Use these options to set what happens when you select File > Save Scene. See also Create, open, or save a scene file.
When Incremental Save is turned on and you save the scene, a backup folder by the same name is created in the scenes\incrementalsave folder and a backup is made of the file that was previously saved to disk. Each time you save, another backup file is created. These backup files are incremental (filename.001.mlt, filename.002.mlt) so the previous backup is not overwritten. The number of incremental backups created is infinite by default.
Applies a limit to the number of incremental backup files that Maya creates and stores. The default limit is 20 increments.
Type a value or drag the slider to specify a limit.
Use these options to create a thumbnail (single image) or playblast (image sequence) to be saved with your scene to identify it in the Content Browser. See Create thumbnails and playblasts for scene files for more information on doing this.
Save Thumbnail/Playblast: Select this option to be able to create a thumbnail or playblast for your scene.
Capture Thumbnail/Playblast: When you click this button, a yellow capture frame appears in the active view panel and the Capture Thumbnail/Playblast dialog box opens in which you can set up the options and capture a thumbnail or playblast.
Delete Thumbnail/Playblast: Click this button to remove the thumbnail or playblast you have created before saving this scene file.