Visibility of Point Clouds

Visibility of point clouds is controlled by view. As such, parameters that control the visibility and graphics of point clouds in a project are grouped under the Point Clouds tab in the Visibility/Graphics Overrides dialog.

This dialog is arranged in a tree structure with the parent nodes referring to top level indexed point cloud files (usually .rcp files), and the child nodes are individual scans (.rcs) that make up the .rcp project. Changing the parent node affects all scans within the point cloud project, while changing a child node affects only that individual scan.

The Point Clouds tab contains the following columns:

You can use a view template to save the visibility settings of a particular view and then apply it to other views.

Additionally, the extents of a point cloud visible in a plan or section view are impacted by the View Range. Specifically, the portion of the point cloud visible between the bottom extent and the cut plane is visible.