About Exporting and Importing Custom Settings From the Same Release

Custom settings can be transferred between computers with the same release of the product installed, or to create a backup of custom settings for the installed product.

Note: You must start the program at least once before you can export or import custom settings.

Export Custom Settings

When exporting custom settings, a transfer package is created that contains an XML file along with custom settings and files. Not all custom files are included in a transfer package, only specific custom files and file types used by the program are included. The custom files added to the transfer package are those stored in local locations; optionally, select custom files from network locations might also be included in the transfer package.

The transfer package is a compressed archive with a ZIP file extension. During the import process, you select the ZIP file archive that contains the exported custom settings and files.

The following table lists the file types that are most commonly included in the transfer package.

Most Common File Types Included in the Transfer Package

File Name

File Description


Contains materials that are added to the My Materials library with the Materials Browser.

Note: Not available in AutoCAD LT.


Tools defined in tool palettes and tool palette catalogs.


Defines the order in which tools appear on a tool palette along with the storage of settings related to the program user interface. The file is not migrated from release to release, but is migrated from computer to computer with the transfer package.


Images used for custom commands and user interface elements defined in a customization file, and tools defined in tool palettes.


Settings used to control the appearance of objects when plotting; the settings are arranged by the colors of the AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) system.


Information used to define many of the user interface elements for the program and control their placement.


Custom dictionary used to check the spelling of words in annotation objects.


Information about font mappings for True Type Fonts used in the In-Place Text Editor.


Configuration settings for some features.


Standard and custom linetype definitions.


Standard and custom multiline style definitions.

Note: Not available in AutoCAD LT.


AutoLISP functions that a customization file is dependent on; the MNL file must have the same name as the customization file in order to be loaded by the program.

Note: Not available in AutoCAD LT.


Standard and custom hatch pattern definitions.


Configuration information for virtual and physical output devices: plotters and printers.


External commands and command alias definitions.

Note: External commands are not available in AutoCAD LT.


Calibration and paper size settings of a PC3 file.


Information about font substitution when exporting to a Postscript file.

Note: Not available in AutoCAD LT.


Information about text characters or shapes in complex linetype definitions.


Settings used to control the appearance of objects when plotting; the settings are grouped into names that can be assigned to a layer or object.


Information about the user profiles in the program and the original locations of the files in the transfer package.

The following table lists some of the file types that are not included in the transfer package.

Note: Only MNR and UNT files are relevant to AutoCAD LT.

Some of the File Types Not Included in the Transfer Package

File Name

File Description


Action macro file.


ObjectARX application file.


ObjectARX core application file.


ObjectDBX application file.


Definitions for custom dialog boxes used with AutoLISP or ObjectARX applications.


Visual Basic for Applications project file.


Fast-load AutoLISP format file.


Definitions for fields; should not be modified.


Javascript source file that contains definitions for custom commands and functions.


AutoLISP source file that contains definitions for custom commands and functions.


Resource images for a customization file; must have the same name as a customization file in order to be loaded by the program. The file is not included because it is automatically generated by the program when it is not present.


Data connection settings used with the dbConnect Manager.


Unit definitions used for converting a value from one unit type to another.


Visual LISP file that might contain multiple AutoLISP and DCL files compiled into a single file.

Import Custom Settings

After successfully importing a transfer package, a message box is displayed that provides you with the option of viewing the migration log file. The migration log displays information about which custom settings and files were changed as the result of importing the transfer package. If any errors were encountered during the import operation, they would be listed in the migration log file.

If the user profile <<Unnamed Profile>> exists, the user profile is automatically backed up before the transfer package is imported.

Local locations that exist as part of a user profile in a transfer package are created automatically during the import process, if the locations do not already exist; locations that are on a network or removable drive are not created automatically.

If custom files were added to a transfer package from a network location, the custom files are copied to a local location when the original network locations are not available during the import operation. If the custom files from a network location are found in the same location on the network, the files are not copied to the network location and are ignored during the import operation.