C++ API Reference

FFD lattice deformer function set. More...

#include <MFnLatticeDeformer.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for MFnLatticeDeformer:

Public Member Functions

virtual MFn::Type type () const
 Function set type. More...
virtual ~MFnLatticeDeformer ()
 MFnLatticeDeformer ()
 Default constructor.
 MFnLatticeDeformer (MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Constructor. More...
MObject create (unsigned int xDiv, unsigned int yDiv, unsigned int zDiv, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Creates a new lattice deformer with the given number of divisions. More...
MStatus addGeometry (const MObject &object)
 Adds a piece of geometry to the deformation. More...
MStatus removeGeometry (const MObject &object)
 Removes a piece of geometry from the deformation. More...
MStatus getAffectedGeometry (MObjectArray &objects)
 The geometry affected by this deformer is packed into the provided list of MObjects. More...
MStatus getDivisions (unsigned int &x, unsigned int &y, unsigned int &z)
 Retrieve the number of divisions in each of the X, Y, and Z directions. More...
MStatus setDivisions (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z)
 Set the number of divisions in each of the X, Y, and Z directions. More...
MStatus resetLattice (bool centerLattice=false)
 This method resets the deformed lattice to match the base lattice. More...
MObject deformLattice (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 This returns the deformed version of the lattice. More...
MObject baseLattice (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 This returns the base version of the lattice that describes the region of space deformed by the lattice. More...
 MFnLatticeDeformer (const MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Constructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MFnDependencyNode
virtual ~MFnDependencyNode ()
 MFnDependencyNode ()
 Default constructor.
 MFnDependencyNode (MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Constructor. More...
MObject create (const MTypeId &typeId, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Creates a new dependency node with the given type tag. More...
MObject create (const MTypeId &typeId, const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Creates a new dependency node with the given type tag. More...
MObject create (const MString &type, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Creates a new dependency node with the given type. More...
MObject create (const MString &type, const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Creates a new dependency node with the given type. More...
MTypeId typeId (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the type id of this node. More...
MString typeName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the type name of this node. More...
MString name (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the name of this node. More...
MString absoluteName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the absolute name of this node. More...
MString uniqueName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the unique name of this node. More...
MString pluginName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the name of the plug-in this MFnDependendencyNode was defined in. More...
MString setName (const MString &name, bool createNamespace=false, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Sets the name of this node. More...
MUuid uuid (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the node's UUID. More...
void setUuid (const MUuid &uuid, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Sets the node's UUID. More...
MStatus getConnections (MPlugArray &array) const
 Get all of the current connections to this node as an array of plugs. More...
unsigned int attributeCount (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the number of attributes that this node has. More...
MObject attribute (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Finds the attribute of this node at the given index. More...
MObject reorderedAttribute (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Some nodes, such as the various animCurve nodes, require that their attributes be set in a specific order for proper operation. More...
MObject attribute (const MString &attrName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Finds the attribute of this node that has the given name. More...
MAttrClass attributeClass (const MObject &attr, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the class (normal, dynamic, extension) of the specified attribute. More...
MStatus getAffectedAttributes (const MObject &attr, MObjectArray &affectedAttributes) const
 Returns an array of attributes that are affected by the attribute passed in. More...
MStatus getAffectedByAttributes (const MObject &attr, MObjectArray &affectedByAttributes) const
 Returns an array of attributes that affect the attribute passed in, attr. More...
MPlug findPlug (const MObject &attr, bool wantNetworkedPlug, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Attempt to find a plug for the given attribute. More...
MPlug findPlug (const MString &attrName, bool wantNetworkedPlug, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Attempt to find a plug for the given attribute. More...
MPlug findPlug (const MObject &attr, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 This method is obsolete. More...
MPlug findPlug (const MString &attrName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus addAttribute (const MObject &attr)
 Add a new dynamic attibute to this node. More...
MStatus removeAttribute (const MObject &attr)
 Remove a dynamic attribute from a node. More...
MPxNodeuserNode (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 If the function set's node is a plug-in node, then this method will extract the MPxNode pointer from it. More...
bool isFromReferencedFile (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Indicates whether or not this node came from a referenced file. More...
bool isShared (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Indicates whether or not this node is shared. More...
bool isTrackingEdits (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns whether or not edits on the given node are being tracked by the generalized edit system. More...
bool hasUniqueName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Indicates whether or not this node's name is unique within the scene. More...
MString parentNamespace (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the name of the namespace in which this node resides. More...
bool isLocked (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Indicates whether or not this node is locked. More...
MStatus setLocked (bool locked)
 Locks or unlocks this node. More...
bool isNewAttribute (const MObject &attr, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Indicates whether or not the specified attribute was added to this node within the current scene. More...
MStatus setFlag (unsigned int flag, bool state)
 Sets the state of the specified flag for the node. More...
bool isFlagSet (unsigned int flag, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Retrieves the current state of the specified flag for a node. More...
bool isDefaultNode (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns true if the node is a default node. More...
MStatus setDoNotWrite (bool flag)
 Use this method to mark the "do not write" state of this node. More...
bool canBeWritten (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the do not write state of the node. More...
bool hasAttribute (const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns true if the node already has an attribute with the given name. More...
MObject getAliasAttr (bool force, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the node's alias attribute, which is a special attribute used to store information about the node's attribute aliases. More...
bool setAlias (const MString &alias, const MString &name, const MPlug &plug, bool add=true, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Sets or removes an alias (i.e. More...
bool findAlias (const MString &alias, MObject &attrObj, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Retrieves the attribute with the given alias. More...
bool getAliasList (MStringArray &strArray, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns a list of all attribute aliases for this node. More...
MString plugsAlias (const MPlug &plug, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the alias for the plug's attribute or the empty string if that attribute has no alias. More...
MStatus setIcon (const MString &filename)
 Associates a custom icon with the node for display in the Maya UI. More...
MString icon (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the custom icon filename associated with the node. More...
MStatus getExternalContent (MExternalContentInfoTable &table) const
 Returns the external content (files) that this node depends on. More...
MStatus addExternalContentForFileAttr (MExternalContentInfoTable &table, const MObject &attr) const
 Adds content info to the specified table from a file path attribute. More...
MStatus setExternalContentForFileAttr (const MObject &attr, const MExternalContentLocationTable &table)
 Sets content info in the specified attribute from the table. More...
MStatus setExternalContent (const MExternalContentLocationTable &table)
 Changes the location of external content. More...
bool affectsAnimation (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Indicates whether or not this node is allowed to animate. More...
MStatus setAffectsAnimation ()
 Define a node can affect animation. More...
MString setName (const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus)
 This method is obsolete. More...
 MFnDependencyNode (const MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 This method is not available in Python. More...
bool getPlugsAlias (const MPlug &plug, MString &aliasName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 This method is not available in Python. More...
virtual const adsk::Data::Associationsmetadata (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 This method is not available in Python. More...
virtual MStatus setMetadata (const adsk::Data::Associations &)
 This method is not available in Python. More...
virtual MStatus deleteMetadata ()
 This method is not available in Python. More...
virtual MStatus validateMetadata (MString &errors) const
 This method is not available in Python. More...
MStatus dgTimerOn ()
 Indicates that this node should collect DG timing data whenever DG timing is enabled. More...
MStatus dgTimerOff ()
 Indicates that this node should no longer collect DG timing data when DG timing is enabled. More...
MdgTimerState dgTimerQueryState (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 The function returns the current on/off state of the node's timer. More...
MStatus dgTimerReset ()
 The function resets the dependency graph timers and counters for this node to zero. More...
double dgTimer (const MdgTimerMetric timerMetric, const MdgTimerType timerType, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 The function returns the specified timer value for the current node. More...
MStatus dgCallbacks (const MdgTimerType type, MStringArray &callbackName, MDoubleArray &value)
 Node callbacks that occur when timing is enabled get logged with the node and can be queried via this method. More...
MStatus dgCallbackIds (const MdgTimerType type, const MString &callbackName, MCallbackIdArray &callbackId, MDoubleArray &value)
 This method provides a further breakdown of the per-callback time returned via dgCallbacks() by returning the data on a per-callbackId basis. More...
MStatus addAttribute (const MObject &attr, MAttrClass type)
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus removeAttribute (const MObject &attr, MAttrClass type)
 This method is obsolete. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MFnBase
virtual ~MFnBase ()
 Class Destructor. More...
bool hasObj (MFn::Type) const
 Determines whether or not the Function Set is compatible with the specified Maya Object within the API RTTI system. More...
bool hasObj (const MObject &) const
 Determines whether or not the Function Set is compatible with the specified Maya Object within the API RTTI system. More...
MObject object (MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr) const
 Returns the MObject that is attached to the Function Set. More...
virtual MStatus setObject (MObject &object)
 Attaches the Function Set to the specified Maya Object. More...
virtual MStatus setObject (const MObject &object)

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MFnDependencyNode
static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...
static MString classification (const MString &nodeTypeName)
 Retrieves the classification string for a node type. More...
static unsigned int allocateFlag (const MString pluginName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Allocates a node flag for sole use by the caller. More...
static MStatus deallocateFlag (const MString pluginName, unsigned int flag)
 Deallocates a node flag which was previously allocated by a call to allocateFlag. More...
static MStatus deallocateAllFlags (const MString pluginName)
 Deallocates all of the node flags which are currently allocated to the specified plugin. More...
static void enableDGTiming (bool enable)
 Globally enables or disables the DG node timing mechanism. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MFnBase
static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...
static const char * typeString (MFn::Type)
 Returns the type string for a given type. More...
static bool isValid (MFn::Type)
 Returns true if type is in the range of valid types. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from MFnDependencyNode
enum  MAttrClass { kLocalDynamicAttr = 1, kNormalAttr, kExtensionAttr, kInvalidAttr }
 Specifies the scope of the attribute. More...
enum  MdgTimerState { kTimerOff, kTimerOn, kTimerUninitialized, kTimerInvalidState }
 Possible states for the node's timer. More...
enum  MdgTimerMetric {
  kTimerMetric_callback, kTimerMetric_compute, kTimerMetric_dirty, kTimerMetric_draw,
  kTimerMetric_fetch, kTimerMetric_callbackViaAPI, kTimerMetric_callbackNotViaAPI, kTimerMetric_computeDuringCallback,
  kTimerMetric_computeNotDuringCallback, kTimerMetrics
 The different timer metrics which can be queried. More...
enum  MdgTimerType { kTimerType_self, kTimerType_inclusive, kTimerType_count, kTimerTypes }
 The types of timers which can be queried. More...

Detailed Description

FFD lattice deformer function set.

MFnLatticeDeformer is the function set for lattice deformers. Lattice deformers use FFDs to deform geometry.

The lattice deformer is actually a small network of dependency nodes in the dependency graph. This function set is provided to make manipulation of the network easier. The main deformer node should be given to this function set as its object.

There are two lattices associated with a lattice deformer. There is a base lattice that defines the start position for the lattice. The second lattice is the version that is modified to deform the geometry. The difference between the two lattices defines the deformation that is applied to the geometry.

The base lattice is a very simple shape that only defines a box in space. The base lattice should be modified by using the standard DAG transformation support. The second deformable lattice has geometry that can be modified using the MFnLattice function set.

For a piece of geometry to be modified by this deformer, the geometry must be attached to the deformer (use addGeometry method) and the geometry must be contained within the base lattice. The resetLattice method can be used to make the lattice resize to the bounding box of the attached geometry.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MFnLatticeDeformer ( MObject object,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 


Class constructor that initializes the function set to the given MObject.

[in]objectThe MObject to attach the function set to
[out]ReturnStatusthe return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess if the function set is successfully attached
  • MS::kInvalidParameter if the MObject does not represent a valid Maya object or if the function set is not allowed to attach to this MObject
MFnLatticeDeformer ( const MObject object,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 


Class constructor that initializes the function set to the given MObject.

[in]objectThe MObject to attach the function set to
[out]ReturnStatusthe return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess if the function set is successfully attached
  • MS::kInvalidParameter if the MObject does not represent a valid Maya object or if the function set is not allowed to attach to this MObject

Member Function Documentation

MFn::Type type ( ) const

Function set type.

Return the class type : MFn::kFFD.

the class type.

Reimplemented from MFnDependencyNode.

OPENMAYA_MAJOR_NAMESPACE_OPEN const char * className ( )

Returns the name of this class.

Return the class name : "MFnLatticeDeformer".

Name of this class.
MObject create ( unsigned int  xDiv,
unsigned int  yDiv,
unsigned int  zDiv,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Creates a new lattice deformer with the given number of divisions.

This function set's object is set to be the new lattice node.

[in]xDivnumber of divisions in x (must be at least 2)
[in]yDivnumber of divisions in y (must be at least 2)
[in]zDivnumber of divisions in z (must be at least 2)
[out]ReturnStatusreturn status
Returns a handle to the new deformer
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kFailure unexpected failure
  • MS::kLicenseFailure application not licensed for attempted operation
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory out of memory
MStatus addGeometry ( const MObject object)

Adds a piece of geometry to the deformation.

After adding new geometry to the deformation, one must make sure that the new geometry is contained within the base lattice for the deformation to affect it. The easiest way to do this is to reset the deformation with the flag that causes it to expand the base lattice to the bounding box of all of the contained geometry.

[in]objectthe geometry
Return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kFailure addition of geometry failed
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory out of memory
MStatus removeGeometry ( const MObject object)

Removes a piece of geometry from the deformation.

[in]objectthe geometry
Return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kFailure addition of geometry failed
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory out of memory
MStatus getAffectedGeometry ( MObjectArray objects)

The geometry affected by this deformer is packed into the provided list of MObjects.

Each of the MObjects will be a DAG node that has geometry.

[out]objectsstorage for the returned array
Return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kFailure function set doesn not have a valid object
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory out of memory
MStatus getDivisions ( unsigned int &  x,
unsigned int &  y,
unsigned int &  z 

Retrieve the number of divisions in each of the X, Y, and Z directions.

The number of divisions specifies the resolution of the lattice.

[out]xa reference parameter that on return contains the number of divisions in the X direction
[out]ya reference parameter that on return contains the number of divisions in the Y direction
[out]za reference parameter that on return contains the number of divisions in the Z direction
Return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kFailure function set doesn not have a valid object
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory out of memory
MStatus setDivisions ( unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y,
unsigned int  z 

Set the number of divisions in each of the X, Y, and Z directions.

The number of divisions specifies the resolution of the lattice.

[in]xnumber of divisions in the X direction
[in]ynumber of divisions in the Y direction
[in]znumber of divisions in the Z direction
Return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kFailure function set doesn not have a valid object
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory out of memory
MStatus resetLattice ( bool  centerLattice = false)

This method resets the deformed lattice to match the base lattice.

The center option will resize the lattice to be the bounding box of all contained geometry. If instanced objects are being deformed, then then centering option will take the first instance found. So, it is possible to get unexpected results when centering around instanced objects.

[in]centerLatticewhether to center the lattice
Return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kFailure function set doesn not have a valid object or there was an unexpected error
MObject deformLattice ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

This returns the deformed version of the lattice.

The deformed lattice is a shape in the DAG and should be modified using the MFnLattice function set.

[out]ReturnStatusreturn status
Handle for the deformed lattice shape
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kFailure function set doesn not have a valid object or there was an unexpected error
MObject baseLattice ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

This returns the base version of the lattice that describes the region of space deformed by the lattice.

The returned base lattice is a shape in the DAG and can be accessed using the MFnDagNode function set.

[out]ReturnStatusreturn status
Handle for the base lattice shape
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kFailure function set doesn not have a valid object or there was an unexpected error

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: