
vnnNode(*args, **kwargs)

The vnnNodecommand is used to operate vnnNode and query its port and connections. The first argument is the full name of the DG node that the VNN node is in. The second argument is the name of the full path of the VNN node.


Long Name / Short Name Argument Types Properties
addMetaData / amd unicode, unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
  Add a value to a metatada. The arguments are, in order, metadata name, metadata value to be added.
clearMetaData / cmd unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
  Remove all the values of a metatada. The argument is the metadata name.
connected / c bool ../../../_images/create.gif
  Used with listPortsto query the connected or unconnected ports.
connectedTo / ct unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
  Used with listConnectedNodesto query the nodes that are connected to the specified ports.
createInputPort / cip unicode, unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
  Add a new port to a node that can support any number of input ports.
listConnectedNodes / lcn bool ../../../_images/create.gif
  Used to list nodes which are connected to the specified node. The returned result is a list of node names.
listPortChildren / lpc unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
  List the children of specified port.
listPorts / lp bool ../../../_images/create.gif
  List ports on the specified node. Can be used with connectedto determine if the returned ports have connections.
queryAcceptablePortDataTypes / qat unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
  Get the list of acceptable types for the given port of an unresolved node. The acceptable types are based on the overloads that match the currently defined ports of the node.
queryIsUnresolved / qiu bool ../../../_images/create.gif
  Query if the node is unresolved. A node is considered unresolved if it is part of an overload set, and has at least one port that is both unconnected and has an undefined type.
queryMetaData / qmd unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
  Query the value(s) of a metadata.
queryMetaDatas / qms bool ../../../_images/create.gif
  Query all the available metadatas.
queryPortDataType / qpt unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
  Query the data type of a specified port.
queryPortDefaultValues / qpv unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
  Query the default value(s) of a node port. For ports of scalar data type (ie. float or string), this will return a single string value, For ports of structure data type (ie. vector or matrix of floats - float3/float3x3), this will return an array of string values.
queryTypeName / qtn bool ../../../_images/create.gif
  Used to query the fundamental type of a node such as runtimeName,libraryName,typeName
removeInputPort / rip unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
  Remove a multi-in port from a node that can support any number of input ports.
removeMetaData / rmd unicode, unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
  Remove a value from a metatada. The arguments are, in order, metadata name, metadata value to be removed.
setMetaData / smd unicode, unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
  Set the value of a metatada. The arguments are, in order, metadata name, metadata values to be set.
setPortDataType / spt unicode, unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
  Set the data type of a specified port.
setPortDefaultValues / spv unicode, unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
  Set the default value(s) to a node port The port cannot be connected. The arguments are, in order, the port name and the value(s). The value argument is an array of string that must contain the proper number of element depending of the data type of the port (ie. 3 elements for a float3 data type). For scalar data types ((ie. float or string) a single string value can be used. Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.vnnNode



import pymel.core as pm

# create a bifrost liquid node # to operate VNN graph of the bifrost container import maya.cmds as cmds pm.file(f=True, new=True) pm.polyPlane() pm.CreateBifrostLiquid()

# List all ports on the node pm.vnnNode(“|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1”, “liquid.postSimulationStep.if”, listPorts=True)

# List the ports on the node which has connections pm.vnnNode(“|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1”, “liquid.postSimulationStep.if”, listPorts=True, connected=True)

# List the ports on the node which has no connections pm.vnnNode(“|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1”, “liquid.postSimulationStep.if”, listPorts=True, connected=False)

# List all connected nodes pm.vnnNode(“|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1”, “liquid.postSimulationStep.if”, listConnectedNodes=True)

# List the connected nodes which are connected to the port “trueCase” pm.vnnNode(“|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1”, “liquid.postSimulationStep.if”, listConnectedNodes=True, connectedTo=”trueCase”)

# # Example of setting and querying the default value of a port #

# Init scene and VNN objects pm.bifrost(g=”vnnNodeCmdTest”) pm.vnnCompound(“|bifrostVnnNodeCmdTest1|bifrostVnnNodeCmdTestContainer1”, “vnnNodeCmdTest”, addNode=”Bifrost,Core,if”) pm.vnnCompound(“|bifrostVnnNodeCmdTest1|bifrostVnnNodeCmdTestContainer1”, “vnnNodeCmdTest”, addNode=”Bifrost,Bifrost::Nodes::Math,valueInt”)

# Set the port default value for an integer data type pm.vnnNode(“|bifrostVnnNodeCmdTest1|bifrostVnnNodeCmdTestContainer1”, “vnnNodeCmdTest.node”, setPortDefaultValues=[“in_int”, “233”]) # Set the port default values for a float3 data type pm.vnnNode(“|bifrostVnnNodeCmdTest1|bifrostVnnNodeCmdTestContainer1”, “vnnNodeCmdTest.node”, setPortDefaultValues=[“in_float3”, [“1.5”, “1.2”, “1.3”]])

# Get the port default value for an integer data type portValue = pm.vnnNode(“|bifrostVnnNodeCmdTest1|bifrostVnnNodeCmdTestContainer1”, “vnnNodeCmdTest.node”, queryPortDefaultValues=”in_int”) print portValue # [u‘233’] # Get the port default value for a float3 data type portValue = pm.vnnNode(“|bifrostVnnNodeCmdTest1|bifrostVnnNodeCmdTestContainer1”, “vnnNodeCmdTest.node”, queryPortDefaultValues=”in_float3”) print portValue # [u‘1.5’, u‘1.2’, u‘1.3’]

# query the data type of a specified port pm.vnnNode(“|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1”, “liquid.postSimulationStep.if”, queryPortDataType=”outputValue”)

# query the type name of a node pm.vnnNode(“|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1”, “liquid.postSimulationStep.if”, queryTypeName=”True”) # [u’Bifrost,Amino,If’]

# query the children of a specified port pm.vnnNode(“|bifrostLiquid1|bifrostLiquidContainer1”, “liquid”, listPortChildren=”portName”)