Create New Check Files

This example walks through creating a check file (.bcf) from scratch.

Working Example

  1. Click Add-Ins tabModel Review panelManage.
  2. Add a check to the "blank"  list by going to Check>>Add and choosing from one of the Check Templates, or by importing Check>>Import from another file.
    Note: At minimum a single rule must exist in order to save a new check file.
  3. Under the Menu pulldown, along the top go to: File>>SaveAs.
  4. Choose a location (local or network), give it a name and save.

Adding New Check Files to the Predefined list

To get new checks to show in the predefined dropdown lists, you will need to edit the Model Review.config file from the Profile>>Edit pulldown.

See also: Profile Editor, Sharing Checks with Multiple Users, Create New Checks