Run Dynamo scripts from a dedicated user interface without leaving Revit.
This video demonstrates the following:
Dynamo scripting offers a powerful way to perform repetitive or complicated tasks on your Revit model. Use the Dynamo Player to easily organize and run your collection of Dynamo scripts.
To use the Dynamo Player, you must first connect it to a folder where you keep your Dynamo scripts. On the Manage tab, click Dynamo Player to open the player interface.
The Dynamo Player runs in a separate window and can be positioned anywhere on your screen. Click the folder icon to browse to the location where your Dynamo scripts are located. Select the folder and click OK. The player populates with the scripts located in the folder.
If necessary, click "V iew Current Folder" to open the folder where the scripts currently listed in the player are stored. Click Refresh to re-read the folder and add new Dynamo scripts into the player, as well as clear any status messages in the player.
To run a script from the player, use the Play button. For example, in this model, the sheet names use title case lettering. Your office standard is upper case and you have a Dynamo script to quickly change the sheet names. Click the Play button next to the appropriate script to change all of the sheet names in the model.
Click the Edit button to open the script in Dynamo for editing.
Use the Dynamo Player to easily run all of your Dynamo scripts on your model.