Modify Substance node attributes

After you Create a shading network using Substance textures, you can tweak the procedural controls built into each substance so you can easily create unique effects.

  1. In the Attribute Editor, select a substance node.
  2. Under the Substance Parameters heading, tweak the attributes to customize the appearance of your shader.

    As you experiment with these sliders, you can see the changes in real time in the scene view.

    Tweak attributes such as Hue Shift to shift the global color range of the texture, Luminosity to control the brightness level, Saturation to control the level of color purity, or Depth to adjust the attenuation of depth of the texture.

Tip: There are also other interesting effects such as Age.

For example, with Painted_Wood, increasing the age slider peels away the paint to reveal a more aged wood look, and with Modern_Concrete, increasing the Age slider reveals the rebar in the concrete. With Volcano_Rock, you can tweak the Temperature, Lava and Lava Hue attributes to customize the look of your volcano lava. See also Substance node attributes.