C++ API Reference
MOpenCLBuffer Class Reference

Convenience class which makes allocating, updating and releasing OpenCL buffers easy. More...

#include <MOpenCLBuffer.h>

Public Member Functions

 MOpenCLBuffer (cl_context gpuContext, cl_mem_flags flags)
 Class constructor. More...
 MOpenCLBuffer (cl_context gpuContext, cl_mem_flags flags, size_t size, void *host_ptr, cl_int *err)
 Class constructor. More...
 MOpenCLBuffer ()
 Class constructor. More...
 MOpenCLBuffer (MOpenCLBuffer &&)
 Move constructor. More...
 ~MOpenCLBuffer ()
 Class destructor. More...
MOpenCLBufferoperator= (MOpenCLBuffer &&)
 Move operator. More...
void reset ()
 Release the OpenCL buffer (if any) and the event (if any). More...
cl_int uploadDataToGPU (cl_command_queue gpuQueue, cl_bool blocking_write, size_t offset, size_t size, void *host_ptr, cl_uint numEvents, const cl_event *events)
 Send data to the GPU. More...
cl_int ensureBufferSize (size_t size)
 Make certain that the OpenCL buffer held by MOpenCLBuffer is large enough to hold size bytes. More...
MAutoCLMem buffer ()
 Get the OpenCL buffer held by MOpenCLBuffer. More...
const MAutoCLMem buffer () const
 Get the OpenCL buffer held by MOpenCLBuffer. More...
MAutoCLEvent bufferReadyEvent ()
 Get the OpenCL event held by MOpenCLBuffer. More...

Detailed Description

Convenience class which makes allocating, updating and releasing OpenCL buffers easy.

MOpenCLBuffer is a convenience class which can replace calls to clCreateBuffer, clEnqueueWriteBuffer and clReleaseBuffer. MOpenCLBuffer provides a number of features which make creating, updating and releasing an OpenCL buffer simple.

When MOpenCLBuffer allocates a cl_mem object MOpenCLBuffer automatically notifies Maya of the increased GPU memory usage (see MRenderer::holdGPUMemory()).

When MOpenCLBuffer updates a cl_mem object it will automatically allocate a larger buffer if the new data size is larger than the old data size.

When MOpenCLBuffer deallocates a cl_mem object MOpenCLBuffer automatically notifies Maya of the decreased GPU memory usage.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MOpenCLBuffer ( cl_context  gpuContext,
cl_mem_flags  flags 

Class constructor.

Create an MOpenCLBuffer without creating a GPU buffer.

[in]gpuContextA valid OpenCL context to be used to create a buffer object.
[in]flagsSpecify usage information for the buffer object.
  • CL_MEM_READ_WRITE The memory object will be read and written by a kernel.
  • CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY The memory object will only be written to by a kernel.
  • CL_MEM_READ_ONLY The memory object will only be read from by a kernel.
MOpenCLBuffer ( cl_context  gpuContext,
cl_mem_flags  flags,
size_t  size,
void *  host_ptr,
cl_int *  err 

Class constructor.

Create a GPU buffer able to hold size bytes. If host_ptr is not NULL, copy the data from host_ptr to the GPU buffer. host_ptr must be larger than size bytes.

[in]gpuContextA valid OpenCL context to be used to create a buffer object.
[in]flagsSpecify usage information for the buffer object.
  • CL_MEM_READ_WRITE The memory object will be read and written by a kernel.
  • CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY The memory object will only be written to by a kernel.
  • CL_MEM_READ_ONLY The memory object will only be read from by a kernel.
[in]sizeThe size in bytes of the OpenCL buffer to be allocated.
[in]host_ptrOptional. Data to be copied into the OpenCL buffer.
[out]errOpenCL error code.

Class constructor.

Create an MOpenCLBuffer without creating a GPU buffer. The cl_context used is the cl_context returned by MOpenCLInfo::getOpenCLContext(). The cl_mem_flags used are CL_MEM_READ_ONLY.

Move constructor.

Create an MOpenCLBuffer from an existing MOpenCLBuffer other. After calling MOpenCLBuffer(MOpenCLBuffer &&) it is not valid to call any method on other except for its destructor.

Class destructor.

Release the OpenCL buffer (if any) and the event (if any).

Member Function Documentation

MOpenCLBuffer & operator= ( MOpenCLBuffer &&  other)

Move operator.

The GPU buffer held in this object is released. The GPU buffer held in other is now held in this object. It is not safe to call any methods on other expect for ~MOpenCLBuffer.

void reset ( )

Release the OpenCL buffer (if any) and the event (if any).

Set the size of the MOpenCLBuffer back to zero.

cl_int uploadDataToGPU ( cl_command_queue  gpuQueue,
cl_bool  blocking_write,
size_t  offset,
size_t  size,
void *  host_ptr,
cl_uint  numEvents,
const cl_event *  events 

Send data to the GPU.

Allocate a new OpenCL buffer if the size of the upload is larger than the current size of the MOpenCLBuffer.

[in]gpuQueueA valid OpenCL context to be used to create a buffer object.
[in]blocking_writeSpecify usage information for the buffer object.
[in]offsetThe offset in bytes in the OpenCL buffer to write to.
[in]sizeThe size in bytes of the data to write to OpenCL.
[in]host_ptrData to be copied into the OpenCL buffer. Must be at least size bytes.
[in]numEventsNumber of events to wait for before beginning to modify the OpenCL buffer.
[in]eventsList of events to wait for before beginning to modify the OpenCL buffer.
CL_SUCCESS for success, an OpenCL error code otherwise.
cl_int ensureBufferSize ( size_t  size)

Make certain that the OpenCL buffer held by MOpenCLBuffer is large enough to hold size bytes.

If the MOpenCLBuffer already exists and is greater than or equal to the new size, MOpenCLBuffer will re-use the underlying OpenCL buffer. If the existing buffer is not large enough and new, larger buffer will be allocated.

[in]sizeThe desired size in bytes of the OpenCL buffer.
CL_SUCCESS for success, an OpenCL error code otherwise.
MAutoCLMem buffer ( )

Get the OpenCL buffer held by MOpenCLBuffer.

The underlying cl_mem object may change if uploadDataToGPU() or ensureBufferSize() is called.

The OpenCL buffer held by MOpenCLBuffer.
const MAutoCLMem buffer ( ) const

Get the OpenCL buffer held by MOpenCLBuffer.

The underlying cl_mem object may change if uploadDataToGPU() or ensureBufferSize() is called.

The OpenCL buffer held by MOpenCLBuffer.
MAutoCLEvent bufferReadyEvent ( )

Get the OpenCL event held by MOpenCLBuffer.

The OpenCL buffer is safe to read if the event held in the MAutoCLEvent is NULL or complete.

The OpenCL event which must complete before it is safe to read the buffer.

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