Full Navigation wheel

The Full Navigation wheel has the same functionality as the mini Full Navigation wheel, but in a larger format that is easier to use. This wheel enables you to view individual objects and walk through and around the model.

When the Full Navigation wheel is displayed, you can press and hold the middle mouse button to orbit the model, scroll the wheel button to zoom in and out, and hold down SHIFT while pressing and holding the middle mouse button, to pan.

You can control the appearance of the wheels by switching between the different styles of wheels that are available, or by adjusting the size and opacity. Wheels (except the 2D Navigation wheel) are available in two different styles: big and mini. The size of a wheel controls how large or small the wedges and labels appear on the wheel; the opacity level controls the visibility of the objects in the model behind the wheel.

Tooltips are displayed for each button on a wheel as the cursor is moved over them. The tooltips appear below the wheel and identify what action will be performed if the wedge or button is clicked.

The Full Navigation wheel wedges include the following options: