File > New Scene >
to set the
New Scene Options.
Opens a saved scene from disk.
File > Open Scene >
to set the
Open Options.
To open a file that was created in an earlier version of Maya LT, ensure the Ignore Version preference is turned on in the Files/Projects preferences.
File > Save Scene >
to set the
Save Scene Options.
File > Save Scene As >
to set the
Save Scene As Options.
Lets you save a version of the current file with a new, incremented name.
By default, the incremented name uses the following format: <root>.0001.mlt. For example, if the current file is named MyFile.mlt, the first incremented file is named MyFile.0001.mlt. See also Save versions of a file.
Saves your preferences to their default location.
A progress bar displays as Maya LT optimizes the scene. You can interrupt the operation by pressing Esc. You can view a report of all the results of the optimization in the Script Editor.
File > Optimize Scene Size >
to open these options and specify the types of information to remove when you run
File > Optimize Scene Size. You can also perform individual optimizations using the
Optimize Now buttons.
File > Import
to set the
Import Options.
File > Export All >
to set
Export All/Export Selection Options.
File > Export Selection >
to set
Export All/Export Selection Options.
Only available if you have matching versions of Maya LT and Mudbox. Sends the contents of the current scene to Mudbox.
Opens a new scene in Mudbox, and sends the selected objects. If you have selected objects in the scene, only those objects are sent; otherwise, the entire scene is sent.
This option launches Mudbox if it is not already running. If running, Mudbox prompts you to save to the current scene or cancel.
Available only if Mudbox is running. Updates the Mudbox scene by sending the current selection. If no objects are selected, this option sends the same selection that was previously sent.
Available only if Mudbox is running. Sends the current selection to Mudbox. Any selected objects that have already been sent are duplicated in the Mudbox scene.
Selects objects that were previously sent to Mudbox. If you have previously sent multiple objects at the same time, this option selects all of those objects. However, if you have sent multiple objects separately, this option selects only the most recently sent object.
This option is a convenient way to see which objects are already being shared, and to choose which objects to add to the selection.
Available only when you install and load the DCC link plug-in that ships with Stingray. See Enable Stingray and PhysX plug-ins for Maya LT.
Lets you export assets directly to a Stingray project. Select whether you want to export All or only Selected objects, and use the option box to set whether Overwrite Materials is on during export. See also Send assets to Stingray.
Lets you export a scene directly to your Unity project using the FBX file format, with no restriction on the number of polygons in the scene. See also Export a scene to Unity.
Lets you export a scene directly to your Unreal project using the FBX file format, with no restriction on the number of polygons in the scene. See also Export a scene to Unreal Engine 4.
Opens the Game Exporter, which lets you export game assets efficiently, using the FBX format. See also Export animation clips with Game Exporter, Export a model with Game Exporter.
Opens the Cloud Import and Export Options, which let you export a scene directly to a cloud storage solution, such as A360, or DropBox. See Import and export files on the cloud.
By default, uses FCheck to view the image you select. You can change this option in the Application preferences (Window > Settings/Preferences > Preferences).
By default, uses FCheck to view the sequence of images you select. You can change this viewer in the Application preferences. (See also Specify default media players.)
Opens the Project window. In the Project Window you can create new Maya LT projects and edit the file locations and names of existing projects.
See also Organize files into projects.
Lets you specify the current project to work in.
Specifying a project lets you group together all the different files needed for a scene or group of related scenes.
Lists recently saved scene files. Clicking a scene file in this list will load that file, closing the current scene. See also Open recently saved files.
Lists recently opened projects. Selecting a project folder name in this list sets that folder as the current project. See also Organize files into projects.
Exits Maya LT.
If you have saved your scene immediately before selecting, Maya LT exits. If you have not recently saved your scene, a message prompts you to save before exiting.