Results Visualization Workflow

The Autodesk® CFD Results tasks help you accomplish two primary goals:

  1. Visualize Results
  2. Extract Results Values

1. Visualize Results

Use Planes and Iso Surfaces to display results directly on the model.


Planes show results on a two-dimensional slice through the model. Several associated tools (for example, Bulk Results and XY Plots) provide a deeper understanding of the results.

You can work with planes in two ways: with the Planes context panel in the Ribbon and directly on the model. These workflows are complementary, and you can combine them as needed.

Workflow 1: Planes Context Panel

a. To create a Plane, click Add.

b. To modify the appearance, location, or result, click Edit. Modify the plane using the Plane Control dialog.

c. To change the displayed result, select from the Result and Vector menus.

d. To create XY plots or extract bulk-weighted results, select the appropriate tool on the Planes context panel.

Workflow 2: Directly on the Model

a. To create a Plane, right click off the model, and click Add plane.

b. To change the displayed result, right click on the plane, and select from the Result or Vector menus.

c. To modify the appearance, right click on the plane, and select the desired option.

d. To create XY plots, or extract bulk-weighted results, right click on the plane and select the desired tool.

Iso Surfaces

Iso surfaces show a three-dimensional view of the results field. They do this by illuminating every location in the model that has a particular value of the specified result quantity.

a. To create an Iso Surface, click Add.

b. To change the iso result type, click Edit, and select from the Iso quantity menu. You can also select from the Quantity menu.

c. To change the result displayed on the iso surface, select from either the Color by result menu or the Color By menu.

d. To change the iso surface value, drag the slider on the Iso Surface Control dialog.

For more about each results task workflow...

2. Extract Results Values

In addition to visualizing data, you can extract specific values using the Wall Calculator, Parts and Points tools.

These three tools have a similar workflow:

  1. Select the model entity to review. This is a part for the Parts task or a surface for the Wall task.
    Note: Use Surface Blanking to expose internal components.
  2. In the quick edit dialog, input parameters:
    • For the Wall Calculator, select the quantities to assess.
    • For Points, input or select a location.
  3. To view data:
    • For the Wall Calculator and Parts, click Calculate.
    • For Points, click View plot to plot results from saved iterations at the selected location.