#include <MFnCamera.h>
Function set for cameras.
Function set for creation, edit, and query of cameras.
Many of the camera settings only affect the resulting rendered image. E.g. the F/Stop, shutter speed, the film related options, etc.
Public Member Functions | |
virtual MFn::Type | type () const |
Function set type. | |
virtual | ~MFnCamera () |
Destructor. More... | |
MFnCamera () | |
Default constructor. | |
MFnCamera (MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | |
Constructor. More... | |
MFnCamera (const MDagPath &object, MStatus *ret=NULL) | |
Constructor. More... | |
MObject | create (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Creates a perspective camera and a transform to parent it. More... | |
MObject | create (MObject &parent, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Creates a perspective camera. More... | |
MPoint | eyePoint (MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the eye point for the camera. More... | |
MVector | viewDirection (MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the view direction for the camera. More... | |
MVector | upDirection (MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the up direction vector for the camera. More... | |
MVector | rightDirection (MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the right direction vector for the camera. More... | |
MPoint | centerOfInterestPoint (MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the center of interest point for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | set (const MPoint &wsEyeLocation, const MVector &wsViewDirection, const MVector &wsUpDirection, double horizFieldOfView, double aspectRatio) |
Convenience routine to set the camera viewing parameters. More... | |
MStatus | setEyePoint (const MPoint &eyeLocation, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject) |
Positions the eye-point of the camera keeping the center of interest fixed in space. More... | |
MStatus | setCenterOfInterestPoint (const MPoint ¢erOfInterest, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject) |
Positions the center-of-interest of the camera keeping the eye-point fixed in space. More... | |
bool | hasSamePerspective (const MDagPath &otherCamera, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Returns true if the camera has same perspective settings as the given camera. More... | |
MStatus | copyViewFrom (const MDagPath &otherCamera) |
Copy the camera settings related to the perspective from the given camera view. More... | |
MStatus | getFilmFrustum (double distance, MPointArray clipPlanes, bool applyPanZoom=false) const |
This method is not available in Python. More... | |
MStatus | getFilmFrustum (double distance, double &hSize, double &vSize, double &hOffset, double &vOffset, bool applyPanZoom=false) const |
Returns the film frustum for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | getPortFieldOfView (int width, int height, double &horizontalFOV, double &verticalFOV) const |
Compute the horizontal and vertical field of view in radians from the given viewport width and height. More... | |
MStatus | getViewParameters (double windowAspect, double &apertureX, double &apertureY, double &offsetX, double &offsetY, bool applyOverscan=false, bool applySqueeze=false, bool applyPanZoom=false) const |
Computes and returns the intermediate viewing frustum parameters for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | getViewingFrustum (double windowAspect, double &left, double &right, double &bottom, double &top, bool applyOverscan=false, bool applySqueeze=false, bool applyPanZoom=false) const |
Computes and returns the viewing frustum for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | getRenderingFrustum (double windowAspect, double &left, double &right, double &bottom, double &top) const |
Computes and returns the rendering frustum for the camera. More... | |
MFloatMatrix | projectionMatrix (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the orthographic or perspective projection matrix for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | setHorizontalFilmAperture (double hFilmAperture) |
Change the horizontal size of the camera aperture. More... | |
double | horizontalFilmAperture (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the horizontal film aperture for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | setVerticalFilmAperture (double vFilmAperture) |
Change the vertical size of the camera aperture. More... | |
double | verticalFilmAperture (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the vertical film aperture for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | getFilmApertureLimits (double &min, double &max) const |
Returns the maximum and minimum film aperture limits for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | setAspectRatio (double aspectRatio) |
Set the aspect ratio of the View. More... | |
double | aspectRatio (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the aspect ratio for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | getAspectRatioLimits (double &min, double &max) const |
Returns the minimum and maximum aspect ratio limits for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | setVerticalLock (bool lockFlag) |
Sets the vertical lock to on or off for the camera. More... | |
bool | isVerticalLock (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines if vertical lock is turned on for the camera. More... | |
double | horizontalFilmOffset (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the horizontal offset of the film. More... | |
MStatus | setHorizontalFilmOffset (double hOffset) |
Change the horizontal offset of the film. More... | |
double | verticalFilmOffset (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Change the vertical offset of the film. More... | |
MStatus | setVerticalFilmOffset (double vOffset) |
Change the vertical offset of the film. More... | |
bool | shakeEnabled (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the toggle value for the camera shake enabled attribute. More... | |
MStatus | setShakeEnabled (bool enabled) |
Changes the toggle value for the camera shake enabled attribute. More... | |
double | horizontalShake (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the horizontal offset of the film due to the shake attribute. More... | |
MStatus | setHorizontalShake (double hOffset) |
Change the horizontal film-based camera shake value. More... | |
double | verticalShake (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Change the vertical film-based camera shake value. More... | |
MStatus | setVerticalShake (double vOffset) |
Changes the vertical film-based camera shake value. More... | |
bool | shakeOverscanEnabled (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the toggle value for the camera shake overscan attribute. More... | |
MStatus | setShakeOverscanEnabled (bool enabled) |
Changes the toggle value for the camera shake overscan enabled attribute. More... | |
double | shakeOverscan (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the camera shake overscan value. More... | |
MStatus | setShakeOverscan (double vOffset) |
Changes the camera shake overscan value. More... | |
bool | panZoomEnabled (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Return the toggle value for the camera 2D pan/zoom enabled attribute. More... | |
MStatus | setPanZoomEnabled (bool enabled) |
Changes the toggle value for the camera 2D pan/zoom enabled attribute. More... | |
bool | renderPanZoom (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Return the toggle value for the camera render 2D pan/zoom attribute. More... | |
MStatus | setRenderPanZoom (bool render) |
Changes the toggle value for the camera render 2D pan/zoom enabled attribute. More... | |
double | horizontalPan (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Return the camera 2D horizontal pan value. More... | |
MStatus | setHorizontalPan (double hPan) |
Changes the camera 2D horizontal pan value. More... | |
double | verticalPan (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Return the camera 2D vertical pan value. More... | |
MStatus | setVerticalPan (double vPan) |
Changes the camera 2D vertical pan value. More... | |
double | zoom (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Return the camera 2D zoom value, which is the percent over the film viewable frustum to display. More... | |
MStatus | setZoom (double zoom) |
Changes the camera 2D zoom value. More... | |
bool | stereoHITEnabled (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the toggle value for the stereo HIT enabled attribute. More... | |
MStatus | setStereoHITEnabled (bool enabled) |
Changes the toggle value for the stereo HIT enabled attribute. More... | |
double | stereoHIT (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the camera stereo horizontal image translation (stereo HIT) value. More... | |
MStatus | setStereoHIT (double vOffset) |
Changes the camera stereo horizontal image translation (stereo HIT) value. More... | |
MStatus | setFilmFit (FilmFit filmFit) |
Sets how the digital image is to be fitted to the film back. More... | |
FilmFit | filmFit (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns how the digital image is being fitted to the film back. More... | |
MStatus | setFilmFitOffset (double filmFitOffset) |
Set the film fit offset for the camera. More... | |
double | filmFitOffset (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the film fit offset for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | setOverscan (double overscan) |
Set the percent of overscan for this camera. More... | |
double | overscan (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the percent of overscan for this camera. More... | |
MStatus | setHorizontalRollPivot (double horizontalRollPivot) |
Set the horizontal roll pivot for film back roll. More... | |
double | horizontalRollPivot (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the current horizontal roll pivot value. More... | |
MStatus | setVerticalRollPivot (double verticalRollPivot) |
Set the vertical roll pivot for film back roll. More... | |
double | verticalRollPivot (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the vertical roll pivot's value. More... | |
MStatus | setFilmRollValue (double filmRollValue) |
Set the film roll value for film back. More... | |
double | filmRollValue (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the current roll value in radians. More... | |
MStatus | setFilmRollOrder (RollOrder filmRollOrder) |
Assign the order in which the film back rotation is applied with respect to the pivot point. More... | |
RollOrder | filmRollOrder (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the current roll order. More... | |
MStatus | setPreScale (double sf) |
Set the pre scale value. More... | |
double | preScale (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Return the post projection matrix's pre-scale value. More... | |
MStatus | setPostScale (double sf) |
Set the post scale value. More... | |
double | postScale (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Return the post projection matrix's post-scale value. More... | |
MStatus | setFilmTranslateH (double translate) |
Set the horizontal film translate. More... | |
double | filmTranslateH (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the horizontal film translate value. More... | |
MStatus | setFilmTranslateV (double translate) |
Set the vertical film translate. More... | |
double | filmTranslateV (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the vertical film translate value. More... | |
MFloatMatrix | postProjectionMatrix (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the post projection matrix used to compute film roll on the film back plane. More... | |
MStatus | setDisplayGateMask (bool displayGateMask) |
Activate shaded display of the film or resolution gate mask when looking through the camera. More... | |
bool | isDisplayGateMask (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines if the film gate is displayed shaded. More... | |
MStatus | setDisplayFilmGate (bool displayFilmGate) |
Activate display of the film gate icons when looking through the camera. More... | |
bool | isDisplayFilmGate (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines if the film gate icons are displayed when looking through the camera. More... | |
MStatus | setHorizontalFieldOfView (double fov) |
Sets the horizontal field of view for the camera. More... | |
double | horizontalFieldOfView (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the horizontal field of view for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | setVerticalFieldOfView (double fov) |
Sets the vertical field of view for the camera. More... | |
double | verticalFieldOfView (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the vertical field of view for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | setFocalLength (double focalLength) |
Sets the focal length for the camera. More... | |
double | focalLength (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the focal length for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | getFocalLengthLimits (double &min, double &max) const |
Returns the focal length limits for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | setLensSqueezeRatio (double lensSqueezeRatio) |
Set the squeeze ratio of the lens. More... | |
double | lensSqueezeRatio (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the lens squeeze ratio for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | setClippingPlanes (bool ClippingPlanes) |
Turn on/off manual setting of clip planes. More... | |
bool | isClippingPlanes (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines whether manual clipping planes are activated. More... | |
MStatus | setNearClippingPlane (double dNear) |
Set the distances to the Near Clipping Plane. More... | |
double | nearClippingPlane (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the distance to the near clipping plane. More... | |
MStatus | setFarClippingPlane (double dFar) |
Set the distances to the Far Clipping Plane. More... | |
double | farClippingPlane (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the distance to the far clipping plane. More... | |
MStatus | setNearFarClippingPlanes (double dNear, double dFar) |
Set the distances to the Near and Far Clipping Planes. More... | |
MStatus | setDepthOfField (bool depthOfField) |
Specifies whether the depth of field calculation is performed for the camera. More... | |
bool | isDepthOfField (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines whether the depth of field calculation is performed for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | setFStop (double fStop) |
Sets the f-stop value for the camera. More... | |
double | fStop (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the f-stop value for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | setFocusDistance (double distance) |
Set the focus at a certain distance in front of the camera. More... | |
double | focusDistance (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the focus distance for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | setNearFocusDistance (double nearFocusDistance) |
Set the nearest distance within the well-focus region. More... | |
double | nearFocusDistance (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the linear distance to the near focus plane. More... | |
MStatus | setFarFocusDistance (double farFocusDistance) |
Set the farthest distance within the well-focus region. More... | |
double | farFocusDistance (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the linear distance to the far focus plane. More... | |
MStatus | computeDepthOfField () |
MStatus | computeDepthOfField (double nearLimit) |
MStatus | setMotionBlur (bool motionBlur) |
Turns motion blur on/off for the camera. More... | |
bool | isMotionBlur (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determine if motion blur is on/off for the camera. More... | |
MStatus | setShutterAngle (double shutterAngle) |
Change the current shutter angle which is one of the variables used to compute motion blur. More... | |
double | shutterAngle (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Return the current shutter angle which is one of the variables used to compute motion blur. More... | |
MStatus | setCenterOfInterest (double dist) |
Set the Center of Interest, which is defined to be a positive distance along the View Direction (i.e., "in front" of the Camera). More... | |
double | centerOfInterest (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Return the linear distance from the camera's eye point to the center of interest. More... | |
MStatus | setIsOrtho (bool orthoState) |
Switch the camera in and out of orthographic mode. More... | |
MStatus | setIsOrtho (bool orthoState, double useDist) |
Switch the camera in and out of orthographic mode. More... | |
bool | isOrtho (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines if the camera is in orthographic mode. More... | |
MStatus | setOrthoWidth (double orthoWidth) |
Sets a new width for the ortho camera. More... | |
double | orthoWidth (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the orthographic projection width. More... | |
MStatus | setCameraScale (double scale) |
Sets the camera scale. More... | |
double | cameraScale (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the camera scale. More... | |
MStatus | setTumblePivot (const MPoint &point) |
The tumble pivot is used for non-local tumble operations. More... | |
MPoint | tumblePivot (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the tumble pivot value for the camera. More... | |
double | unnormalizedNearClippingPlane (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the distance to the near clipping plane. More... | |
double | unnormalizedFarClippingPlane (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the distance to the far clipping plane. More... | |
MFnCamera (const MObject &object, MStatus *ret=NULL) | |
Constructor. More... | |
MStatus | setStereo (bool stereo) |
Obsolete & no script support. More... | |
bool | isStereo (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Obsolete & no script support. More... | |
MStatus | setParallelView (bool parallelView) |
obsolete & no script support More... | |
bool | isParallelView (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
obsolete & no script support More... | |
MStatus | setEyeOffset (double eyeOffset) |
Obsolete & no script support. More... | |
double | eyeOffset (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Obsolete & no script support. More... | |
MStatus | getFilmFrustum (double distance, MPoint clipPlane[4], bool applyPanZoom=false) const |
No script support. More... | |
MStatus | setUsePivotAsLocalSpace (const bool how) |
Local space tumbling specifies that when the camera is tumbled, the camera will rotate about its local axis, offset by the tumblePivot. More... | |
bool | usePivotAsLocalSpace (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the value of the local axis tumble setting for this camera. More... | |
MFloatMatrix | postProjectionMatrix (const MDGContext &context, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the post projection matrix used to compute film roll on the film back plane. More... | |
MFloatMatrix | projectionMatrix (const MDGContext &context, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the orthographic or perspective projection matrix for the camera. More... | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~MFnDagNode () |
Destructor. More... | |
MFnDagNode () | |
Class Constructor. More... | |
MFnDagNode (MObject &object, MStatus *ret=NULL) | |
This method is not available in Python. More... | |
MFnDagNode (const MDagPath &object, MStatus *ret=NULL) | |
Class Constructor. More... | |
MObject | create (const MTypeId &typeId, MObject &parent=MObject::kNullObj, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Creates a new DAG node with the given type tag. More... | |
MObject | create (const MTypeId &typeId, const MString &name, MObject &parent=MObject::kNullObj, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Creates a new DAG node with the given type tag. More... | |
MObject | create (const MString &type, MObject &parent=MObject::kNullObj, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Creates a new DAG node with the given type tag. More... | |
MObject | create (const MString &type, const MString &name, MObject &parent=MObject::kNullObj, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Creates a new DAG node with the given type tag. More... | |
unsigned int | parentCount (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines the number of parent Nodes of the Node. More... | |
MObject | parent (unsigned int i, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Queries the DAG Node attached to the Function Set for the parent Node corresponding to the given index. More... | |
MStatus | addChild (MObject &child, unsigned int index=kNextPos, bool keepExistingParents=false) |
Makes the given DAG Node a child of the DAG Node to which this instance of the Function Set is attached. More... | |
MStatus | removeChild (MObject &child) |
Removes the given DAG Node from the parent. More... | |
MStatus | removeChildAt (unsigned int index) |
Removes the child at the given index from the parent. More... | |
unsigned int | childCount (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines the number of child Nodes of the Node. More... | |
MObject | child (unsigned int i, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Queries the DAG Node attached to the Function Set for the child Node corresponding to the given index. More... | |
MObject | dagRoot (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Determines the root of the first DAG Path to the DAG Node attached to the Function Set. More... | |
bool | hasParent (const MObject &node, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines whether or not the given Node is a parent of the DAG Node attached to the Function Set. More... | |
bool | hasChild (const MObject &node, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines whether or not the given Node is a child of the DAG Node attached to the Function Set. More... | |
bool | isChildOf (const MObject &node, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines whether or not the DAG Node attached to the Function Set is a child of the given node. More... | |
bool | isParentOf (const MObject &node, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines whether or not the DAG Node attached to the Function Set is a parent of the given node. More... | |
bool | inUnderWorld (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines whether or not the DAG Node is an underworld node. More... | |
bool | inModel (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines whether or not the DAG Node is in the model. More... | |
bool | isInstanceable (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns true if the DAG node can be instanced, and false otherwise. More... | |
MStatus | setInstanceable (const bool how) |
Sets whether or not the DAG node is instanceable. More... | |
bool | isInstanced (bool indirect=true, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines whether the DAG Node attached to the Function Set is directly or indirectly instanced. More... | |
bool | isInstancedAttribute (const MObject &attr, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns true if the specified attribute is instanced. More... | |
unsigned int | instanceCount (bool total, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines the number of times the Node attached to the Function Set is instanced. More... | |
MObject | duplicate (bool instance=false, bool instanceLeaf=false, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
This method duplicates the DAG hierarchy rooted at the current node. More... | |
MStatus | getPath (MDagPath &path) const |
Returns a DAG Path to the DAG Node attached to the Function Set. More... | |
MStatus | getAllPaths (MDagPathArray &paths) const |
Determines all DAG Paths to the DAG Node attached to the Function Set. More... | |
MString | fullPathName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Return a string representing the full path from the root of the dag to this object. More... | |
MString | partialPathName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Return a string representing the partial path from the root of the dag to this object. More... | |
MMatrix | transformationMatrix (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the object space transformation matrix for this DAG node. More... | |
bool | isIntermediateObject (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns true if this object is an intermediate in a geometry calculation. More... | |
MStatus | setIntermediateObject (bool isIntermediate) |
Sets whether this object is an intermediate in a geometry calculation. More... | |
int | objectColor (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
This method is obsolete. More... | |
MStatus | setObjectColor (int color) |
Sets the index for the current user defined inactive color used by the node. More... | |
bool | usingObjectColor (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
MStatus | setUseObjectColor (bool useObjectColor) |
MObjectColorType | objectColorType (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines whether or not the user defined inactive color will be used for the node, or whether the default inactive color will be used. More... | |
MStatus | setObjectColorType (MObjectColorType type) |
Sets whether or not the user defined inactive object color will be used. More... | |
MStatus | setObjectColor (const MColor &color) |
Sets the color value for the current user defined inactive color used by the node. More... | |
MColor | objectColorRGB (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines the RGB color for the current user defined inactive color used by the node. More... | |
int | objectColorIndex (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines the index for the current user defined inactive color used by the node. More... | |
MColor | hiliteColor (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines the current hilite color used by the node. More... | |
bool | usingHiliteColor (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines whether or not the hilite color will be used for the node. More... | |
MColor | dormantColor (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines the dormant color used by this node. More... | |
MColor | activeColor (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines the active color used by this node. More... | |
bool | drawOverrideEnabled (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines whether or not draw override is turned on for this node. More... | |
bool | drawOverrideIsReference (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines whether or not Display Type of the draw override is Reference for this node. More... | |
bool | drawOverrideIsTemplate (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines whether or not Display Type of the draw override is Template for this node. More... | |
bool | drawOverrideColor (MColor &color, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Determines the draw override color used by this node. More... | |
MStatus | getConnectedSetsAndMembers (unsigned int instanceNumber, MObjectArray &sets, MObjectArray &comps, bool renderableSetsOnly) const |
Returns all the sets connected to the specified instance of this DAG object. More... | |
MBoundingBox | boundingBox (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the bounding box for the dag node in object space. More... | |
MDagPath | dagPath (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the DagPath to which the Function Set is attached. More... | |
virtual MStatus | setObject (const MDagPath &path) |
Attaches Function Set to the DAG Node that has the given DAG Path. More... | |
virtual MStatus | setObject (MObject &object) |
Attaches Function Set to given DAG Node. More... | |
MObject | model (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
This method is obsolete. More... | |
MFnDagNode (const MObject &object, MStatus *ret=NULL) | |
No script support. More... | |
virtual MStatus | setObject (const MObject &object) |
No script support. More... | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~MFnDependencyNode () |
Destructor. | |
MFnDependencyNode () | |
Default constructor. | |
MFnDependencyNode (MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | |
Constructor. More... | |
MObject | create (const MTypeId &typeId, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Creates a new dependency node with the given type tag. More... | |
MObject | create (const MTypeId &typeId, const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Creates a new dependency node with the given type tag. More... | |
MObject | create (const MString &type, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Creates a new dependency node with the given type. More... | |
MObject | create (const MString &type, const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Creates a new dependency node with the given type. More... | |
MTypeId | typeId (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the type id of this node. More... | |
MString | typeName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the type name of this node. More... | |
MString | name (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the name of this node. More... | |
MString | absoluteName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the absolute name of this node. More... | |
MString | pluginName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the name of the plug-in this MFnDependendencyNode was defined in. More... | |
MString | setName (const MString &name, bool createNamespace=false, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Sets the name of this node. More... | |
MUuid | uuid (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the node's UUID. More... | |
void | setUuid (const MUuid &uuid, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Sets the node's UUID. More... | |
MStatus | getConnections (MPlugArray &array) const |
Get all of the current connections to this node as an array of plugs. More... | |
unsigned int | attributeCount (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the number of attributes that this node has. More... | |
MObject | attribute (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Finds the attribute of this node at the given index. More... | |
MObject | reorderedAttribute (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Some nodes, such as the various animCurve nodes, require that their attributes be set in a specific order for proper operation. More... | |
MObject | attribute (const MString &attrName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Finds the attribute of this node that has the given name. More... | |
MAttrClass | attributeClass (const MObject &attr, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the class (normal, dynamic, extension) of the specified attribute. More... | |
MStatus | getAffectedAttributes (const MObject &attr, MObjectArray &affectedAttributes) const |
Returns an array of attributes that are affected by the attribute passed in. More... | |
MStatus | getAffectedByAttributes (const MObject &attr, MObjectArray &affectedByAttributes) const |
Returns an array of attributes that affect the attribute passed in, attr. More... | |
MPlug | findPlug (const MObject &attr, bool wantNetworkedPlug, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Attempt to find a plug for the given attribute. More... | |
MPlug | findPlug (const MString &attrName, bool wantNetworkedPlug, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Attempt to find a plug for the given attribute. More... | |
MPlug | findPlug (const MObject &attr, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
This method is obsolete. More... | |
MPlug | findPlug (const MString &attrName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
This method is obsolete. More... | |
MStatus | addAttribute (const MObject &attr) |
Add a new dynamic attibute to this node. More... | |
MStatus | removeAttribute (const MObject &attr) |
Remove a dynamic attribute from a node. More... | |
MPxNode * | userNode (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
If the function set's node is a plug-in node, then this method will extract the MPxNode pointer from it. More... | |
bool | isFromReferencedFile (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Indicates whether or not this node came from a referenced file. More... | |
bool | isShared (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Indicates whether or not this node is shared. More... | |
bool | isTrackingEdits (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns whether or not edits on the given node are being tracked by the generalized edit system. More... | |
bool | hasUniqueName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Indicates whether or not this node's name is unique within the scene. More... | |
MString | parentNamespace (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the name of the namespace in which this node resides. More... | |
bool | isLocked (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Indicates whether or not this node is locked. More... | |
MStatus | setLocked (bool locked) |
Locks or unlocks this node. More... | |
bool | isNewAttribute (const MObject &attr, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Indicates whether or not the specified attribute was added to this node within the current scene. More... | |
MStatus | setFlag (unsigned int flag, bool state) |
Sets the state of the specified flag for the node. More... | |
bool | isFlagSet (unsigned int flag, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Retrieves the current state of the specified flag for a node. More... | |
bool | isDefaultNode (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns true if the node is a default node. More... | |
MStatus | setDoNotWrite (bool flag) |
Use this method to mark the "do not write" state of this node. More... | |
bool | canBeWritten (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the do not write state of the node. More... | |
bool | hasAttribute (const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns true if the node already has an attribute with the given name. More... | |
MObject | getAliasAttr (bool force, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Returns the node's alias attribute, which is a special attribute used to store information about the node's attribute aliases. More... | |
bool | setAlias (const MString &alias, const MString &name, const MPlug &plug, bool add=true, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Sets or removes an alias (i.e. More... | |
bool | findAlias (const MString &alias, MObject &attrObj, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Retrieves the attribute with the given alias. More... | |
bool | getAliasList (MStringArray &strArray, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Returns a list of all attribute aliases for this node. More... | |
MString | plugsAlias (const MPlug &plug, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Returns the alias for the plug's attribute or the empty string if that attribute has no alias. More... | |
MStatus | setIcon (const MString &filename) |
Associates a custom icon with the node for display in the Maya UI. More... | |
MString | icon (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the custom icon filename associated with the node. More... | |
MStatus | getExternalContent (MExternalContentInfoTable &table) const |
Returns the external content (files) that this node depends on. More... | |
MStatus | addExternalContentForFileAttr (MExternalContentInfoTable &table, const MObject &attr) const |
Adds content info to the specified table from a file path attribute. More... | |
MStatus | setExternalContentForFileAttr (const MObject &attr, const MExternalContentLocationTable &table) |
Sets content info in the specified attribute from the table. More... | |
MStatus | setExternalContent (const MExternalContentLocationTable &table) |
Changes the location of external content. More... | |
MString | setName (const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus) |
MFnDependencyNode (const MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | |
bool | getPlugsAlias (const MPlug &plug, MString &aliasName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
virtual const adsk::Data::Associations * | metadata (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
This method is not available in Python. More... | |
virtual MStatus | setMetadata (const adsk::Data::Associations &) |
This method is not available in Python. More... | |
virtual MStatus | deleteMetadata () |
This method is not available in Python. More... | |
virtual MStatus | validateMetadata (MString &errors) const |
This method is not available in Python. More... | |
MStatus | dgTimerOn () |
Indicates that this node should collect DG timing data whenever DG timing is enabled. More... | |
MStatus | dgTimerOff () |
Indicates that this node should no longer collect DG timing data when DG timing is enabled. More... | |
MdgTimerState | dgTimerQueryState (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
The function returns the current on/off state of the node's timer. More... | |
MStatus | dgTimerReset () |
The function resets the dependency graph timers and counters for this node to zero. More... | |
double | dgTimer (const MdgTimerMetric timerMetric, const MdgTimerType timerType, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
The function returns the specified timer value for the current node. More... | |
MStatus | dgCallbacks (const MdgTimerType type, MStringArray &callbackName, MDoubleArray &value) |
Node callbacks that occur when timing is enabled get logged with the node and can be queried via this method. More... | |
MStatus | dgCallbackIds (const MdgTimerType type, const MString &callbackName, MCallbackIdArray &callbackId, MDoubleArray &value) |
This method provides a further breakdown of the per-callback time returned via dgCallbacks() by returning the data on a per-callbackId basis. More... | |
MStatus | addAttribute (const MObject &attr, MAttrClass type) |
This method is obsolete. More... | |
MStatus | removeAttribute (const MObject &attr, MAttrClass type) |
This method is obsolete. More... | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~MFnBase () |
Class Destructor. More... | |
bool | hasObj (MFn::Type) const |
Determines whether or not the Function Set is compatible with the specified Maya Object within the API RTTI system. More... | |
bool | hasObj (const MObject &) const |
Determines whether or not the Function Set is compatible with the specified Maya Object within the API RTTI system. More... | |
MObject | object (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
Returns the MObject that is attached to the Function Set. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual const char * | className () const |
Class name. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static MString | classification (const MString &nodeTypeName) |
Retrieves the classification string for a node type. More... | |
static unsigned int | allocateFlag (const MString pluginName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
Allocates a node flag for sole use by the caller. More... | |
static MStatus | deallocateFlag (const MString pluginName, unsigned int flag) |
Deallocates a node flag which was previously allocated by a call to allocateFlag. More... | |
static MStatus | deallocateAllFlags (const MString pluginName) |
Deallocates all of the node flags which are currently allocated to the specified plugin. More... | |
static void | enableDGTiming (bool enable) |
Globally enables or disables the DG node timing mechanism. More... | |
![]() | |
static const char * | className () |
Returns the name of this class. More... | |
enum FilmFit |
Specifies how to fit the digital image to the film back.
This describes how the digital image (in pixels) relates to the film back. Since the film back is defined in terms of real numbers with some arbitrary film aspect, and the digital image is defined in integer pixels with an equally arbitrary (and different) resolution, relating the two can get complicated.
enum RollOrder |
virtual |
Class destructor.
Creates a perspective camera and a transform to parent it.
The camera is positioned at (0, 0, 0), its center of interest at (0, 0, -1), which implies that the view-direction is pointing in the direction of the negative z-axis, and its up-direction along the positive Y axis.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
Creates a perspective camera.
A parent can be specified for the new camera, otherwise a transform is created.
The camera is positioned at (0, 0, 0), its center of interest at (0, 0, -1), which implies that the view-direction is pointing in the direction of the negative z-axis, and its up-direction along the positive Y axis.
[in] | parent | The parent of the new camera |
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MPoint eyePoint | ( | MSpace::Space | space = MSpace::kObject , |
MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL |
) | const |
Returns the eye point for the camera.
[in] | space | Specifies the coordinate system for this operation |
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MVector viewDirection | ( | MSpace::Space | space = MSpace::kObject , |
MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL |
) | const |
Returns the view direction for the camera.
[in] | space | Specifies the coordinate system for this operation |
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MVector upDirection | ( | MSpace::Space | space = MSpace::kObject , |
MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL |
) | const |
Returns the up direction vector for the camera.
[in] | space | Specifies the coordinate system for this operation |
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MVector rightDirection | ( | MSpace::Space | space = MSpace::kObject , |
MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL |
) | const |
Returns the right direction vector for the camera.
[in] | space | Specifies the coordinate system for this operation |
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MPoint centerOfInterestPoint | ( | MSpace::Space | space = MSpace::kObject , |
MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL |
) | const |
Returns the center of interest point for the camera.
[in] | space | Specifies the coordinate system for this operation |
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus set | ( | const MPoint & | wsEyeLocation, |
const MVector & | wsViewDirection, | ||
const MVector & | wsUpDirection, | ||
double | horizFieldOfView, | ||
double | aspectRatio | ||
) |
Convenience routine to set the camera viewing parameters.
The specified values should be in world space where applicable.
This method will only work when the world space information for the camera is available, i.e. when the function set has been initialized with a DAG path.
[in] | wsEyeLocation | Eye location to set in world space |
[in] | wsViewDirection | View direction to set in world space |
[in] | wsUpDirection | Up direction to set in world space |
[in] | horizFieldOfView | The horizontal field of view to set |
[in] | aspectRatio | The aspect ratio to set |
MStatus setEyePoint | ( | const MPoint & | eyeLocation, |
MSpace::Space | space = MSpace::kObject |
) |
Positions the eye-point of the camera keeping the center of interest fixed in space.
This method changed the orientation and translation of the camera's transform attributes as well as the center-of-interest distance.
This method will only work when the world space information for the camera is available, i.e. when the function set has been initialized with a DAG path.
[in] | eyeLocation | The eye location to set |
[in] | space | Specifies the coordinate system for this operation |
MStatus setCenterOfInterestPoint | ( | const MPoint & | centerOfInterest, |
MSpace::Space | space = MSpace::kObject |
) |
Positions the center-of-interest of the camera keeping the eye-point fixed in space.
This method changed the orientation and translation of the camera's transform attributes as well as the center-of-interest distance.
This method will only work when the world space information for the camera is available, i.e. when the function set has been initialized with a DAG path.
[in] | centerOfInterest | Center of interest point to be set |
[in] | space | Specifies the coordinate system for this operation |
Returns true if the camera has same perspective settings as the given camera.
This method will only work when the world space information for the camera is available, i.e. when the function set has been initialized with a DAG path.
[in] | otherCamera | Camera to compare perspective with |
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
Copy the camera settings related to the perspective from the given camera view.
This method will only work when the world space information for the camera is available, i.e. when the function set has been initialized with a DAG path.
[in] | otherCamera | Camera to copy view from |
MStatus getFilmFrustum | ( | double | distance, |
MPointArray | clipPlanes, | ||
bool | applyPanZoom = false |
) | const |
This method is not available in Python.
Returns the film frustum for the camera. The frustum defines the projective transformation.
[in] | distance | Specifies the focal length |
[out] | clipPlanes | point array to store the clip planes |
[in] | applyPanZoom | specifies whether to apply 2D pan/zoom |
MStatus getFilmFrustum | ( | double | distance, |
double & | hSize, | ||
double & | vSize, | ||
double & | hOffset, | ||
double & | vOffset, | ||
bool | applyPanZoom = false |
) | const |
Returns the film frustum for the camera.
The frustum defines the projective transformation.
[in] | distance | Specifies the focal length |
[out] | hSize | storage for horizontal size |
[out] | vSize | storage for vertical size |
[out] | hOffset | storage for horizontal offset |
[out] | vOffset | storage for vertical offset |
[in] | applyPanZoom | specifies whether to apply 2D pan/zoom |
MStatus getPortFieldOfView | ( | int | width, |
int | height, | ||
double & | horizontalFOV, | ||
double & | verticalFOV | ||
) | const |
Compute the horizontal and vertical field of view in radians from the given viewport width and height.
[in] | width | width of viewport |
[in] | height | height of viewport |
[out] | horizontalFOV | storage for the horizonal field of view |
[out] | verticalFOV | storage for the vertical field of view |
MStatus getViewParameters | ( | double | windowAspect, |
double & | apertureX, | ||
double & | apertureY, | ||
double & | offsetX, | ||
double & | offsetY, | ||
bool | applyOverscan = false , |
bool | applySqueeze = false , |
bool | applyPanZoom = false |
) | const |
Computes and returns the intermediate viewing frustum parameters for the camera.
The aperture and offset are used by getViewingFrustrum() and getRenderingFrustrum() to compute the extent (left, right, top, bottom) of the frustrum in the following manner:
Here, focal_to_near is equal to cameraScale() if the camera is orthographic, or it is equal to ((nearClippingPlane() / (focalLength() * MM_TO_INCH)) * cameraScale()) where MM_TO_INCH equals 0.03937.
[in] | windowAspect | windowAspect |
[out] | apertureX | storage for the horizontal aperture |
[out] | apertureY | storage for the vertical aperture |
[out] | offsetX | storage for the horizontal offset |
[out] | offsetY | storage for the vertical offset |
[in] | applyOverscan | specifies whether to apply overscan |
[in] | applySqueeze | specifies whether to apply the lens squeeze ratio of the camera |
[in] | applyPanZoom | specifies whether to apply 2D pan/zoom |
MStatus getViewingFrustum | ( | double | windowAspect, |
double & | left, | ||
double & | right, | ||
double & | bottom, | ||
double & | top, | ||
bool | applyOverscan = false , |
bool | applySqueeze = false , |
bool | applyPanZoom = false |
) | const |
Computes and returns the viewing frustum for the camera.
[in] | windowAspect | windowAspect |
[out] | left | storage for the left side of frustum |
[out] | right | storage for the right side of frustum |
[out] | bottom | storage for the bottom of frustum |
[out] | top | storage for the top of frustum |
[in] | applyOverscan | specifies whether to apply overscan |
[in] | applySqueeze | specifies whether to apply the lens squeeze ratio of the camera |
[in] | applyPanZoom | specifies whether to apply 2D pan/zoom |
MStatus getRenderingFrustum | ( | double | windowAspect, |
double & | left, | ||
double & | right, | ||
double & | bottom, | ||
double & | top | ||
) | const |
Computes and returns the rendering frustum for the camera.
This is the frustum that the maya renderer uses.
[in] | windowAspect | windowAspect |
[out] | left | storage for the left side of frustum |
[out] | right | storage for the right side of frustum |
[out] | bottom | storage for the bottom of frustum |
[out] | top | storage for the top of frustum |
MFloatMatrix projectionMatrix | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the orthographic or perspective projection matrix for the camera.
The projection matrix that maya's software renderer uses is almost identical to the OpenGL projection matrix. The difference is that maya uses a left hand coordinate system and so the entries [2][2] and [3][2] are negated.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setHorizontalFilmAperture | ( | double | hFilmAperture | ) |
Change the horizontal size of the camera aperture.
Unit used is inches.
[in] | hFilmAperture | Horizontal file aperture value to be set |
double horizontalFilmAperture | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the horizontal film aperture for the camera.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setVerticalFilmAperture | ( | double | vFilmAperture | ) |
Change the vertical size of the camera aperture.
Unit used is inches.
[in] | vFilmAperture | The vertical film aperture for the camera |
double verticalFilmAperture | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the vertical film aperture for the camera.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus getFilmApertureLimits | ( | double & | min, |
double & | max | ||
) | const |
Returns the maximum and minimum film aperture limits for the camera.
[out] | min | Storage for the minimum film aperture limit |
[out] | max | Storage for the maximum film aperture limit |
MStatus setAspectRatio | ( | double | aspectRatio | ) |
Set the aspect ratio of the View.
The aspect ratio is expressed as width/height. This also modifies the entity's scale transformation to reflect the new aspect ratio.
[in] | aspectRatio | The aspect ratio to be set |
double aspectRatio | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the aspect ratio for the camera.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus getAspectRatioLimits | ( | double & | min, |
double & | max | ||
) | const |
Returns the minimum and maximum aspect ratio limits for the camera.
[out] | min | Storage for the minimum aspect ratio limit |
[out] | max | Storage for the maximum aspect ratio limit |
MStatus setVerticalLock | ( | bool | lockFlag | ) |
Sets the vertical lock to on or off for the camera.
[in] | lockFlag | Vertical lock value to be set |
bool isVerticalLock | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Determines if vertical lock is turned on for the camera.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
double horizontalFilmOffset | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the horizontal offset of the film.
Unit used is inches.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setHorizontalFilmOffset | ( | double | hOffset | ) |
Change the horizontal offset of the film.
Unit used is inches.
[in] | hOffset | The horizontal film offset value to be set |
double verticalFilmOffset | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Change the vertical offset of the film.
Unit used is inches.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setVerticalFilmOffset | ( | double | vOffset | ) |
Change the vertical offset of the film.
Unit used is inches.
[in] | vOffset | The vertical film offset value to be set |
bool shakeEnabled | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the toggle value for the camera shake enabled attribute.
If this attribute is false, the horizontalShake and verticalShake values are ignored by the camera.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setShakeEnabled | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
Changes the toggle value for the camera shake enabled attribute.
If this attribute is false, the horizontalShake and verticalShake values are ignored by the camera.
[in] | enabled | The film-based camera shake toggle value to be set |
double horizontalShake | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the horizontal offset of the film due to the shake attribute.
Unit used is inches. This horizontal/vertical attribute pair acts identically to the film offset pair, but gives another point of input to that system. This allows film-based camera shake to be accessed conveniently and independently without disturbing any other film-offsetting techniques.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setHorizontalShake | ( | double | hOffset | ) |
Change the horizontal film-based camera shake value.
Unit used is inches.
[in] | hOffset | The horizontal film-based camera shake value to be set |
double verticalShake | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Change the vertical film-based camera shake value.
Unit used is inches. This horizontal/vertical attribute pair acts identically to the film offset pair, but gives another point of input to that system. This allows film-based camera shake to be accessed conveniently and independently without disturbing any other film-offsetting techniques.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setVerticalShake | ( | double | vOffset | ) |
Changes the vertical film-based camera shake value.
Unit used is inches.
[in] | vOffset | The vertical film-based camera shake value to be set |
bool shakeOverscanEnabled | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the toggle value for the camera shake overscan attribute.
If this attribute is false, the shakeOverscan value is ignored by the camera.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setShakeOverscanEnabled | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
Changes the toggle value for the camera shake overscan enabled attribute.
If this attribute is false, the shakeOverscan value is ignored by the camera.
[in] | enabled | The film-based camera shake overscan toggle value to be set |
double shakeOverscan | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the camera shake overscan value.
Unit is a multiplier to the film aperture. This overscan is used to render a larger area than would be necessary if the camera were not shaking. This attribute will affect the output render.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setShakeOverscan | ( | double | overscan | ) |
Changes the camera shake overscan value.
Unit is a multiplier to the film aperture size. This attribute will affect the output render.
[in] | overscan | The camera shake overscan value to be set |
bool panZoomEnabled | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Return the toggle value for the camera 2D pan/zoom enabled attribute.
If this attribute is false, the 2D pan/zoom values are ignored by the camera.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setPanZoomEnabled | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
Changes the toggle value for the camera 2D pan/zoom enabled attribute.
[in] | enabled | The camera 2D pan/zoom enabled toggle value to be set |
bool renderPanZoom | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Return the toggle value for the camera render 2D pan/zoom attribute.
If this attribute is false, the 2D pan/zoom values will not affect the output render.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setRenderPanZoom | ( | bool | render | ) |
Changes the toggle value for the camera render 2D pan/zoom enabled attribute.
[in] | render | The camera render 2D pan/zoom toggle value to be set |
double horizontalPan | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Return the camera 2D horizontal pan value.
Unit is inches.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setHorizontalPan | ( | double | hPan | ) |
Changes the camera 2D horizontal pan value.
Unit is inches.
[in] | hPan | The camera 2D horizontal pan value to be set |
double verticalPan | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Return the camera 2D vertical pan value.
Unit is inches.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setVerticalPan | ( | double | vPan | ) |
Changes the camera 2D vertical pan value.
Unit is inches.
[in] | vPan | The camera 2D vertical pan value to be set |
double zoom | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Return the camera 2D zoom value, which is the percent over the film viewable frustum to display.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setZoom | ( | double | zoom | ) |
Changes the camera 2D zoom value.
[in] | zoom | The camera 2D zoom value to be set |
bool stereoHITEnabled | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the toggle value for the stereo HIT enabled attribute.
If this attribute is false, the stereoHIT value is ignored by the camera.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setStereoHITEnabled | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
Changes the toggle value for the stereo HIT enabled attribute.
If this attribute is false, the stereoHIT value is ignored by the camera.
[in] | enabled | The film-based camera stereo HIT toggle value to be set |
double stereoHIT | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the camera stereo horizontal image translation (stereo HIT) value.
Unit is inches. This has the same effect as the HFO attribute, but is intended as an input hook for use with stereo camera rigs.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setStereoHIT | ( | double | hit | ) |
Changes the camera stereo horizontal image translation (stereo HIT) value.
Unit is inches. This has the same effect as the HFO attribute, but is intended as an input hook for use with stereo camera rigs.
[in] | hit | The stereo HIT value to be set |
Sets how the digital image is to be fitted to the film back.
[in] | filmFit | The type of film fit |
MFnCamera::FilmFit filmFit | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns how the digital image is being fitted to the film back.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setFilmFitOffset | ( | double | filmFitOffset | ) |
Set the film fit offset for the camera.
Since the digital image may not match the film back exactly, we now have the question of how to position one relative to the other. Thus fit offset. Normally the centers are aligned. Fit offset lets you move the smaller image within the larger one. Specify the distance for film offset (inches).
[in] | filmFitOffset |
double filmFitOffset | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the film fit offset for the camera.
Since the digital image may not match the film back exactly, we now have the question of how to position one relative to the other. Thus fit offset. Normally the centers are aligned. Fit offset lets you move the smaller image within the larger one. Specify the distance for film offset (inches).
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setOverscan | ( | double | overscan | ) |
Set the percent of overscan for this camera.
[in] | overscan |
double overscan | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the percent of overscan for this camera.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setHorizontalRollPivot | ( | double | horizontalRollPivot | ) |
Set the horizontal roll pivot for film back roll.
[in] | horizontalRollPivot | Specifies the horizontal pivot value. |
double horizontalRollPivot | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the current horizontal roll pivot value.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setVerticalRollPivot | ( | double | verticalRollPivot | ) |
Set the vertical roll pivot for film back roll.
[in] | verticalRollPivot | Specifies the vertical pivot value. |
double verticalRollPivot | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the vertical roll pivot's value.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setFilmRollValue | ( | double | filmRollValue | ) |
Set the film roll value for film back.
[in] | filmRollValue | Specifies the amount rotation in the film back. The film back rotation value is specified in radians. |
double filmRollValue | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the current roll value in radians.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
Assign the order in which the film back rotation is applied with respect to the pivot point.
There are 2 choices.
[in] | filmRollOrder | The order to apply the film roll. |
MFnCamera::RollOrder filmRollOrder | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the current roll order.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setPreScale | ( | double | sf | ) |
Set the pre scale value.
[in] | sf | The scaling factor. |
double preScale | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Return the post projection matrix's pre-scale value.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code. |
MStatus setPostScale | ( | double | sf | ) |
Set the post scale value.
[in] | sf | The scaling factor. |
double postScale | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Return the post projection matrix's post-scale value.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code. |
MStatus setFilmTranslateH | ( | double | translate | ) |
Set the horizontal film translate.
[in] | translate | The amount of translation normalized to the viewing area. |
double filmTranslateH | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the horizontal film translate value.
This value corresponds to the normalized viewport.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setFilmTranslateV | ( | double | translate | ) |
Set the vertical film translate.
[in] | translate | The amount of translation normalized to the viewing area. |
double filmTranslateV | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the vertical film translate value.
This value corresponds to the normalized viewport, [-1,1].
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MFloatMatrix postProjectionMatrix | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the post projection matrix used to compute film roll on the film back plane.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setDisplayGateMask | ( | bool | displayGateMask | ) |
Activate shaded display of the film or resolution gate mask when looking through the camera.
Does not activate the film or resolution gate display.
[in] | displayGateMask | Specifies whether to display the film gate shaded. |
bool isDisplayGateMask | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Determines if the film gate is displayed shaded.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setDisplayFilmGate | ( | bool | displayFilmGate | ) |
Activate display of the film gate icons when looking through the camera.
[in] | displayFilmGate | Specifies whether to display the film gate. |
bool isDisplayFilmGate | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Determines if the film gate icons are displayed when looking through the camera.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setHorizontalFieldOfView | ( | double | fov | ) |
Sets the horizontal field of view for the camera.
[in] | fov | The horizontal field of view value to be set |
double horizontalFieldOfView | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the horizontal field of view for the camera.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setVerticalFieldOfView | ( | double | fov | ) |
Sets the vertical field of view for the camera.
[in] | fov | The vertical field of view value to be set |
double verticalFieldOfView | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the vertical field of view for the camera.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setFocalLength | ( | double | focalLength | ) |
Sets the focal length for the camera.
This is the distance along the lens axis between the lens and the film plane when "focal distance" is infinitely large. This is an optical property of the lens. This double precision parameter is always specified in millimeters.
[in] | focalLength | The focal length value to be set |
double focalLength | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the focal length for the camera.
This is the distance along the lens axis between the lens and the film plane when "focal distance" is infinitely large. This is an optical property of the lens. This double precision parameter is always specified in millimeters.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus getFocalLengthLimits | ( | double & | min, |
double & | max | ||
) | const |
Returns the focal length limits for the camera.
[out] | min | Storage for the minimum focal length limit |
[out] | max | Storage for the maximum focal length limit |
MStatus setLensSqueezeRatio | ( | double | aspectRatio | ) |
Set the squeeze ratio of the lens.
The aspect ratio is expressed as width/height.
[in] | aspectRatio | The lens squeeze ratio to be set |
double lensSqueezeRatio | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the lens squeeze ratio for the camera.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setClippingPlanes | ( | bool | ClippingPlanes | ) |
Turn on/off manual setting of clip planes.
[in] | ClippingPlanes |
bool isClippingPlanes | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Determines whether manual clipping planes are activated.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setNearClippingPlane | ( | double | dNear | ) |
Set the distances to the Near Clipping Plane.
[in] | dNear | The near clipping plane value to be set |
double nearClippingPlane | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the distance to the near clipping plane.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setFarClippingPlane | ( | double | dFar | ) |
Set the distances to the Far Clipping Plane.
[in] | dFar | The far clipping plane value to be set |
double farClippingPlane | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the distance to the far clipping plane.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setNearFarClippingPlanes | ( | double | dNear, |
double | dFar | ||
) |
Set the distances to the Near and Far Clipping Planes.
[in] | dNear | The near clipping plane value to be set |
[in] | dFar | The far clipping plane value to be set |
MStatus setDepthOfField | ( | bool | depthOfField | ) |
Specifies whether the depth of field calculation is performed for the camera.
The depth of field calculation is used to give varying focus depending on the distance of the objects.
[in] | depthOfField | The depth of field value to be set |
bool isDepthOfField | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Determines whether the depth of field calculation is performed for the camera.
The depth of field calculation is used to give varying focus depending on the distance of the objects.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setFStop | ( | double | fStop | ) |
Sets the f-stop value for the camera.
A real lens normally contains a diaphragm or other stop which blocks some of the light that would otherwise pass through it. This stop is usually approximately round, and its diameter as seen from the front of the lens is called the lens diameter. The lens diameter is often described by its relation to the focal length of the lens. A lens whose diameter is one-eighth its local length is said to have an F-stop of 8. This is an optical property of the lens.
[in] | fStop | The F/Stop value to be set |
double fStop | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the f-stop value for the camera.
A real lens normally contains a diaphragm or other stop which blocks some of the light that would otherwise pass through it. This stop is usually approximately round, and its diameter as seen from the front of the lens is called the lens diameter. The lens diameter is often described by its relation to the focal length of the lens. A lens whose diameter is one-eighth its local length is said to have an F-stop of 8. This is an optical property of the lens.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setFocusDistance | ( | double | distance | ) |
Set the focus at a certain distance in front of the camera.
[in] | distance | The focus distance to be set |
double focusDistance | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the focus distance for the camera.
This value sets the focus at a certain distance in front of the camera.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setNearFocusDistance | ( | double | nearFocusDistance | ) |
Set the nearest distance within the well-focus region.
[in] | nearFocusDistance | The near focus distance value to be set |
double nearFocusDistance | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the linear distance to the near focus plane.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setFarFocusDistance | ( | double | farFocusDistance | ) |
Set the farthest distance within the well-focus region.
[in] | farFocusDistance | The far focus distance value to be set |
double farFocusDistance | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the linear distance to the far focus plane.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus computeDepthOfField | ( | ) |
MStatus computeDepthOfField | ( | double | nearLimit | ) |
[in] | nearLimit |
MStatus setMotionBlur | ( | bool | motionBlur | ) |
Turns motion blur on/off for the camera.
Motion blur determines whether the camera's image is motion blurred (as opposed to an object's image). For example, if you want to blur the camera movement when you are performing a fly-by.
[in] | motionBlur | true turns motion blur on, false turns it off. |
bool isMotionBlur | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Determine if motion blur is on/off for the camera.
Motion blur determines whether the camera's image is motion blurred (as opposed to an object's image). For example, if you want to blur the camera movement when you are performing a fly-by.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setShutterAngle | ( | double | shutterAngle | ) |
Change the current shutter angle which is one of the variables used to compute motion blur.
The shutterAngle is specified in radians.
Valid shutter angles must be in the range 1.0 (degrees) to 359.0 (degrees), and must be given in radians. Note: PI radians = 180 degrees.
[in] | shutterAngle | The shutter angle value to be set |
double shutterAngle | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Return the current shutter angle which is one of the variables used to compute motion blur.
The shutter angle is specified in radians.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setCenterOfInterest | ( | double | dist | ) |
Set the Center of Interest, which is defined to be a positive distance along the View Direction (i.e., "in front" of the Camera).
[in] | dist | center of interest distance value |
double centerOfInterest | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Return the linear distance from the camera's eye point to the center of interest.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setIsOrtho | ( | bool | orthoState | ) |
Switch the camera in and out of orthographic mode.
This does not change the preset fov or the ortho width, presuming that these values are going to be set at the same time separately.
[in] | orthoState | If true then the camera will be orthographic |
MStatus setIsOrtho | ( | bool | orthoState, |
double | useDist | ||
) |
Switch the camera in and out of orthographic mode.
When the switch happens, the camera has to calculate a new fov or ortho width, each of which is based on the other and a set distance. The caller can specify the distance; otherwise the center of interest is used.
[in] | orthoState | If true then the camera will be orthographic |
[in] | useDist |
bool isOrtho | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Determines if the camera is in orthographic mode.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setOrthoWidth | ( | double | orthoWidth | ) |
Sets a new width for the ortho camera.
Bad values are ignored.
[in] | orthoWidth | The ortho width value to be set |
double orthoWidth | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the orthographic projection width.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setCameraScale | ( | double | scale | ) |
Sets the camera scale.
[in] | scale | The camera scale value to be set |
double cameraScale | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the camera scale.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
The tumble pivot is used for non-local tumble operations.
It is in world space for "tumble pivot" mode and relative space for "local axis" mode (see setUsePivotAsLocalSpace).
Note that when camera is told to look at an object and the camera's usePivotAsLocalSpace() is false, the tumble pivot value for the camera is reset to the centre of the bounding box for the object being looked at.
[in] | point | The tumble pivot location to be set |
Returns the tumble pivot value for the camera.
The pivot value will be in world space coordinates unless usePivotAsLocalSpace() is true in which case the pivot is a relative offset.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
double unnormalizedNearClippingPlane | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the distance to the near clipping plane.
When a camera set is used to draw in the viewport the minimum near distance of all camera members may be computed. This is the "normalized" value which is returned by the nearClippingPlane() method. The unnormalized value can be queried by this method.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
double unnormalizedFarClippingPlane | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the distance to the far clipping plane.
When a camera set is used to draw in the viewport the maximum far distance of all camera members may be computed. This is the "normalized" value which is returned by the farClippingPlane() method. The unnormalized value can be queried by this method.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MStatus setStereo | ( | bool | stereo | ) |
Obsolete & no script support.
This method is obsolete. This method is not available in Python.
[in] | stereo | Unused. |
bool isStereo | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Obsolete & no script support.
This method is obsolete. This method is not available in Python.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code. Will be set to MS::kSuccess. |
MStatus setParallelView | ( | bool | parallelView | ) |
obsolete & no script support
This method is obsolete. This method is not available in Python.
This is an obsolete method, only kept for backward compatibility reasons. It does not do anything.
[in] | parallelView | Unused. |
bool isParallelView | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
obsolete & no script support
This method is obsolete. This method is not available in Python.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code. Will be set to MS::kSuccess. |
MStatus setEyeOffset | ( | double | eyeOffset | ) |
Obsolete & no script support.
This method is obsolete. This method is not available in Python.
[in] | eyeOffset | Unused. |
double eyeOffset | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Obsolete & no script support.
This method is obsolete. This method is not available in Python.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code. Will be set to MS::kSuccess. |
No script support.
Returns the film frustum for the camera.
The frustum defines the projective transformation.
[in] | distance | Specifies the focal length |
[out] | clipPlane | Storage for the film frustum (allocated by user) |
[in] | applyPanZoom | specifies whether to apply 2D pan/zoom |
MStatus setUsePivotAsLocalSpace | ( | const bool | how | ) |
Local space tumbling specifies that when the camera is tumbled, the camera will rotate about its local axis, offset by the tumblePivot.
The effect is like that of tilting the camera on a tripod. This per-camera setting overrides whatever tumble mode is defined globally in Maya.
For an example of local space tumbling, if `how' is true and this camera's tumblePivot value is (0,1,0) then when tumbled the camera will rotate about a point one unit in Y away from the camera's local axis.
[in] | how | True to use local space tumbling for this camera, or false to use the current global tumble setting in Maya (the global tumble setting can be set via the Tumble Tool Option Box). The default value is false. |
bool usePivotAsLocalSpace | ( | MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL | ) | const |
Returns the value of the local axis tumble setting for this camera.
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MFloatMatrix postProjectionMatrix | ( | const MDGContext & | context, |
MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL |
) | const |
Returns the post projection matrix used to compute film roll on the film back plane.
This version evaluates in a context other than the current evaluation context, e.g. a different time. Use only when appropriate.
[in] | context | DG time-context to specify time of evaluation |
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |
MFloatMatrix projectionMatrix | ( | const MDGContext & | context, |
MStatus * | ReturnStatus = NULL |
) | const |
Returns the orthographic or perspective projection matrix for the camera.
This version evaluates in a context other than the current evaluation context, e.g. a different time. Use only when appropriate.
The projection matrix that maya's software renderer uses is almost identical to the OpenGL projection matrix. The difference is that maya uses a left hand coordinate system and so the entries [2][2] and [3][2] are negated.
[in] | context | DG time-context to specify time of evaluation. |
[out] | ReturnStatus | Status code |