Use the Layers tab of the Modify DWG/DXF Export Setup dialog to customize layer mapping settings for a DWG or DXF export setup.
This strategy ensures that the model information stored in
Revit categories and subcategories are exported to the proper CAD layers.
- Click File tab
(Export Setups DWG/DXF). Select the setup to modify. Click the Layers tab.
Revit displays layer mapping settings for the currently selected setup.
Note: Although you can load settings from a text file when creating or modifying an export setup,
Revit stores the export setup as part of the project rather than as a separate text file. To share the export setup between projects, use the
Transfer Project Standards tool.
Export layer options
For Export layer options, specify how
Revit elements with view-specific graphic overrides will be mapped to CAD layers.
(Graphic properties of
Revit elements, such as color, line weight, and line style, are defined in the
Object Styles of the categories to which the elements belong, but these definitions can be
overridden for a selected element in a specific view.)
Export category properties BYLAYER and overrides BYENTITY. A
Revit element with view-specific graphic overrides will retain those overrides in the CAD application, but will reside on the same CAD layer as other entities in the same
Revit category.
Export all properties BYLAYER, but do not export overrides. View-specific graphic overrides will be ignored in the CAD application. Any exported
Revit element will reside on the same CAD layer as other entities in the same
Revit category. By forcing all entities to display the visual properties defined by their layer, this option results in a lower number of layers and provides by-layer control over the exported DWG/DWF file.
Export all properties BYLAYER, and create new layers for overrides. A
Revit element with view-specific graphics will be placed on its own CAD layer. This option provides by-layer control over the exported DWG/DXF file, and preserves graphical intent. However, it increases the number of layers in the exported DWG file.
Note: If you are exporting a view that contains a linked project and the RVT Link Display Settings dialog (Basics tab) for the link is set to By Host View, then the link is treated as an override. To ensure that colors and other graphic display settings are preserved in the exported file, select "Export all properties BYLAYER, but do not export overrides." See
Use View Filters for Linked Models.
Load layers from standards
For Load layers from standards, select a standard, or select Load settings from file, navigate to the file, and click Open. Edit mapping values as desired.
- To change a Projection or Cut value, click in the Layer or Color column for the appropriate category, and enter the new value.
Note: Color corresponds to an AutoCAD color ID.
- To add or change modifiers for a projection layer name or a cut layer name:
- Select a category or subcategory, click in the Layer modifiers column (under Projection or Cut), and then click the Add/Edit button. (You can also multi-select categories/subcategories and click the Add/Edit button for the last one selected, or click the Add/Edit modifiers for ALL button at the bottom of the table.)
The Add/Edit Layer Modifiers dialog opens with selected category (or the words Multiple Categories) listed in the Modifiers added panel.
- Select modifiers from the Available modifiers panel as needed, and click the right-arrow button to add them to the Modifiers added list. (Likewise, click the left-arrow button to remove a selected modifier from the Modifiers added list.)
- If desired, enter a character in the Separator column for the category or for any of the modifiers you have added. The following characters are prohibited: < > / | " : ; ? * | , + '
- Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons as needed to position the added modifiers as prefixes or suffixes to the category name.
- When the layer name displays as desired in the Preview of layer name text box, click OK.
Note: With the exception of Phase Status, Underlay, and View Type, layer modifiers will not be applied to entities inside blocks.
Note: Suppose you change a modifier value on the Layers tab of this dialog. Then in the project you select an element and change the corresponding modifier value on the Properties palette. The modifier value that you entered on the Layers tab is overwritten by the new value entered on the Properties palette, and the new value is used for export operations.