Maya API マニュアルのコンテキストでは、「フラグ」と「コマンド引数」という用語が特定の意味を持っています。これらの用語の意味を次に説明します。
import maya.cmds as cmds cmds.polyCube( sx=10, sy=15, sz=5, h=20 )
import maya.cmds as cmds cmds.group( 'circle1', 'sphere1', n='group1' )
現在選択されている Maya オブジェクトをコマンドの引数として使用することもできます。この場合、コマンド引数とオブジェクトに互換性がなく、コマンドの構文定義で結合できません。詳細については、MSyntax クラスのマニュアルを参照してください。
以下のプラグイン コードでは、渡されれたフラグに関連付けられている値を出力するコマンドを作成します。MSyntax および MArgParser クラス マニュアルには、コマンドでフラグ、引数、選択したオブジェクトを使用する方法についての追加情報が含まれています。
# pySampleCommandFlag.py import sys import maya.api.OpenMaya as OpenMaya # ... additional imports here ... kPluginCmdName = 'myCommandWithFlag' kShortFlagName = '-mf' kLongFlagName = '-myFlag' def maya_useNewAPI(): """ The presence of this function tells Maya that the plugin produces, and expects to be passed, objects created using the Maya Python API 2.0. """ pass ########################################################## # Plug-in ########################################################## class MyCommandWithFlagClass( OpenMaya.MPxCommand ): def __init__(self): ''' Constructor. ''' OpenMaya.MPxCommand.__init__(self) def doIt(self, args): ''' Command execution. ''' # We recommend parsing your arguments first. self.parseArguments( args ) # Remove the following 'pass' keyword and replace it with the code you want to run. pass def parseArguments(self, args): ''' The presence of this function is not enforced, but helps separate argument parsing code from other command code. ''' # The following MArgParser object allows you to check if specific flags are set. argData = OpenMaya.MArgParser( self.syntax(), args ) if argData.isFlagSet( kShortFlagName ): # In this case, we print the passed flag's value as an integer. # We use the '0' to index the flag's first and only parameter. flagValue = argData.flagArgumentInt( kShortFlagName, 0 ) print kLongFlagName + ': ' + str( flagValue ) # ... If there are more flags, process them here ... ########################################################## # Plug-in initialization. ########################################################## def cmdCreator(): ''' Create an instance of our command. ''' return MyCommandWithFlagClass() def syntaxCreator(): ''' Defines the argument and flag syntax for this command. ''' syntax = OpenMaya.MSyntax() # In this example, our flag will be expecting a numeric value, denoted by OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble. syntax.addFlag( kShortFlagName, kLongFlagName, OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble ) # ... Add more flags here ... return syntax def initializePlugin( mobject ): ''' Initialize the plug-in when Maya loads it. ''' mplugin = OpenMaya.MFnPlugin( mobject ) try: mplugin.registerCommand( kPluginCmdName, cmdCreator, syntaxCreator ) except: sys.stderr.write( 'Failed to register command: ' + kPluginCmdName ) def uninitializePlugin( mobject ): ''' Uninitialize the plug-in when Maya un-loads it. ''' mplugin = OpenMaya.MFnPlugin( mobject ) try: mplugin.deregisterCommand( kPluginCmdName ) except: sys.stderr.write( 'Failed to unregister command: ' + kPluginCmdName ) ########################################################## # Sample usage. ########################################################## ''' # Copy the following lines and run them in Maya's Python Script Editor: import maya.cmds as cmds cmds.loadPlugin( 'sampleCommandFlag.py' ) cmds.myCommandWithFlag( myFlag = 4 ) '''
# sampleCommandFlag.py import sys import maya.OpenMayaMPx as OpenMayaMPx import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya # ... additional imports here ... kPluginCmdName = 'myCommandWithFlag' kShortFlagName = '-mf' kLongFlagName = '-myFlag' ########################################################## # Plug-in ########################################################## class MyCommandWithFlagClass( OpenMayaMPx.MPxCommand ): def __init__(self): ''' Constructor. ''' OpenMayaMPx.MPxCommand.__init__(self) def doIt(self, args): ''' Command execution. ''' # We recommend parsing your arguments first. self.parseArguments( args ) # Remove the following 'pass' keyword and replace it with the code you want to run. pass def parseArguments(self, args): ''' The presence of this function is not enforced, but helps separate argument parsing code from other command code. ''' # The following MArgParser object allows you to check if specific flags are set. argData = OpenMaya.MArgParser( self.syntax(), args ) if argData.isFlagSet( kShortFlagName ): # In this case, we print the passed flag's value as an integer. # We use the '0' to index the flag's first and only parameter. flagValue = argData.flagArgumentInt( kShortFlagName, 0 ) print kLongFlagName + ': ' + str( flagValue ) # ... If there are more flags, process them here ... ########################################################## # Plug-in initialization. ########################################################## def cmdCreator(): ''' Create an instance of our command. ''' return OpenMayaMPx.asMPxPtr( MyCommandWithFlagClass() ) def syntaxCreator(): ''' Defines the argument and flag syntax for this command. ''' syntax = OpenMaya.MSyntax() # In this example, our flag will be expecting a numeric value, denoted by OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble. syntax.addFlag( kShortFlagName, kLongFlagName, OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble ) # ... Add more flags here ... return syntax def initializePlugin( mobject ): ''' Initialize the plug-in when Maya loads it. ''' mplugin = OpenMayaMPx.MFnPlugin( mobject ) try: mplugin.registerCommand( kPluginCmdName, cmdCreator, syntaxCreator ) except: sys.stderr.write( 'Failed to register command: ' + kPluginCmdName ) def uninitializePlugin( mobject ): ''' Uninitialize the plug-in when Maya un-loads it. ''' mplugin = OpenMayaMPx.MFnPlugin( mobject ) try: mplugin.deregisterCommand( kPluginCmdName ) except: sys.stderr.write( 'Failed to unregister command: ' + kPluginCmdName ) ########################################################## # Sample usage. ########################################################## ''' # Copy the following lines and run them in Maya's Python Script Editor: import maya.cmds as cmds cmds.loadPlugin( 'sampleCommandFlag.py' ) cmds.myCommandWithFlag( myFlag = 4 ) '''
引数またはフラグを処理しないコマンドと比較すると、initializePlugin() エントリ ポイントは、コマンドの引数構文を含むように修正する必要があります。
mplugin.registerCommand( kPluginCmdName, cmdCreator, syntaxCreator )
特に、MFnPlugin.registerCommand() への呼び出しに 3 番目のパラメータ syntaxCreator を含める必要があります。MFnPlugin.registerCommand() の関数パラメータを次に示します。
構文作成関数: MSyntax オブジェクト syntaxCreator を返す関数へのリファレンスです。この返された MSyntax オブジェクトは、各フラグの必要なタイプのほか、各フラグのロング ネームとショート ネームを定義します。フラグのショート ネーム(kShortFlagName)は、ハイフンが前に付加された 1 または 2 文字の文字列にする必要があります('-mf')。一般的に、フラグのロング ネーム(kLongFlagName)はより説明的であり、ハイフンを前に付加する必要があります('-myFlag')。
kShortFlagName = '-mf' kLongFlagName = '-myFlag' # ... def syntaxCreator(): ''' Defines the argument and flag syntax for this command. ''' syntax = OpenMaya.MSyntax() # In this example, our flag will be expecting a numeric value, denoted by OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble. syntax.addFlag( kShortFlagName, kLongFlagName, OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble ) # ... Add more flags here ... return syntax
コマンドの doIt() メソッドでは、渡された引数とフラグを解析する専用のコードが必要です。parseArguments() で、MSyntax オブジェクト(self.syntax() から取得した)を使用して MArgParser オブジェクトと MArgList オブジェクト(args)をインスタンス化します。MArgParser.isFlagSet() を使用して特定のフラグが存在するかどうかをチェックします。MArgParser.flagArgumentInt() を呼び出すと、特定のフラグに整数として関連付けられている値が抽出されます。
def doIt(self, args): ''' Command execution. ''' # We recommend parsing your arguments first. self.parseArguments( args ) # Remove the following 'pass' keyword and replace it with the code you want to run. pass def parseArguments(self, args): ''' The presence of this function is not enforced, but helps separate argument parsing code from other command code. ''' # The following MArgParser object allows you to check if specific flags are set. argData = OpenMaya.MArgParser( self.syntax(), args ) if argData.isFlagSet( kShortFlagName ): # In this case, we print the passed flag's value as an integer. # We use the '0' to index the flag's first and only parameter. flagValue = argData.flagArgumentInt( kShortFlagName, 0 ) print kLongFlagName + ': ' + str( flagValue ) # ... If there are more flags, process them here ...
次の使用事例のように、複数のパラメータ(たとえば、3 次元ベクトル)が含まれているフラグを解析する必要があると仮定します。
import maya.cmds as cmds cmds.loadPlugin( 'sampleCommandFlagTuple.py' ) cmds.myCommandWithTupleFlag( myTupleFlag = (10, 20, 30) )
これを実現するには、コードの 2 つのセクションを修正する必要があります。
def syntaxCreator(): ''' Defines the argument and flag syntax for this command. ''' syntax = OpenMaya.MSyntax() # In this example, our flag will be expecting three OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble parameters. syntax.addFlag( kShortFlagName, kLongFlagName, (OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble, OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble, OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble) ) # ... Add more flags here ... return syntax
def doIt(self, args): ''' Command execution. ''' # We recommend parsing your arguments first. self.parseArguments( args ) # Remove the following 'pass' keyword and replace it with the code you want to run. pass def parseArguments(self, args): ''' The presence of this function is not enforced, but helps separate argument parsing code from other command code. ''' # The following MArgParser object allows you to check if specific flags are set. argData = OpenMaya.MArgParser( self.syntax(), args ) if argData.isFlagSet( kShortFlagName ): # In this case, we print the passed flags's three parameters, indexed from 0 to 2. flagParam0 = argData.flagArgumentInt( kShortFlagName, 0 ) flagParam1 = argData.flagArgumentInt( kShortFlagName, 1 ) flagParam2 = argData.flagArgumentInt( kShortFlagName, 2 ) print kLongFlagName + '[0]: ' + str( flagParam0 ) print kLongFlagName + '[1]: ' + str( flagParam1 ) print kLongFlagName + '[2]: ' + str( flagParam2 )
次の Python コードは、指定したフラグで渡される 3 つのパラメータを出力するコマンドを作成します。
# pySampleCommandFlagTuple.py import sys import maya.api.OpenMaya as OpenMaya # ... additional imports here ... kPluginCmdName = 'myCommandWithTupleFlag' kShortFlagName = '-tf' kLongFlagName = '-myTupleFlag' def maya_useNewAPI(): """ The presence of this function tells Maya that the plugin produces, and expects to be passed, objects created using the Maya Python API 2.0. """ pass ########################################################## # Plug-in ########################################################## class MyCommandWithFlagTupleClass( OpenMaya.MPxCommand ): def __init__(self): ''' Constructor. ''' OpenMaya.MPxCommand.__init__(self) def doIt(self, args): ''' Command execution. ''' # We recommend parsing your arguments first. self.parseArguments( args ) # Remove the following 'pass' keyword and replace it with the code you want to run. pass def parseArguments(self, args): ''' The presence of this function is not enforced, but helps separate argument parsing code from other command code. ''' # The following MArgParser object allows you to check if specific flags are set. argData = OpenMaya.MArgParser( self.syntax(), args ) if argData.isFlagSet( kShortFlagName ): # In this case, we print the passed flags's three parameters, indexed from 0 to 2. flagParam0 = argData.flagArgumentInt( kShortFlagName, 0 ) flagParam1 = argData.flagArgumentInt( kShortFlagName, 1 ) flagParam2 = argData.flagArgumentInt( kShortFlagName, 2 ) print kLongFlagName + '[0]: ' + str( flagParam0 ) print kLongFlagName + '[1]: ' + str( flagParam1 ) print kLongFlagName + '[2]: ' + str( flagParam2 ) # ... If there are more flags, process them here ... ########################################################## # Plug-in initialization. ########################################################## def cmdCreator(): ''' Create an instance of our command. ''' return MyCommandWithFlagTupleClass() def syntaxCreator(): ''' Defines the argument and flag syntax for this command. ''' syntax = OpenMaya.MSyntax() # In this example, our flag will be expecting three OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble parameters. syntax.addFlag( kShortFlagName, kLongFlagName, (OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble, OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble, OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble) ) # ... Add more flags here ... return syntax def initializePlugin( mobject ): ''' Initialize the plug-in when Maya loads it. ''' mplugin = OpenMaya.MFnPlugin( mobject ) try: mplugin.registerCommand( kPluginCmdName, cmdCreator, syntaxCreator ) except: sys.stderr.write( 'Failed to register command: ' + kPluginCmdName ) def uninitializePlugin( mobject ): ''' Uninitialize the plug-in when Maya un-loads it. ''' mplugin = OpenMaya.MFnPlugin( mobject ) try: mplugin.deregisterCommand( kPluginCmdName ) except: sys.stderr.write( 'Failed to unregister command: ' + kPluginCmdName ) ########################################################## # Sample usage. ########################################################## ''' # Copy the following lines and run them in Maya's Python Script Editor: import maya.cmds as cmds cmds.loadPlugin( 'sampleCommandFlagTuple.py' ) cmds.myCommandWithTupleFlag( myTupleFlag = (10, 20, 30) ) '''
# sampleCommandFlagTuple.py import sys import maya.OpenMayaMPx as OpenMayaMPx import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya # ... additional imports here ... kPluginCmdName = 'myCommandWithTupleFlag' kShortFlagName = '-tf' kLongFlagName = '-myTupleFlag' ########################################################## # Plug-in ########################################################## class MyCommandWithFlagTupleClass( OpenMayaMPx.MPxCommand ): def __init__(self): ''' Constructor. ''' OpenMayaMPx.MPxCommand.__init__(self) def doIt(self, args): ''' Command execution. ''' # We recommend parsing your arguments first. self.parseArguments( args ) # Remove the following 'pass' keyword and replace it with the code you want to run. pass def parseArguments(self, args): ''' The presence of this function is not enforced, but helps separate argument parsing code from other command code. ''' # The following MArgParser object allows you to check if specific flags are set. argData = OpenMaya.MArgParser( self.syntax(), args ) if argData.isFlagSet( kShortFlagName ): # In this case, we print the passed flags's three parameters, indexed from 0 to 2. flagParam0 = argData.flagArgumentInt( kShortFlagName, 0 ) flagParam1 = argData.flagArgumentInt( kShortFlagName, 1 ) flagParam2 = argData.flagArgumentInt( kShortFlagName, 2 ) print kLongFlagName + '[0]: ' + str( flagParam0 ) print kLongFlagName + '[1]: ' + str( flagParam1 ) print kLongFlagName + '[2]: ' + str( flagParam2 ) # ... If there are more flags, process them here ... ########################################################## # Plug-in initialization. ########################################################## def cmdCreator(): ''' Create an instance of our command. ''' return OpenMayaMPx.asMPxPtr( MyCommandWithFlagTupleClass() ) def syntaxCreator(): ''' Defines the argument and flag syntax for this command. ''' syntax = OpenMaya.MSyntax() # In this example, our flag will be expecting three OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble parameters. syntax.addFlag( kShortFlagName, kLongFlagName, OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble, OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble, OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble ) # ... Add more flags here ... return syntax def initializePlugin( mobject ): ''' Initialize the plug-in when Maya loads it. ''' mplugin = OpenMayaMPx.MFnPlugin( mobject ) try: mplugin.registerCommand( kPluginCmdName, cmdCreator, syntaxCreator ) except: sys.stderr.write( 'Failed to register command: ' + kPluginCmdName ) def uninitializePlugin( mobject ): ''' Uninitialize the plug-in when Maya un-loads it. ''' mplugin = OpenMayaMPx.MFnPlugin( mobject ) try: mplugin.deregisterCommand( kPluginCmdName ) except: sys.stderr.write( 'Failed to unregister command: ' + kPluginCmdName ) ########################################################## # Sample usage. ########################################################## ''' # Copy the following lines and run them in Maya's Python Script Editor: import maya.cmds as cmds cmds.loadPlugin( 'sampleCommandFlagTuple.py' ) cmds.myCommandWithTupleFlag( myTupleFlag = (10, 20, 30) ) '''