Select Fluids 3D/ 2D Container Options.
or to setLets you select different ways to add fluid contents to a fluid container. For example, options in this menu let you add fluid emitters or gradients. For more information on this submenu options, see Fluids Add/Edit Contents submenu.
Select Fluids Ocean Options.
to setSelect Fluids Pond Options.
to setSelect Extend Fluid Options.
to setSelect Edit Fluid Resolution Options.
to setSelect Fluids Make Collide Options.
to setSee also Make fluids collide with geometry.
See Work with Fluid Effects motion fields and Create a fluid motion field
You can create this plane at the time you create the ocean by turning on Create preview plane. See Fluids Ocean Options.
Lets you make objects float on a ocean or pond surface so that it can behave like a boat. For more information on this submenu options, see Create Boats submenu.
Select Fluids Create Wake Options. See also Create wakes.
to set