C++ API Reference
// base MEL command for multiple rep shape
#include "metadataBase.h"
#include "metadataPluginStrings.h"
#include <maya/MArgList.h>
#include <maya/MSyntax.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MFileObject.h>
#include <maya/adskDataAssociationsSerializer.h>
static const char* flagFile ( "-f" );
static const char* flagFileLong ( "-file" );
static const char* flagMetadataFormat ( "-mf" );
static const char* flagMetadataFormatLong ( "-metadataFormat" );
using namespace adsk::Data;
// Get the syntax information. Initializes the shared flags. Derived commands
// can add on their own flags after calling this routine.
MSyntax metadataBase::cmdSyntax()
MSyntax syntax;
syntax.addFlag(flagMetadataFormat, flagMetadataFormatLong, MSyntax::kString);
syntax.addFlag(flagFile, flagFileLong, MSyntax::kString);
// Default mode has no query or edit. Derived commands can
// enable either if they are relevant
syntax.enableQuery( false );
syntax.enableEdit( false );
return syntax;
: fMode(kCreate)
, fSerializer( (const AssociationsSerializer*)0 )
, fFile( (MFileObject*) 0 )
, fObjects()
// If a file object was created it should go away
delete fFile;
// Normally data stream commands are not undoable. Derived classes can
// override and provide undo information.
bool metadataBase::isUndoable() const
return false;
bool metadataBase::hasSyntax() const
return true;
// Look through the arg database and verify that the arguments are
// valid. Only checks the common flags so derived classes should call
// this parent method first before checking their own flags.
MStatus metadataBase::checkArgs(MArgDatabase& argsDb)
MStatus status;
// Save the command arguments and modes for undo/redo purposes.
if (argsDb.isEdit())
if (argsDb.isQuery())
MString msg = MStringResource::getString(kEditQueryFlagErrorMsg, status);
return MS::kFailure;
fMode = kEdit;
else if (argsDb.isQuery())
fMode = kQuery;
// -file flag
// Initialize the local file object for use if the flag is specified
fFileFlag.parse(argsDb, flagFile);
if( !fFileFlag.isModeValid(fMode) )
MString fmt = MStringResource::getString(kOnlyCreateModeMsg, status);
MString msg;
msg.format( fmt, flagFile );
return MS::kFailure;
// The file flag isn't mandatory so just initialize it if it exists.
if( fFileFlag.isSet() )
if( ! fFileFlag.isArgValid() )
MString fmt = MStringResource::getString(kInvalidFlag, status);
MString msg;
msg.format( fmt, flagFileLong );
return MS::kFailure;
fFile = new MFileObject();
fFile->setRawFullName( fFileFlag.arg() );
// The file flag may indicate an existing file. The derived commands
// should verify existence when required.
// -metadataFormat flag
// Initialize the serializer if the type is valid. Method will return
// failure and display an informative error message if a valid
// serialization type was not specified
fMetadataFormatFlag.parse(argsDb, flagMetadataFormat);
if( !fMetadataFormatFlag.isModeValid(fMode) )
MString fmt = MStringResource::getString(kOnlyCreateModeMsg, status);
MString msg;
msg.format( fmt, flagFile );
return MS::kFailure;
// Default to the internal "raw" format. Bit of a cheat to use this string
// directly but there's no way to get it indirectly.
MString rawFormatType( "raw" );
MString formatType;
formatType = fMetadataFormatFlag.arg( rawFormatType );
fSerializer = AssociationsSerializer::formatByName( formatType.asChar() );
if( ! fSerializer )
MString fmt = MStringResource::getString(kMetadataFormatNotFound, status);
MString msg;
msg.format( fmt, fMetadataFormatFlag.arg().asChar() );
status = MS::kNotFound;
return MS::kFailure;
// (selection list)
// Commands need at least one object on which to operate so gather up
// the list of objects specified and/or selected.
// Empty out the list of objects on which to operate so that it can be
// populated from the selection or specified lists.
MSelectionList objects;
status = argsDb.getObjects(objects);
MStatError(status, "argsDb.getObjects()");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<objects.length(); ++i)
MObject dgNode;
status = objects.getDependNode(i, dgNode);
MStatError(status, "objects.getDependNode()");
fObjects.append( dgNode );
if( (fObjects.length() == 0) && (fMode != kQuery) )
MString msg = MStringResource::getString(kObjectNotFoundError, status);
return status;
// Check the mode information and call the appropriate virtual method
// to perform the operation. It checks for all modes, even those that
// might be disabled, so that it can be reused anywhere.
MStatus metadataBase::doIt(const MArgList& args)
MStatus status;
MArgDatabase argsDb(syntax(), args, &status);
if (MS::kSuccess != status) return status;
status = checkArgs(argsDb);
if( MS::kSuccess == status )
switch (fMode)
case kCreate: status = doCreate(); break;
case kEdit: status = doEdit(); break;
case kQuery: status = doQuery(); break;
return status;
// Since this isn't a real command it doesn't do anything. This method
// is defined anyway so that the derived commands can choose to override
// or not.
MStatus metadataBase::doCreate()
return MS::kSuccess;
// Since this isn't a real command it doesn't do anything. This method
// is defined anyway so that the derived commands can choose to override
// or not.
MStatus metadataBase::doEdit()
return MS::kSuccess;
// Since this isn't a real command it doesn't do anything. This method
// is defined anyway so that the derived commands can choose to override
// or not.
MStatus metadataBase::doQuery()
return MS::kSuccess;
// Since this isn't a real command it doesn't do anything. This method
// is defined anyway so that the derived commands can choose to override
// or not.
MStatus metadataBase::redoIt()
return MS::kSuccess;
// Since this isn't a real command it doesn't do anything. This method
// is defined anyway so that the derived commands can choose to override
// or not.
MStatus metadataBase::undoIt()
return MS::kSuccess;
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.