65 double pUnitConversion = 1.0)
72 bool ToCOLLADA(xmlNode * pAnimationLibrary,
const char * pNodeID,
73 const char * pAttributeSID);
78 double * mOutputArray;
81 int mInterpolationStride;
82 double * mInTangentArray;
84 double * mOutTangentArray;
85 int mOutTangentStride;
The animation layer is a collection of animation curve nodes.
bool ToFBX(FbxAnimCurve *pFBXCurve, int pChannelIndex, double pUnitConversion=1.0) const
Copy the channel with specific index to the FBX animation curve.
Utility class to manipulate strings.
Representing a COLLADA animation element.
This class implements an efficient map based on key comparison, which stores key-value pairs...
bool FromCOLLADA(xmlNode *pElement, const SourceElementMapType &pSourceElements)
Initialize with the content of a COLLADA element.
virtual ~AnimationElement()
Represents an element in the scene graph.
int GetChannelCount() const
Get the count of animation channels in the element.
An animation curve, defined by a collection of keys (FbxAnimCurveKey), and indicating how a value cha...
bool FromFBX(const FbxAnimCurve *pCurve, double pUnitConversion=1.0)
Initialize with an animation curve.
bool ToCOLLADA(xmlNode *pAnimationLibrary, const char *pNodeID, const char *pAttributeSID)
Add the content to COLLADA animation library.
Representing a common COLLADA element.