSet ()
 Return the standard font used in 3ds Max's user interface, depending on the language and charset. For internal use only. More...
CoreExport HFONT GetUIFontBold ()
 Return the standard bold font used in 3ds Max's user interface. More...
CoreExport HFONT GetUIFontBold_LocalCharSet ()
 Return the standard bold font used in 3ds Max's user interface, depending on the language and charset. For internal use only. More...
CoreExport LONG GetUIFontHeight ()
 Returns the height of standard font which used in 3ds Max's user interface. More...
CoreExport LONG GetUIFontHeightSmall ()
 Returns the height of small font which used in 3ds Max's user interface. More...
CoreExport DWORD GetUIFontCharset ()
 Returns character set for the current language used in 3ds Max's user interface. More...
CoreExport const MCHARGetUIFontFace ()
 Returns the font face string for the standard font used in 3ds Max's user interface. More...
CoreExport HCURSOR GetPanCursor ()
CoreExport void UpdateButtonOutlines ()
CoreExport ICUIFrameGetICUIFrame (HWND hCtrl)
CoreExport void ReleaseICUIFrame (ICUIFrame *icf)
CoreExport HWND CreateCUIFrameWindow (HWND hParent, const MCHAR *title, int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
CoreExport CUIFrameMgrGetCUIFrameMgr ()
CoreExport void DoCUICustomizeDialog ()
CoreExport BOOL AllFloatersAreHidden ()
CoreExport void ResizeFloatingTB (HWND hWnd)
CoreExport ISpinnerControlGetISpinner (HWND hCtrl)
CoreExport void ReleaseISpinner (ISpinnerControl *isc)
CoreExport void SetSnapSpinner (BOOL b)
CoreExport BOOL GetSnapSpinner ()
CoreExport void SetSnapSpinValue (float f)
CoreExport float GetSnapSpinValue ()
CoreExport void SetSpinnerPrecision (int p)
CoreExport int GetSpinnerPrecision ()
CoreExport void SetSpinnerWrap (int w)
CoreExport int GetSpinnerWrap ()
CoreExport ISliderControlGetISlider (HWND hCtrl)
CoreExport void ReleaseISlider (ISliderControl *isc)
CoreExport ISliderControlSetupIntSlider (HWND hwnd, int idSlider, int idEdit, int min, int max, int val, int numSegs)
CoreExport ISliderControlSetupFloatSlider (HWND hwnd, int idSlider, int idEdit, float min, float max, float val, int numSegs)
CoreExport ISliderControlSetupUniverseSlider (HWND hwnd, int idSlider, int idEdit, float min, float max, float val, int numSegs)
CoreExport void SetSliderDragNotify (BOOL onOff)
CoreExport BOOL GetSliderDragNotify ()
CoreExport BOOL IsRollupPanelOpen (HWND hDlg)
CoreExport IRollupWindowGetIRollup (HWND hCtrl)
CoreExport void ReleaseIRollup (IRollupWindow *irw)
CoreExport ICustEditGetICustEdit (HWND hCtrl)
CoreExport void ReleaseICustEdit (ICustEdit *ice)
CoreExport ICustStatusEditGetICustStatusEdit (HWND hCtrl)
CoreExport void ReleaseICustStatusEdit (ICustStatusEdit *ice)
CoreExport ICustButtonGetICustButton (HWND hCtrl)
CoreExport void ReleaseICustButton (ICustButton *icb)
CoreExport ICustStatusGetICustStatus (HWND hCtrl)
CoreExport void ReleaseICustStatus (ICustStatus *ics)
CoreExport ICustSeparatorGetICustSeparator (HWND hCtrl)
CoreExport void ReleaseICustSeparator (ICustSeparator *ics)
CoreExport ICustToolbarGetICustToolbar (HWND hCtrl)
CoreExport void ReleaseICustToolbar (ICustToolbar *ict)
CoreExport ICustImageGetICustImage (HWND hCtrl)
CoreExport void ReleaseICustImage (ICustImage *ici)
CoreExport IOffScreenBufCreateIOffScreenBuf (HWND hWnd)
CoreExport void DestroyIOffScreenBuf (IOffScreenBuf *iBuf)
CoreExport IColorSwatchGetIColorSwatch (HWND hCtrl, COLORREF col, const MCHAR *name)
CoreExport IColorSwatchGetIColorSwatch (HWND hCtrl, Color col, const MCHAR *name)
CoreExport IColorSwatchGetIColorSwatch (HWND hCtrl, AColor col, const MCHAR *name)
CoreExport IColorSwatchGetIColorSwatch (HWND hCtrl)
CoreExport void ReleaseIColorSwatch (IColorSwatch *ics)
CoreExport void RefreshAllColorSwatches ()
CoreExport IDADWindowGetIDADWindow (HWND hWnd)
CoreExport void ReleaseIDADWindow (IDADWindow *idw)
CoreExport void InstallThumbTack (HWND hwnd)
 This function installs a thumb tack in the title bar of a window which forces the window to the top. More...
CoreExport void RemoveThumbTack (HWND hwnd)
CoreExport ISpinnerControlSetupIntSpinner (HWND hwnd, int idSpin, int idEdit, int min, int max, int val)
 Handy routines for setting up Integer Spinners. More...
CoreExport ISpinnerControlSetupFloatSpinner (HWND hwnd, int idSpin, int idEdit, float min, float max, float val, float scale=0.1f)
 Handy routines for setting up Floating Point and Universe Spinners. More...
CoreExport ISpinnerControlSetupUniverseSpinner (HWND hwnd, int idSpin, int idEdit, float min, float max, float val, float scale=0.1f)
CoreExport void SetSpinDragNotify (BOOL onOff)
CoreExport BOOL GetSpinDragNotify ()
CoreExport void DisableAccelerators ()
CoreExport void EnableAccelerators ()
CoreExport BOOL AcceleratorsEnabled ()
CoreExport void SetSaveRequiredFlag (BOOL requireSave=TRUE, BOOL requireAutoBackupSave=TRUE)
 Explicitly marks the scene as changed. More...
CoreExport BOOL GetSaveRequiredFlag ()
 Retrieves the internal save required flag. More...
CoreExport BOOL IsSaveRequired ()
 This tells if the scene needs to be saved. More...
CoreExport BOOL IsAutoSaveRequired ()
 This tells if the current scene needs to be backed up. More...

Macro Definition Documentation

#define I_EXEC_CB_NO_BORDER   0xA000

Pass this to CustButton::Execute() to turnoff borders, like in the toolbar.

#define I_EXEC_CS_NO_BORDER   0xA001

Pass this to CustStatus::Execute() to turnoff borders, like in the toolbar.

#define I_EXEC_SPINNER_RESET   0xA002

Set a spinner back to its Reset value.


When called during a CC_SPINNER_xxx messages, it will return true if the msg was triggered by a right-click reset.


disable the alt key spinner behaviour


enable the alt key spinner behaviour


disable the one click spinner behaviour with alt or ctrl down


enable the one click spinner behaviour with alt or ctrl down


enable or disable button drag & drop within a toolbar

#define I_EXEC_GET_TOOLTIP_HWND   0xA009

return the hwnd for the tooltip

#define OWNER_NODE   1
#define OWNER_MTL_TEX   2
#define OWNER_SCENE   3
#define OWNER_BROWSE_NEW   4
#define OWNER_BROWSE_LIB   5
#define CUIFRAMECLASS   _M("CUIFrame")
#define CUI_TOOLBAR   (1<<0)

set if frame holds toolbars and/or tool palettes

#define CUI_MENU   (1<<1)

set if frame holds a menu

#define CUI_HWND   (1<<2)

set if frame hold a generic hWnd

#define CUI_POSDATA_MSG   (WM_APP + 0x3412)

used for retrieving CUIFrame position data

#define CUI_SUBFRAME_ADDED_MSG   (WM_APP + 0x3413)

tells a parent window that an ICUIFrame has been added

#define CUI_SUBFRAME_REMOVED_MSG   (WM_APP + 0x3414)

tells a parent window that an ICUIFrame has been removed


Set MacroButtonStates is about to be called on the toolbar.


tells a parent window that a subframe's active state has changed

#define CUI_MIN_TB_WIDTH   25
#define CUI_MENU_HIDE   0
#define CUI_SIZE_16   16
#define CUI_SIZE_24   24
#define CUI_MASK_NONE   0
#define CUI_MASK_MONO   1
#define CUI_MASK_ALPHA   2
#define CUI_EDIT_NONE   0
#define CUI_EDIT_KBD   (1<<0)
#define CUI_EDIT_SCRIPT   (1<<1)
#define CUI_EDIT_ORDER   (1<<2)
#define CUI_MODE_NORMAL   0
#define CUI_MODE_EDIT   1
#define MB_TYPE_KBD   1
#define MB_TYPE_SCRIPT   2
#define MB_TYPE_ACTION   3
#define MB_FLAG_ENABLED   (1 << 0)
#define MB_FLAG_CHECKED   (1 << 1)
#define SPINNERWINDOWCLASS   _M("SpinnerControl")

LOWORD(wParam) = ctrlID,

HIWORD(wParam) = TRUE if user is dragging the spinner interactively.

lParam = pointer to ISpinnerControl


LOWORD(wParam) = ctrlID,

lParam = pointer to ISpinnerControl



LOWORD(wParam) = ctrlID,

HIWORD(wParam) = FALSE if user cancelled - TRUE otherwise

lParam = pointer to ISpinnerControl.


LOWORD(wParam) = ctrlID,

HIWORD(wParam) = Param ID in Paramblock2

lParam = pointer to ParamDef - range_high & range_low of ParamDef is the limits users try to set
This Message is used when users choose "Set Max Limit"/"Set Min Limit" on right-click menu of the spinner box of Custom Attributes.


lParam = A string containing MAXScript to be executed

wParam = Result(FPValue*) to be returned by Script Execution

This Message is used when a MAXScript should be executed in other thread


This Message is used when users choose "Visual Editor" on right-click menu of the spinner box of Custom Attributes.

#define SLIDERWINDOWCLASS   _M("SliderControl")
#define CC_SLIDER_CHANGE   WM_USER + 611

LOWORD(wParam) = ctrlID,

HIWORD(wParam) = TRUE if user is dragging the slider interactively.

lParam = pointer to ISliderControl


LOWORD(wParam) = ctrlID,

lParam = pointer to ISliderControl.


LOWORD(wParam) = ctrlID,

HIWORD(wParam) = FALSE if user cancelled - TRUE otherwise

lParam = pointer to ISliderControl.

#define ROLLUPWINDOWCLASS   _M("RollupWindow")
#define APPENDROLL_CLOSED   (1<<0)
#define DONTAUTOCLOSE   (1<<1)
#define ROLLUP_SAVECAT   (1<<2)
#define ROLLUP_NOBORDER   (1<<4)
#define CUSTEDITWINDOWCLASS   _M("CustEdit")
#define CUSTBUTTONWINDOWCLASS   _M("CustButton")
#define CC_COMMAND   WM_USER + 700
#define CC_CMD_SET_TYPE   23
#define CC_CMD_SET_STATE   24
#define CC_CMD_HILITE_COLOR   25
#define RED_WASH   RGB(255,192,192)
#define GREEN_WASH   (ColorMan()->GetColor(kActiveCommand))
#define BLUE_WASH   (ColorMan()->GetColor(kPressedHierarchyButton))
#define SUBOBJ_COLOR   (ColorMan()->GetColor(kSubObjectColor))
#define BN_BUTTONDOWN   8173
#define BN_BUTTONUP   8174
#define BN_RIGHTCLICK   8183
#define BN_FLYOFF   8187
#define CMF_TOOLBUTTON   9274
#define FLY_VARIABLE   1
#define FLY_UP   2
#define FLY_DOWN   3
#define FLY_HVARIABLE   4
#define FLY_LEFT   5
#define FLY_RIGHT   6
#define CUSTSTATUSWINDOWCLASS   _M("CustStatus")
#define CUSTSEPARATORWINDOWCLASS   _M("CustSeparator")
#define CUSTTOOLBARWINDOWCLASS   _M("CustToolbar")
#define TB_RIGHTCLICK   0x2861
#define CENTER_TOOL_VERTICALLY   0xffffffff
#define CUSTIMAGEWINDOWCLASS   _M("CustImage")
#define CC_COLOR_CHANGE   WM_USER + 603
#define CC_COLOR_SEL   WM_USER + 604
#define CC_COLOR_DROP   WM_USER + 605
#define CC_COLOR_CLOSE   WM_USER + 608
#define COLORSWATCHWINDOWCLASS   _M("ColorSwatch")
#define COLOR_SWATCH_RENAMER_INTERFACE_51   Interface_ID(0x5a684953, 0x1fc043dc)
#define DADWINDOWCLASS   _M("DragDropWindow")

Typedef Documentation

typedef void* RollupState
typedef LRESULT CALLBACK PaintProc(HDC hdc, Rect rect, BOOL in, BOOL checked, BOOL enabled)
typedef LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

Enumeration Type Documentation


Any integer value.


Any floating point value.


This is a value in world space units.

It respects the system's unit settings (for example feet and inches).


Any integer >= 0.


Any floating point value >= 0.0.


This is a positive value in world space units.

It respects the system's unit settings (for example feet and inches) .


This is a time value.

It respects the system time settings (SMPTE for example).

1571  {
1579  };
This is a positive value in world space units.
Definition: custcont.h:1577
This is a time value.
Definition: custcont.h:1578
Any integer >= 0.
Definition: custcont.h:1575
Any integer value.
Definition: custcont.h:1572
Any floating point value.
Definition: custcont.h:1573
This is a value in world space units.
Definition: custcont.h:1574
Any floating point value >= 0.0.
Definition: custcont.h:1576
Definition: custcont.h:3026
Definition: custcont.h:3026
3346  {
Definition: custcont.h:3349
Definition: custcont.h:3348
Definition: custcont.h:3347

Function Documentation

CoreExport HBRUSH GetLTGrayBrush ( )
CoreExport HBRUSH GetDKGrayBrush ( )
CoreExport void MakeBrushesSolid ( BOOL  onOff)
CoreExport HCURSOR GetPanCursor ( )
CoreExport void UpdateButtonOutlines ( )
CoreExport ICUIFrame* GetICUIFrame ( HWND  hCtrl)
Used to initialize and return a pointer to the CUI Frame control.
hCtrlwindow handle of the control.
CoreExport void ReleaseICUIFrame ( ICUIFrame icf)
Used to release the control when finished.
icfPoints to the control to release.
CoreExport HWND CreateCUIFrameWindow ( HWND  hParent,
const MCHAR title,
int  x,
int  y,
int  cx,
int  cy 
Creates a CUI Frame Window with the specified window handle, size and title parameters. Values of 0 may be passed for x, y, cx and cy. This indicates that the initial size doesn't matter. For example, when the 3ds Max CUI is created initially everything is docked. 3ds Max then calls CUIFrameMgr::RecalcLayout() which computes all the sizes. Thus the values passed don't matter since they are all going to be recalculated anyway.
hParenthandle of the parent window for the frame.
titletitle for the frame. This effectively calls SetName() below to establish a name for the frame.
xx coordinate of the upper left corner.
yy coordinate of the upper left corner.
cxx size.
cyy size.
If the function succeeds, the return value is the window handle to the dialog box. If the function fails, the return value is NULL.
CoreExport CUIFrameMgr* GetCUIFrameMgr ( )
Returns a pointer to the CUIFrameMgr which controls the overall operation of CUI Frames (the windows which contain toolbars, menus, the command panel, etc).
CoreExport void DoCUICustomizeDialog ( )
This global function presents the Customize User Interface dialog.
CoreExport BOOL AllFloatersAreHidden ( )
Returns TRUE if all floaters are hidden; otherwise FALSE.
CoreExport void ResizeFloatingTB ( HWND  hWnd)
CoreExport ISpinnerControl* GetISpinner ( HWND  hCtrl)
Used to initialize and return a pointer to the spinner control.
hCtrlwindow handle of the control.
CoreExport void ReleaseISpinner ( ISpinnerControl isc)
Used to release the control when finished.
iscPoints to the control to release.
CoreExport void SetSnapSpinner ( BOOL  b)
This activates or de-activates the global spinner snap toggle.

TRUE to activate; FALSE to de-activate.
CoreExport BOOL GetSnapSpinner ( )
Returns the global spinner snap setting; TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
CoreExport void SetSnapSpinValue ( float  f)
This sets the global spinner snap increment or decrement value.
float f

The value that is added to or subtracted from the current spinner value when the arrow buttons are pressed.
CoreExport float GetSnapSpinValue ( )
Returns the global spinner snap increment or decrement value.
CoreExport void SetSpinnerPrecision ( int  p)
Sets the precision (number of decimal places displayed) used by the spinner control. Note that this function also affects slider controls. See Class ISliderControl.
int p

The number of decimal places to display in the edit box linked to the spinner control.
CoreExport int GetSpinnerPrecision ( )
Returns the number of decimal places displayed in the edit box linked to a spinner control. Note that this function also affects slider controls. See Class ISliderControl.

Spinner controls have a global snap setting. This is set in 3ds Max using File/Preferences... in the General page by changing the Spinner Snap setting. When enabled this specifies an increment that is applied to the current spinner value each time the UP or DOWN buttons are pressed on the spinner control.
CoreExport void SetSpinnerWrap ( int  w)
CoreExport int GetSpinnerWrap ( )
CoreExport ISliderControl* GetISlider ( HWND  hCtrl)
Used to initialize and return a pointer to the slider control.
hCtrlwindow handle of the control.
CoreExport void ReleaseISlider ( ISliderControl isc)
Used to release the control when finished.
iscPoints to the control to release.
CoreExport ISliderControl* SetupIntSlider ( HWND  hwnd,
int  idSlider,
int  idEdit,
int  min,
int  max,
int  val,
int  numSegs 
This global function is used for setting up integer sliders. It performs the equivalent of the GetISlider(), SetLimits(), SetValue(), and LinkToEdit().
HWND hwnd

The handle of the dialog box in which the slider appears.

int idSlider

The ID of the slider.

int idEdit

The ID of the edit control.

int min

The minimum allowable value.

int max

The maximum allowable value.

int val

The initial value for the spinner.

int numSegs

The number of segments to use for the control.
A pointer to the slider control.
CoreExport ISliderControl* SetupFloatSlider ( HWND  hwnd,
int  idSlider,
int  idEdit,
float  min,
float  max,
float  val,
int  numSegs 
This global function is used for setting up floating point sliders. It performs the equivalent of the GetISlider(), SetLimits(), SetValue(), and LinkToEdit().
HWND hwnd

The handle of the dialog box in which the slider appears.

int idSlider

The ID of the slider.

int idEdit

The ID of the edit control.

float min

The minimum allowable value.

float max

The maximum allowable value.

float val

The initial value for the spinner.

int numSegs

The number of segments to use for the control.
A pointer to the slider control.
CoreExport ISliderControl* SetupUniverseSlider ( HWND  hwnd,
int  idSlider,
int  idEdit,
float  min,
float  max,
float  val,
int  numSegs 
This global function is used for setting up 'universal' value sliders (EDITTYPE_UNIVERSE – these display world space units). It performs the equivalent of the GetISlider(), SetLimits(), SetValue(), and LinkToEdit().
HWND hwnd

The handle of the dialog box in which the slider appears.

int idSlider

The ID of the slider.

int idEdit

The ID of the edit control.

float min

The minimum allowable value.

float max

The maximum allowable value.

float val

The initial value for the spinner.

int numSegs

The number of segments to use for the control.
A pointer to the slider control.
CoreExport void SetSliderDragNotify ( BOOL  onOff)
This function controls whether or not sliders send CC_SLIDER_CHANGE notifications while the user adjusts them with the mouse.
BOOL onOff

TRUE to turn on; FALSE to turn off.
CoreExport BOOL GetSliderDragNotify ( )
Returns TRUE if CC_SLIDER_CHANGE notifications are sent by sliders while the user adjusts them with the mouse; FALSE if they are not sent.
CoreExport BOOL IsRollupPanelOpen ( HWND  hDlg)
This function returns TRUE if a particular rollup panel is open given a handle to the dialog window in the panel.

Handle to the dialog window in the panel.
CoreExport IRollupWindow* GetIRollup ( HWND  hCtrl)
Used to initialize and return a pointer to the rollup window control.
hCtrlwindow handle of the control.
CoreExport void ReleaseIRollup ( IRollupWindow irw)
Used to release the control when finished.
irwPoints to the control to release.
CoreExport ICustEdit* GetICustEdit ( HWND  hCtrl)
Used to initialize and return a pointer to the custom edit control.
hCtrlwindow handle of the control.
CoreExport void ReleaseICustEdit ( ICustEdit ice)
Used to release the control when finished.
icePoints to the control to release.
CoreExport ICustStatusEdit* GetICustStatusEdit ( HWND  hCtrl)
Used to initialize and return a pointer to the custom status edit control.
hCtrlwindow handle of the control.
CoreExport void ReleaseICustStatusEdit ( ICustStatusEdit ice)
Used to release the control when finished.
icePoints to the control to release.
CoreExport ICustButton* GetICustButton ( HWND  hCtrl)
Used to initialize and return a pointer to the button control.
hCtrlwindow handle of the control.
CoreExport void ReleaseICustButton ( ICustButton icb)
Used to release the control when finished.
icbPoints to the control to release.
CoreExport ICustStatus* GetICustStatus ( HWND  hCtrl)
Used to initialize and return a pointer to the custom status control.
hCtrlwindow handle of the control.
CoreExport void ReleaseICustStatus ( ICustStatus ics)
Used to release the control when finished.
icsPoints to the control to release.
CoreExport ICustSeparator* GetICustSeparator ( HWND  hCtrl)
Used to initialize and return a pointer to the separator control.
hCtrlwindow handle of the control.
CoreExport void ReleaseICustSeparator ( ICustSeparator ics)
Used to release the control when finished.
icsPoints to the control to release.
CoreExport ICustToolbar* GetICustToolbar ( HWND  hCtrl)
Used to initialize and return a pointer to the toolbar control.
hCtrlwindow handle of the control.
CoreExport void ReleaseICustToolbar ( ICustToolbar ict)
Used to release the control when finished.
ictPoints to the control to release.
CoreExport ICustImage* GetICustImage ( HWND  hCtrl)
Used to initialize and return a pointer to the image control.
hCtrlwindow handle of the control.
CoreExport void ReleaseICustImage ( ICustImage ici)
Used to release the control when finished.
iciPoints to the control to release.
CoreExport IOffScreenBuf* CreateIOffScreenBuf ( HWND  hWnd)
CoreExport void DestroyIOffScreenBuf ( IOffScreenBuf iBuf)
CoreExport IColorSwatch* GetIColorSwatch ( HWND  hCtrl,
const MCHAR name 
Used to initialize and return a pointer to the color swatch control.
hCtrlwindow handle of the control.
colsets the initial color selected.
namesets the text string displayed in the title bar of the selection dialog.
CoreExport IColorSwatch* GetIColorSwatch ( HWND  hCtrl,
Color  col,
const MCHAR name 
Used to initialize and return a pointer to the color swatch control.
hCtrlwindow handle of the control.
colsets the initial color selected.
namesets the text string displayed in the title bar of the selection dialog.
CoreExport IColorSwatch* GetIColorSwatch ( HWND  hCtrl,
AColor  col,
const MCHAR name 
Used to initialize and return a pointer to the color swatch control.
hCtrlwindow handle of the control.
colsets the initial color selected.
namesets the text string displayed in the title bar of the selection dialog.
CoreExport IColorSwatch* GetIColorSwatch ( HWND  hCtrl)
Used to initialize and return a pointer to the color swatch control.
hCtrlwindow handle of the control.
CoreExport void ReleaseIColorSwatch ( IColorSwatch ics)
Used to release the control when finished.
icsPoints to the control to release.
CoreExport void RefreshAllColorSwatches ( )
Refresh all color swatches.
CoreExport IDADWindow* GetIDADWindow ( HWND  hWnd)
Used to initialize and return a pointer to the D&D window control.
hWndwindow handle of the control.
CoreExport void ReleaseIDADWindow ( IDADWindow idw)
Used to release the control when finished.
idwPoints to the control to release.
CoreExport void InstallThumbTack ( HWND  hwnd)

This function installs a thumb tack in the title bar of a window which forces the window to the top.

The window class for the window should have 4 extra bytes in the window structure for SetWindowLongPtr().

CoreExport void RemoveThumbTack ( HWND  hwnd)
CoreExport ISpinnerControl* SetupIntSpinner ( HWND  hwnd,
int  idSpin,
int  idEdit,
int  min,
int  max,
int  val 

Handy routines for setting up Integer Spinners.

This global function (not part of class ISpinnerControl) is used for setting up Spinners. It performs the equivalent of GetISpinner(), SetLimits(), SetValue(), and LinkToEdit(). WARNING: To prevent a Memory Leak, be sure to call ReleaseISpinner on the pointer that this function returns, or use AutoPtr and ISpinnerControlDestructorPolicy

hwnd- The handle of the dialog box in which the spinner appears.
idSpin- The ID of the spinner.
idEdit- The ID of the edit control.
min- The minimum allowable value.
max- The maximum allowable value.
val- The initial value for the spinner.
- A pointer to the spinner control.
CoreExport ISpinnerControl* SetupFloatSpinner ( HWND  hwnd,
int  idSpin,
int  idEdit,
float  min,
float  max,
float  val,
float  scale = 0.1f 

Handy routines for setting up Floating Point and Universe Spinners.

This global function (not part of class ISpinnerControl) is used for setting up Spinners. Internally it calls the GetISpinner(), SetLimits(), SetValue() and LinkToEdit() functions. WARNING: To prevent a Memory Leak, be sure to call ReleaseISpinner on the pointer that this function returns, or use AutoPtr and ISpinnerControlDestructorPolicy

hwnd- The handle of the dialog box in which the spinner appears.
idSpin- The ID of the spinner.
idEdit- The ID of the edit control.
min- The minimum allowable value.
max- The maximum allowable value.
val- The initial value for the spinner.
scale= 0.1f - The initial scale value for the spinner.
- A pointer to the spinner control.
Sample Code:
Sample code to initialize a spinner / edit control.
1 ISpinnerControl* spin = GetISpinner(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_SPIN_SPINNER));
2 spin->SetLimits(0.0f, 100.0f, FALSE);
3 spin->SetValue(100.0f, FALSE);
4 spin->LinkToEdit(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_SPIN_EDIT), EDITTYPE_FLOAT);
5 ReleaseISpinner(spin);
The above code could be replaced with the following simplified code:
1 ISpinnerControl* spin = SetupFloatSpinner(hDlg, IDC_SPIN_SPINNER, IDC_SPIN_EDIT, 0.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f);
2 ReleaseISpinner(spin);
CoreExport ISpinnerControl* SetupUniverseSpinner ( HWND  hwnd,
int  idSpin,
int  idEdit,
float  min,
float  max,
float  val,
float  scale = 0.1f 
CoreExport void SetSpinDragNotify ( BOOL  onOff)
This function controls whether or not spinners send CC_SPINNER_CHANGE notifications while the user adjusts them with the mouse.
BOOL onOff

TRUE to turn on; FALSE to turn off.
CoreExport BOOL GetSpinDragNotify ( )
Returns TRUE if CC_SPINNER_CHANGE notifications are sent by spinners while the user adjusts them with the mouse; FALSE if they are not sent.
CoreExport void DisableAccelerators ( )
CoreExport void EnableAccelerators ( )
CoreExport BOOL AcceleratorsEnabled ( )
CoreExport void SetSaveRequiredFlag ( BOOL  requireSave = TRUE,
BOOL  requireAutoBackupSave = TRUE 

Explicitly marks the scene as changed.

Some operations/commands are not undoable, but they do change the scene and as a result the scene should be saved or back-ed up after an autosave time interval elapsed. Such operations/commands must set the "save-required" and "auto-backup-required" flags explicitly by calling this method. Plugins should essentially never set the "auto-backup_required" flag to false.

requireSave- If TRUE the scene will be considered changed since it's been saved last time; otherwise the scene is considered changed if at least one undoable operation has occurred since it was last saved
requireAutoBackupSave- If TRUE the scene will be considered as requiring to be backed-up; otherwise the scene is considered as requiring a backup if at least one undoable operation has occurred since it was last back-ed up
CoreExport BOOL GetSaveRequiredFlag ( )

Retrieves the internal save required flag.

See also
void SetSaveRequiredFlag(BOOL requireSave = TRUE, BOOL requireAutoBackupSave = TRUE)
The value of the "save-required" flag as last set by the SetSaveRequiredFlag method.
CoreExport BOOL IsSaveRequired ( )

This tells if the scene needs to be saved.

Whenever an undoable operation is executed (by the user or otherwise), or SetSaveRequiredFlag is called with TRUE as its first parameter, the scene is considered different than its most recently saved version.

TRUE if the scene needs to be saved; FALSE otherwise.
CoreExport BOOL IsAutoSaveRequired ( )

This tells if the current scene needs to be backed up.

An autosave is required when (a) something has changed in the scene (a save is required) and (b) no autosave has been performed since the last scene change. The second condition (b) guarantees that the scene is backed up only once when a 3ds Max session is left unattended for a time that spans several autosave (autobackup) time intervals.

TRUE if an autosave should occur; FALSE otherwise.