mentalray/imrLightTranslation.h File Reference

imrLightTranslation.h File Reference
#include "../maxheap.h"
#include "../baseinterface.h"
#include "../coreexp.h"
#include "../maxtypes.h"


class  imrLightTranslation
 An interface used to translate custom lights to mental ray. More...
struct  imrLightTranslation::VectorStruct
 A simple vector structure, equivalent to miVector in the mental ray API. More...
union  imrLightTranslation::AreaPrimitive
 Describes an area primitive, equivalent to miLight::primitive in the mental ray API. More...
struct  imrLightTranslation::AreaPrimitive::AreaLight_rectangle
 Same as miLight_rectangle in the mental ray API. More...
struct  imrLightTranslation::AreaPrimitive::AreaLight_disc
 Same as miLight_disc in the mental ray API. More...
struct  imrLightTranslation::AreaPrimitive::AreaLight_sphere
 Same as miLight_sphere in the mental ray API. More...
struct  imrLightTranslation::AreaPrimitive::AreaLight_cylinder
 Same as miLight_cylinder in the mental ray API. More...