Manage Revit Models in the Cloud

Within Revit, you can manage Revit models that belong to a cloud project.

Use the Manage Cloud Models tool to view cloud projects that contain Revit models. When you use this tool, only cloud projects that contain Revit models are displayed. If a cloud project contains any non-Revit models, they are not displayed with the Manage Cloud Models tool.

There are 2 tabs in the project view: Current Project and Trash. The number of models displays with each tab. From the Current Project tab, you can complete the following tasks:
Note: The Trash tab is not available in Revit 2016.
  • Publish the latest versions of All Revit models to the cloud so other team members who don't have Revit can view, search, and socially interact with it in the cloud.

    Only the 3D default view and sheets are published. The time it takes for your publishing operation to be visible in the cloud will depend on the size of the model.

    Note: You must use the Synchronize with Central tool for each model to update your changes before you can publish all version of all models in the cloud.
  • Publish the Latest version of a Revit model to the cloud.

    Note: You must use the Synchronize with Central tool to update your changes before you can publish the latest version of the model in the cloud.
  • Rename Revit models.

    When you rename a model, you will not affect the work of other project team members. When team members synchronize their changes, they will see the updated model name.

    Note: If a model is linked to a model that is renamed, the link will need to be removed and the renamed model will need to be linked in as a new instance.
  • Relinquish the ownership of model elements for another user.

    When another user who owns model elements is not available to relinquish those elements, you can force the relinquishment of those elements.

  • View and Restore Versions for a Revit model.
    A new version is created each time a user synchronizes with the central model. When you view all versions of a Revit model, you can select a previous version to restore if needed.
    Important: When you restore a previous version of the model, that version becomes the current version, and all of the more recent versions are deleted. When you use the Restore action to delete versions of the model, there is no way to undo that action.

    If another user restores a Revit model while you are accessing it, you will be notified that your model is no longer compatible with the model stored in the cloud. You can discard your changes and open the latest version of the model from the cloud or you can save your changes in a new version. The new version will not be synchronized with the version in the cloud.

  • Delete Revit models.

    When you delete a model, the model is moved to the Trash, and project team members will not be able to synchronize their changes to the model. The model stays in the Trash for 30 days, and can be recovered from the Trash within that timeframe, if required.

    Note: The Trash is not available in Revit 2016.
Note: When you use the Open command in Revit to access cloud workshared models on the cloud, Revit ensures that you are working on the latest version of the cloud workshared model. When you use Collaboration for Revit (C4R), locally cached versions of cloud models are stored in the folder %LOCALAPPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\[Revit product release]\CollaborationCache\. The data in the collaboration cache should not be directly accessed or manipulated; therefore, the names of the folders and files are intentionally obfuscated. To create a locally saved detached copy of a cloud workshared model, open the Revit model from the cloud and use the Save As command to detach it and save it locally.

Use the following procedure to manage cloud models.

  1. Click Collaborate tabManage Models panel (Manage Cloud Models).
  2. Select a cloud project.
  3. To publish the latest versions of all models in the project, click (Actions) and click Publish All. When the action is complete for each model, the (Publish Latest) icon changes to the (Latest Version Published) icon.
  4. From the Current Project tab, move the cursor over the name of a model and do one of the following:
    • To publish the latest version of a model, click (Publish Latest). Click Publish to confirm.

      When the action is complete, the (Publish Latest) icon changes to the (Latest Version Published) icon.

    • To rename a model, click (Actions) and click Rename. Enter a new name and click Rename.
    • To relinquish the ownership of Revit model elements, click (Actions) and click Relinquish. Select the user for whom you want to relinquish elements and click Relinquish. This tool is useful if a user has ownership of elements, but is not available for an extended period of time.
    • To view and restore versions of a model, click (Actions) and click View Versions.

      With the list of versions displaying, you can search for one or more versions of a model. You can also restore an earlier version of a model.

      • To search, enter text in the search box to locate one or more versions. Click the Version, By, or Time column headings to sort the list of versions shown.
      • To restore a version of a model:
        1. Choose a version to restore, and under Action, click (Restore).
          Note: Before proceeding, you should notify other users associated with the project that you are about to restore a previous version.
        2. Select the checkbox and click I am ready to restore.
        3. When the restore is complete, click OK to continue.
        4. The version you selected is now the latest version.

    • To delete a model from its cloud project, click (Actions) and click Delete. Click Delete to confirm.

      The deleted model is moved to the Trash.

    • Tip: To refresh the view, click (Refresh).