OpenMayaRender.MGeometry Class Reference
Class for working with geometric structures used to draw objects.
int | kAdjacentLineStrip = 9 |
int | kAdjacentLines = 8 |
int | kAdjacentTriangleStrip = 7 |
int | kAdjacentTriangles = 6 |
int | kAll = 15 |
int | kBitangent = 6 |
int | kBoundingBox = 8 |
int | kChar = 3 |
int | kColor = 4 |
int | kDouble = 2 |
int | kFloat = 1 |
int | kInt16 = 5 |
int | kInt32 = 7 |
int | kInvalidPrimitive = 0 |
int | kInvalidSemantic = 0 |
int | kInvalidType = 0 |
int | kLineStrip = 3 |
int | kLines = 2 |
int | kNormal = 2 |
int | kPatch = 10 |
int | kPoints = 1 |
int | kPosition = 1 |
int | kSelectionOnly = 16 |
int | kShaded = 2 |
int | kTangent = 5 |
int | kTangentWithSign = 7 |
int | kTexture = 3 |
int | kTextured = 4 |
int | kTriangleStrip = 5 |
int | kTriangles = 4 |
int | kUnsignedChar = 4 |
int | kUnsignedInt16 = 6 |
int | kUnsignedInt32 = 8 |
int | kWireframe = 1 |
OpenMayaRender.MGeometry.__init__ |
( |
| ) |
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
OpenMayaRender.MGeometry.addIndexBuffer |
( |
| ) |
addIndexBuffer(MIndexBuffer) -> bool
Buffers cannot be added to the same object twice.Adds a index buffer to this MGeometry object.
The buffer can only be added to this object once but may be added to others.
OpenMayaRender.MGeometry.addVertexBuffer |
( |
| ) |
addVertexBuffer(MVertexBuffer) -> bool
Adds a vertex buffer to this MGeometry object.
The buffer can only be added to this object once but may be added to others.
OpenMayaRender.MGeometry.createIndexBuffer |
( |
| ) |
createIndexBuffer(int) -> MIndexBuffer
Creates a index buffer which is bound to this MGeometry object and cannot be used with any other.
The buffer is automatically added to the MGeometry object so there is no need to call addIndexBuffer().
See MGeometry.dataTypeString() for a list of valid data types.
OpenMayaRender.MGeometry.createVertexBuffer |
( |
| ) |
createVertexBuffer(MVertexBufferDescriptor) -> MVertexBuffer
Creates a vertex buffer which is bound to this MGeometry object and cannot be used with any other.
The buffer is automatically added to the MGeometry object so there is no need to call addVertexBuffer().
OpenMayaRender.MGeometry.dataTypeString |
( |
| ) |
static |
dataTypeString(int) -> string
Get the string name (e.g. 'Unsigned Char') for the following data type values:
kInvalidType Invalid element type (default value)
kFloat IEEE single precision floating point
kDouble IEEE double precision floating point
kChar Signed char
kUnsignedChar Unsigned char
kInt16 Signed 16-bit integer
kUnsignedInt16 Unsigned 16-bit integer
kInt32 Signed 32-bit integer
kUnsignedInt32 Unsigned 32-bit integer
OpenMayaRender.MGeometry.deleteIndexBuffer |
( |
| ) |
deleteIndexBuffer(int) -> bool
Remove a index buffer from this object.
If the buffer was bound to this object (see createIndexBuffer()) then it will become inactive and any attempt to call any of its methods will result in an exception.
OpenMayaRender.MGeometry.deleteVertexBuffer |
( |
| ) |
deleteVertexBuffer(int) -> bool
Remove a vertex buffer from this object.
If the buffer was bound to this object (see createVertexBuffer()) then it will become inactive and any attempt to call any of its methods will result in an exception.
OpenMayaRender.MGeometry.drawModeString |
( |
| ) |
static |
drawModeString(int) -> string
Get the string name (e.g. 'Wireframe, Shaded, Textured') for a combination of the following draw mode values:
kWireframe Draw in wireframe mode
kShaded Draw in shaded mode
kTextured Draw in textured mode
kBoundingBox Draw in bounding box mode
kSelectionOnly Draw only in selection mode
The draw mode value kAll is a combination of the following modes: kWireframe, kShaded, kTextured, and kBoundingBox
OpenMayaRender.MGeometry.indexBuffer |
( |
| ) |
indexBuffer(int) -> MIndexBuffer
Get the index buffer stored at the given index.
OpenMayaRender.MGeometry.indexBufferCount |
( |
| ) |
indexBufferCount() -> int
Get the number of index buffers contained in this MGeometry object.
OpenMayaRender.MGeometry.primitiveString |
( |
| ) |
static |
primitiveString(int) -> string
Get the string name (e.g. 'Triangles') for the following primitive values:
kInvalidPrimitive Default value is not valid
kPoints List of points
kLines List of lines
kLineStrip A line strip
kTriangles List of triangles
kTriangleStrip A triangle strip
kAdjacentTriangles A list of triangle with adjacency
kAdjacentTriangleStrip A triangle strip with adjacency
kAdjacentLines A list of lines with adjacency
kAdjacentLineStrip A line strip with adjacency
kPatch A patch
OpenMayaRender.MGeometry.semanticString |
( |
| ) |
static |
semanticString(int) -> string
Get the string name (e.g. 'Color') for the following semantic values:
kInvalidSemantic Invalid data type (default value)
kPosition Position vector
kNormal Normal vector
kTexture Texture coordinate tuple
kColor Color tuple
kTangent Tangent vector
kBitangent Bi-normal vector
kTangentWithSign Tangent vector with winding order sign
OpenMayaRender.MGeometry.vertexBuffer |
( |
| ) |
vertexBuffer(int) -> MVertexBuffer
Get the vertex buffer stored at the given index.
OpenMayaRender.MGeometry.vertexBufferCount |
( |
| ) |
vertexBufferCount() -> int
Get the number of vertex buffers contained in this MGeometry object.