What's New in Animation in Maya 2017 Update 2

Graph Editor improvements

Several improvements and updates have been made to the Modern Graph Editor:

Customizable colors
You can customize the color of the following items of the Modern Graph Editor in the Preferences Color Settings window:
  • Translate X, Y, Z curve color
  • Rotate X, Y, and Z curve color
  • Scale X, Y, and Z color
  • Default key color
  • Buffer Curve color
  • Breakdown Key color
  • Key on Buffer curve color
  • Time Marker
Miscellaneous Graph Editor improvements
Improvements to the Modern Graph Editor include improving the position of the selected curve in Stacked view, adding offset and scaling factors for Time Editor clips, restoring Shift-click multiple key selection, and addressing undo and refresh issues, as well as:
  • Nearest picked key tool now respects the "constrained y-axis drag" mode
  • Custom curves interpolator support
  • Improved quaternion curves and tangent manipulation
  • Stacked view now restores correctly between sessions
  • Fixed Text fields update with display of Time Editor clip
  • Improved default colours for better visibility) and improved design for muted curves and muted keys.