TolerancePrecision Property (ActiveX)

Specifies the precision of tolerance values in primary dimensions.

Supported platforms: Windows only




Type: Dim3PointAngular, DimAligned, DimAngular, DimArcLength, DimDiametric, Dimension, DimOrdinate, DimRadial, DimRadialLarge, DimRotated

The objects this property applies to.

Property Value

Read-only: No

Type: acDimPrecision enum


The initial value for this property is acDimPrecisionFour.

This property is only available when the ToleranceDisplay property is set to any value other than acTolNone.

Note: This property overrides the value of the DIMTDEC system variable for the given dimension.



Sub Example_TolerancePrecision()
    ' This example creates an aligned dimension in model space and
    ' uses TolerancePrecision to allow the user to change the
    ' precision of the dimension tolerance

    Dim dimObj As AcadDimAligned
    Dim point1(0 To 2) As Double, point2(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim location(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim oldTolerance As String, newTolerance As String
    ' Define the dimension
    point1(0) = 0: point1(1) = 5: point1(2) = 0
    point2(0) = 5.12345678: point2(1) = 5: point2(2) = 0
    location(0) = 5: location(1) = 7: location(2) = 0
    ' Create an aligned dimension object in model space
    Set dimObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddDimAligned(point1, point2, location)
    ' Enable and setup tolerance display
    dimObj.ToleranceDisplay = acTolSymmetrical
    dimObj.ToleranceLowerLimit = -0.0001
    dimObj.ToleranceUpperLimit = 0.005

    ' Store old tolerance value as default for input box
    oldTolerance = dimObj.TolerancePrecision
    ' Allow the user to change the precision for the dimension tolerance
    newTolerance = InputBox("Enter a new tolerance precision for the dimension.  The value must range from 0 to 8.", "Dimension Tolerance Precision", oldTolerance)
    Select Case newTolerance
        Case 0: newTolerance = acDimPrecisionZero
        Case 1: newTolerance = acDimPrecisionOne
        Case 2: newTolerance = acDimPrecisionTwo
        Case 3: newTolerance = acDimPrecisionThree
        Case 4: newTolerance = acDimPrecisionFour
        Case 5: newTolerance = acDimPrecisionFive
        Case 6: newTolerance = acDimPrecisionSix
        Case 7: newTolerance = acDimPrecisionSeven
        Case 8: newTolerance = acDimPrecisionEight
        Case Else
            MsgBox "The tolerance precision has not been changed."
            Exit Sub
    End Select
    dimObj.TolerancePrecision = newTolerance   ' Commit changes to tolerance precision
    ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports
    ' Read back and display the dimension tolerance precision
    newTolerance = dimObj.TolerancePrecision
    MsgBox "The tolerance precision has been set to " & newTolerance & " decimal places"
End Sub

Visual LISP:

(defun c:Example_TolerancePrecision()
    ;; This example creates an aligned dimension in model space and
    ;; uses TolerancePrecision to allow the user to change the
    ;; precision of the dimension tolerance
    (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj))
    ;; Define the dimension
    (setq point1 (vlax-3d-point 0 5 0)
          point2 (vlax-3d-point 5.12345678 5 0)
          location (vlax-3d-point 5 7 0))
    ;; Create an aligned dimension object in model space
    (setq modelSpace (vla-get-ModelSpace doc))
    (setq dimObj (vla-AddDimAligned modelSpace point1 point2 location))
    ;; Enable and setup tolerance display
    (vla-put-ToleranceDisplay dimObj acTolSymmetrical)
    (vla-put-ToleranceLowerLimit dimObj -0.0001)
    (vla-put-ToleranceUpperLimit dimObj 0.005)
    (vla-ZoomAll acadObj)

    ;; Store old tolerance value as default for input box
    (setq oldTolerance (vla-get-TolerancePrecision dimObj))
    ;; Allow the user to change the precision for the dimension tolerance
    (setq newTolerance (vla-GetInteger (vla-get-Utility doc) (strcat "\nEnter a new tolerance precision for the dimension (0 to 8) <" (itoa oldTolerance) ">: ")))

    (if (= newTolerance nil) (setq newTolerance oldTolerance))

    (setq newTolerance (cond
                           ((= newTolerance 0) acDimPrecisionZero)
                           ((= newTolerance 1) acDimPrecisionOne)
                           ((= newTolerance 2) acDimPrecisionTwo)
                           ((= newTolerance 3) acDimPrecisionThree)
                           ((= newTolerance 4) acDimPrecisionFour)
                           ((= newTolerance 5) acDimPrecisionFive)
                           ((= newTolerance 6) acDimPrecisionSix)
                           ((= newTolerance 7) acDimPrecisionSeven)
                           ((= newTolerance 8) acDimPrecisionEight)
                           (progn (setq newTolerance nil) (alert "The tolerance precision has not been changed."))

    (if (/= newTolerance nil)
            (vla-put-TolerancePrecision dimObj newTolerance)   ;; Commit changes to tolerance precision
            (vla-Regen doc acAllViewports)
            ;; Read back and display the dimension tolerance precision
            (alert (strcat "The tolerance precision has been set to " (itoa (vla-get-TolerancePrecision dimObj)) " decimal places"))