mnmesh.h File Reference

#include "maxheap.h"
#include "export.h"
#include "baseinterface.h"
#include "mncommon.h"
#include "hitdata.h"
#include "point3.h"
#include "bitarray.h"
#include "matrix3.h"
#include "box3.h"
#include "TabTypes.h"
#include "GraphicsConstants.h"
#include "channels.h"
#include "mesh.h"

File Description

This file contains a number of utility classes for manipulating triangle or generalized polygon meshes.

The following files contains important grouping of constants and flags:


class  MNVert
 The vertex class used with the MNMesh mesh. More...
class  MNEdge
 An edge used with the MNMesh mesh. More...
class  MNMapFace
 Used to store map vertex information for a given face and map channel. More...
class  MNFace
 The face structure used with the MNMesh mesh. More...
class  MNMap
 Holds the mapping information for a particular map channel of the MNMesh. More...
class  MNDiagonalHitData
 This class is used for hit-testing diagonals of polygons in Editable Poly and Edit Poly. More...
class  MNMesh
 The MNMesh class is provided for temporary use by plug-ins, to help with complex topology-based modifications to Meshes. More...
class  MNMeshBorder
 Hold boundary information for an MNMesh mesh. More...
class  MNFaceElement
 Used to assist in the process of sorting MNMesh faces into separate elements. More...
class  MNFaceClusters
 Used for grouping faces in an MNMesh into clusters for applying transformations. More...
class  MNEdgeClusters
 Represents a list of edge "clusters" for a given MNMesh. More...
class  MNChamferData
 Contains all the data needed to move points (and map vertices) as the user drags a chamfer or extrude. More...
class  MNTempData
 Used for caching face and edge clusters, vertex normals, and other derived data about an MNMesh. More...
class  IMNTempData10
 Interface for changes made to MNTempData in version 9.5. More...
class  BasisFinder
 Computes two components of a basis vector given a single input component. More...
class  MNMeshSelectionConverter
 When a Mesh object or modifier (such as Editable Mesh, Edit Mesh, or Mesh Select) handles viewport subobject selection, the flow is basically as follows from Editable Mesh. More...
class  MNMeshUtilities
 Provides a number of utility functions for working with MNMesh. More...
class  MNMapPreserveData
 This class is used to "preserve" mapping coordinates while moving vertices. More...
class  IMNMeshUtilities8
 IMNMeshUtilities8 extends the MNMeshUtilities class, adding new functionality applied on a MNMesh. More...
class  IMNMeshUtilities10
 Extends the MNMeshUtilities class, adding new functionality applied on a MNMesh. More...
class  IMNMeshUtilities13
 Extends the MNMeshUtilities class, adding new functionality applied on a MNMesh. More...




#define REALLOC_SIZE   10
 Enables Face Data in PolyObjects: More...
#define MN_MESH_NONTRI   (1<<0)
 At least 2 triangles have been joined. More...
#define MN_MESH_FILLED_IN   (1<<1)
 If set, all topological links, such as the list of edges, are complete. More...
#define MN_MESH_RATSNEST   (1<<2)
 Some regular Meshes have more than two faces referencing the same edge, or more than one referencing it in the same direction. More...
#define MN_MESH_NO_BAD_VERTS   (1<<3)
 This indicates that the mesh has had its vertices checked and "bad" ones eliminated by EliminateBadVerts. More...
#define MN_MESH_VERTS_ORDERED   (1<<4)
 Set if face and edge tables in each vertex are ordered by the methods MNMesh::OrderVerts(). More...
 Set if any of the face normals (fnorm) have become invalid. More...
#define MN_MESH_HAS_VOLUME   (1<<7)
 This mesh has at least one connected component which contains volume, i.e. More...
 Indicates that the MNMesh has only set some of the vertices as invalid and not to reprocess the entire mesh just the vertices that changed. More...
#define MNDISP_VERTTICKS   0x01
 Display vertex tick marks. More...
#define MNDISP_SELVERTS   0x02
 Display selected vertices. More...
#define MNDISP_SELFACES   0x04
 Display selected faces. More...
#define MNDISP_SELEDGES   0x08
 Display selected edges. More...
#define MNDISP_NORMALS   0x10
 Display face normals. More...
 Analogous to the Mesh display flag MESH_SMOOTH_SUBSEL, this indicates whether we should display smooth faces with selection-color outlines (TRUE) or transparent shaded faces (FALSE) More...
#define MNDISP_BEEN_DISP   0x40
 Set when the MNMesh has been displayed (at the end of the render method.) More...
#define MNDISP_DIAGONALS   0x80
 Set when diagonals should be displayed. More...
 Set when vertex color data (VDATA_COLOR, if present) should be used to draw edges (used by OpenSubdiv) More...
#define MNDISP_USE_EDGE_COLORS   0x400
 Set when edge color data (EDATA_COLOR, if present) should be used to draw vertices (used by OpenSubdiv) More...
#define IMNMESHUTILITIES10_INTERFACE_ID   Interface_ID(0x7b1acb31, 0x763982d5)
#define IMNMESHUTILITIES13_INTERFACE_ID   Interface_ID(0x4dfa07c3, 0x637941b0)
General MNMesh Component Flags

For MNVerts, MNEdges, and MNFaces, bits 0-7 are used for common characteristics of all components.

Bits 8-15 are used for component-specific flags. Bits 16-23 are reserved for temporary use in MNMesh algorithms. Bits 24-31 are reserved for MNMath.lib users.

#define MN_SEL   (1<<0)
 Indicates that a component is selected. More...
#define MN_DEAD   (1<<1)
 Indicates that a component is not used and should be ignored. More...
#define MN_TARG   (1<<2)
 Indicates that a component is targeted. More...
#define MN_BACKFACING   (1<<3)
 Indicates that the vertex faces "backwards" in the current viewport. More...
#define MN_HIDDEN   (1<<4)
#define MN_CACHEINVALID   (1<<5)
#define MN_INFOREGROUND   (1<<7)
 Tags a face as not renderable but can be hit-test. More...
#define MN_WHATEVER   (1<<16)
#define MN_LOCAL_SEL   (1<<17)
 Alternate selections (not passed up the pipe). More...
#define MN_HITTEST_CULLED   (1<<18)
 Used to indicate culled components (neither selected nor not selected) in window-region hit testing. More...
#define MN_USER   (1<<24)
 Any value above this can be used by applications. More...
Vertex Flags
#define MN_VERT_DONE   (1<<8)
 Set in algorithms that may accidentally revisit the same vertex (MNVertext twice, to keep them from processing it the second time. More...
#define MN_VERT_WELDED   (1<<9)
 Used by MNMesh::WeldBorderVerts() More...
 Track which vertices are direct "descendants" of the original cage vertices in subdivision. More...
Edge flags
#define MN_EDGE_INVIS   (1<<8)
 Both faces using this edge consider it invisible. More...
#define MN_EDGE_NOCROSS   (1<<9)
 This edge should not be crossed in algorithms like MNMesh::SabinDoo that can mix faces across edges. More...
#define MN_EDGE_MAP_SEAM   (1<<10)
 Track which edges are direct descendants of the original cage edges in subdivision. More...
 Track unwanted edges created by Cut, so they might be removed later. More...
#define MN_EDGE_CUT_EXTRA   (1<<12)
 Used with MNMesh::CutPrepare() and MNMEsh::CutCleanUp() More...
#define MN_EDGE_WAS_PROCESSED   (1<<13)
 This flag is a general-purpose informational one that methods can set to indicate edges that were processed as part of their work, so that callers can act on them if desired. More...
Interface IDs
#define IMNMESHUTILITIES8_INTERFACE_ID   Interface_ID(0xf5235e73, 0x3b304334)
 Interface id for IMNMeshUtilities8, se.g. More...
#define IMNTEMPDATA10_INTERFACE_ID   Interface_ID(0x56d8fa2, 0x3459c774)
 Interface ID for IMNTempData10. More...
Quad Chamfer option flags:
 Elwood (Max 2015) defaults. More...
 Provides legacy-style limiting of chamfering. More...
Quad Chamfer version values:
 Elwood (Max 2015) More...
 Phoenix (Max 2016) - Includes edge selection fix. More...
 The latest version, used as the default. More...
MNFace flags:
#define MN_FACE_OPEN_REGION   (1<<8)
 This face is part of a region of the mesh that is not closed, i.e. More...
#define MN_FACE_CHECKED   (1<<9)
#define MN_FACE_CHANGED   (1<<10)
 This flag can be cleared on all faces before an operation that moves some of the vertices of an MNMesh, then set for each face touching one of the moved vertices. More...
#define MN_FACE_CULLED   (1<<11)
 Used to indicate a face has been culled during hit-testing. More...
#define MN_FACE_CREATED   (1<<12)
 Used to indicate a face has been created by an operation. More...
Per-edge Data
#define MAX_EDGEDATA   10
 Developer defined data. More...
#define EDATA_KNOT   0
 The edge knot data. More...
#define EDATA_CREASE   1
 The crease data. More...
#define EDATA_COLOR   2
Internal flags
#define MN_MESH_TEMP_1   (1<<13)
#define MN_MESH_TEMP_2   (1<<14)
#define MN_MESH_DONTTRISTRIP   (1<<15)
#define MN_MESH_USE_MAX2012_WELD_MATH   (1<<19)
Flags for Sub Object Hit-Test
 When this bit is set, the selection only and unselection only tests will use the current level (edge or face) selection when doing a vertex level hit test. More...
#define SUBHIT_OPENONLY   (1<<23)
#define SUBHIT_MNVERTS   (1<<24)
#define SUBHIT_MNFACES   (1<<25)
#define SUBHIT_MNEDGES   (1<<26)
#define SUBHIT_MNDIAGONALS   (1<<27)
 Hit-test on "diagonals" of polygons - MNDiagonalHitData is the type of HitData returned. More...
Subdivision Flags
#define MN_SUBDIV_NEWMAP   0x01


enum  PMeshSelLevel {
 MNMesh selection levels. More...
Quad Chamfer result options:


DllExport void DiagSort (int dnum, int *diag)
 Puts diagonals in increase-by-last-index, decrease-by-first order. More...
DllExport int EdgeDataType (int edID)
DllExport voidEdgeDataDefault (int edID)
DllExport void MNChamferDataDebugPrint (MNChamferData &mcd, int mapNum)
 Output all the data in the specified MNChamferData to the DebugPrint buffer during debug runs using using DebugPrint(). More...
DllExport void SelectionDistance (MNMesh &mesh, float *selDist, DWORD selFlags)
 This function computes the current distance of each vertex from the current selection. More...
DllExport void SelectionDistance (MNMesh &mesh, float *selDist, int iters, DWORD selFlags)
 This function computes the current distance of each vertex from the current selection, along paths of edges. More...
DllExport void ClustDistances (MNMesh &mesh, int numClusts, int *vclust, Tab< float > **clustDist)
 Computes the current distance of each vertex from the specified cluster. More...
DllExport void ClustDistances (MNMesh &mesh, int numClusts, int *vclust, Tab< float > **clustDist, int iters)
 Computes the current distance of each vertex from the specified cluster. More...


const int kMNNurmsHourglassLimit = 2500

Macro Definition Documentation

#define REALLOC_SIZE   10

Enables Face Data in PolyObjects:

#define IMNMESHUTILITIES8_INTERFACE_ID   Interface_ID(0xf5235e73, 0x3b304334)

Interface id for IMNMeshUtilities8, se.g.

bridge edge methods.

#define IMNTEMPDATA10_INTERFACE_ID   Interface_ID(0x56d8fa2, 0x3459c774)

Elwood (Max 2015) defaults.


Provides legacy-style limiting of chamfering.


Elwood (Max 2015)


Phoenix (Max 2016) - Includes edge selection fix.


The latest version, used as the default.

#define MN_FACE_OPEN_REGION   (1<<8)

This face is part of a region of the mesh that is not closed, i.e.

there are 1-sided edges. This means that the mesh is not a solid object, it has gaps or holes.

#define MN_FACE_CHECKED   (1<<9)

For recursive face-and-neighbor-checking

#define MN_FACE_CHANGED   (1<<10)

This flag can be cleared on all faces before an operation that moves some of the vertices of an MNMesh, then set for each face touching one of the moved vertices.

This tells the parent MNMesh that these faces may need to have information such as triangulation recomputed. This flag is set by the MNMesh::SabinDoo() method.

#define MN_FACE_CULLED   (1<<11)

Used to indicate a face has been culled during hit-testing.

#define MN_FACE_CREATED   (1<<12)

Used to indicate a face has been created by an operation.

For example, this flag is set by the MNMesh::QuadChamfer method on faces that are part of the chamfer. Methods that use this flag will clear it on all faces before performing operations, so that only newly-created faces will have it set.

#define MAX_EDGEDATA   10

Developer defined data.

#define EDATA_KNOT   0

The edge knot data.

This is index 0.

#define EDATA_CREASE   1

The crease data.

This is index 1.

#define EDATA_COLOR   2
#define MN_MESH_TEMP_1   (1<<13)
#define MN_MESH_TEMP_2   (1<<14)
#define MN_MESH_DONTTRISTRIP   (1<<15)

Mesh flag to determine if selection state of vertices, edges or faces has changed or not.


Mesh flag to determine if soft selection weight of vertices has changed or not.

#define MN_MESH_USE_MAX2012_WELD_MATH   (1<<19)

Mesh flag to determine whether to use a different math for MNMesh::WeldBorderVerts (float thresh, DWORD flag) since between 2012 and 2013 the FPU math changed slightly and this corrects for that


When this bit is set, the selection only and unselection only tests will use the current level (edge or face) selection when doing a vertex level hit test.

#define SUBHIT_OPENONLY   (1<<23)
#define SUBHIT_MNVERTS   (1<<24)
#define SUBHIT_MNFACES   (1<<25)
#define SUBHIT_MNEDGES   (1<<26)
#define SUBHIT_MNDIAGONALS   (1<<27)

Hit-test on "diagonals" of polygons - MNDiagonalHitData is the type of HitData returned.

#define MN_SUBDIV_NEWMAP   0x01
#define IMNMESHUTILITIES10_INTERFACE_ID   Interface_ID(0x7b1acb31, 0x763982d5)
#define IMNMESHUTILITIES13_INTERFACE_ID   Interface_ID(0x4dfa07c3, 0x637941b0)

Enumeration Type Documentation


Return object with chamfers.


Return object with chamfered edges removed.


Return object with chamfers only.

124  {
128  };
Return object with chamfered edges removed.
Definition: mnmesh.h:126
Return object with chamfers only.
Definition: mnmesh.h:127
Return object with chamfers.
Definition: mnmesh.h:125

MNMesh selection levels.

MNM_SL_CURRENT is an acceptable argument to methods that take a selection level, indicating "use the current mesh selection level".

Definition: mnmesh.h:225
Definition: mnmesh.h:225
Definition: mnmesh.h:225
Definition: mnmesh.h:225
Definition: mnmesh.h:225

Function Documentation

DllExport void DiagSort ( int  dnum,
int diag 

Puts diagonals in increase-by-last-index, decrease-by-first order.

This sorts the diagonals in the following fashion: each diagonal is reordered so that its smaller index comes first, then its larger. Then the list of diagonals is sorted so that it increases by second index, then decreases by first index. Such an ordered list for a 9-gon might be (1,3),(0,3), (0,4),(5,7),(4,7),(4,8). (This order is especially convenient for converting into triangles - it makes for a linear-time conversion.) DiagSort() uses qsort for speed.

int dnum

The size of the diag array - essentially double the number of diagonals.

int *diag

The diagonals.
DllExport int EdgeDataType ( int  edID)
DllExport void* EdgeDataDefault ( int  edID)
DllExport void MNChamferDataDebugPrint ( MNChamferData mcd,
int  mapNum 

Output all the data in the specified MNChamferData to the DebugPrint buffer during debug runs using using DebugPrint().

It is available for programmers' use, providing easy access to MNChamferData during development. It ought to be removed for release builds.

mcdThe MNChamferData we want to investigate.
mapNumThe number of map channels in the MNMesh associated with this MNChamferData . (For historical reasons, this information is not kept in the MNChamferData class.) Generally this is retrieved with a call to MNMesh::MNum().
DllExport void SelectionDistance ( MNMesh mesh,
float *  selDist,
DWORD  selFlags 

This function computes the current distance of each vertex from the current selection.

This is an N-Log(N) algorithm: it compares every non-selected vertex with every selected one.

MNMesh & mesh

The mesh we're computing distances in.

float *selDist

A pointer to an array of floats of size mesh.VNum(). This array is filled in with one float value per vertex. If this value is 0, the vertex is either selected or "on top of" a selected vertex. Otherwise it represents the distance to the closest selected vertex.

DWORD selFlags

Indicates what flag defines the hard selection we're basing this soft selection on. (MN_SEL is generally best.)
DllExport void SelectionDistance ( MNMesh mesh,
float *  selDist,
int  iters,
DWORD  selFlags 

This function computes the current distance of each vertex from the current selection, along paths of edges.

NOTE: This is an n-log-n algorithm: it compares every non-selected vertex with every selected one.

MNMesh & mesh

The mesh we're computing distances in.

float *selDist

A pointer to an array of floats of size mesh.VNum(). This array is filled in with one float value per vertex. If this value is 0, the vertex is either selected or "on top of" a selected vertex. Otherwise it represents the distance to the closest selected vertex. Values of -1 are used to indicate vertices that are more that iters edges away from any selected vertex.

int iters

This indicates the maximum number of edges the algorithm may travel along in finding the distance between vertices. (Maximum path length.).

DWORD selFlags

Indicates what flag defines the hard selection we're basing this soft selection on. (MN_SEL is generally best.)
DllExport void ClustDistances ( MNMesh mesh,
int  numClusts,
int vclust,
Tab< float > **  clustDist 

Computes the current distance of each vertex from the specified cluster.

If cached, the cache is returned. Otherwise a cache is allocated and computed from the current mesh and the parameters.

NOTE: This is an n-log-n algorithm for each cluster: it compares every vertex not in the cluster with every vertex in it.

MNMesh & mesh

The MNMesh these cluster distances are based on.

int numClusts

The number of clusters available.

int *vclust

A pointer into the vertex cluster table.

Tab<float> **clustDist

An array of pointers to tables which will be filled with one float value per vertex. The table pointed to by clustDist[i] contains the cluster distances for cluster i. Note that clustDist must be allocated, for instance by clustDist = new (Tab<float>*)[numClusts], and must have its members allocated, for instance by clustDist[i] = new Tab<float>, by the calling routine. If a value in a table is 0, the vertex is either selected or on top of a vertex in the cluster. Otherwise it represents the distance to the closest selected vertex. If useEdgeDist is TRUE, values of -1.0 are returned for vertices with no edgeIts-length path to a vertex in the cluster.
DllExport void ClustDistances ( MNMesh mesh,
int  numClusts,
int vclust,
Tab< float > **  clustDist,
int  iters 

Computes the current distance of each vertex from the specified cluster.

If cached, the cache is returned. Otherwise a cache is allocated and computed from the current mesh and the parameters.

NOTE: This algorithm takes time proportional to the number of verts in each cluster times iters times the number of clusters.

MNMesh & mesh

The MNMesh these cluster distances are based on.

int numClusts

The number of clusters available.

int *vclust

A pointer into the vertex cluster table.

Tab<float> **clustDist

An array of pointers to tables which will be filled with one float value per vertex. The table pointed to by clustDist[i] contains the cluster distances for cluster i. Note that clustDist must be allocated, for instance by clustDist = new (Tab<float> *)[numClusts], and must have its members allocated, for instance by clustDist[i] = new Tab<float>, by the calling routine. If a value in a table is 0, the vertex is either selected or on top of a vertex in the cluster. Otherwise it represents the distance to the closest selected vertex. Values of -1.0 are returned for vertices with no iters-length path to a vertex in the cluster.

int iters

The maximum edge path length to compute distance along (in number of edges).

Variable Documentation

const int kMNNurmsHourglassLimit = 2500