What's New in Maya 2017 Update 2

About Maya Updates

Welcome to the Maya 2017 Update 2 What's New, which is an overview of changes to Maya since the last update. As of Maya 2017, we are maintaining and updating the software regularly, providing new features, and quicker fixes to customer issues.

Maya Updates now replace the Service Packs and Extensions. These updates will include defect fixes, and new features.
Note: The Maya API binary compatibility will not be modified in any 2017 updates, however, the API may be extended to enable new features.

Updates will be available on the Maya Downloads page as a full install of the product on Mac and Linux operating systems. On Windows operating systems, Maya Updates appear in the Autodesk Desktop App, as an incremental install. Each update will contain the fixes and features of any update prior to it.

Note: You cannot run an Update alongside an existing version of Maya 2017.

Similarly, the Maya Help itself will be refreshed for each update. This means if you are not upgrading your software with each update, you may see help topics where information has been changed and it may not apply to your version of Maya. This may include Maya technical documentation, API Guide, Maya User Guide, and other resources as necessary.

What's New in API

For information regarding new API features in Maya 2017 Update 2, see What's New in API in Maya Update 2.