C++ API Reference
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================
// Produces the dependency graph node "offsetNode".
// This plug-in demonstrates how to create a user-defined weighted deformer
// with an associated shape. A deformer is a node which takes any number of
// input geometries, deforms them, and places the output into the output
// geometry attribute. This example plug-in defines a new deformer node
// that offsets vertices according to their CV's weights. The weights are set
// using the set editor or the percent command.
// The offset node example below is not meant to be a practical deformer to
// be used: it's only function is to explain certain concepts and give examples
// on how to use the API.
// The node moves all verts of the deforming geometry up along the y-axis
// in the local coordinate system of an external transform.
// Furthermore it optionally randomizes this offset slightly by looking up
// a random value in a table of user specified size based on the vertId.
// The size of the table is set by the user by defining the number of chunks.
// Is is important in this example for the GPU implementation that the table
// itself is not animatable, but the effect of it through the chunkEnvelope
// can be.
// To use this node:
// - create a plane or some other object
// - type: "deformer -type offset"
// - a locator is created by the command, and you can use this locator
// to control the direction of the offset. The object's CV's will be offset
// by the value of the weights of the CV's (the default will be the weight * some constant)
// in the direction of the y-vector of the locator
// - you can edit the weights using either the component editor or by using
// the percent command (eg. percent -v .5 offset1;)
// Use this script to create a simple example with the offset node:
// loadPlugin offsetNode;
// polyTorus -r 1 -sr 0.5 -tw 0 -sx 50 -sy 50 -ax 0 1 0 -cuv 1 -ch 1;
// deformer -type "offset";
// setKeyframe -v 0 -at rotateZ -t 1 transform1;
// setKeyframe -v 180 -at rotateZ -t 60 transform1;
// select -cl;
#include <string.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MStringArray.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <maya/MPxDeformerNode.h>
#include <maya/MItGeometry.h>
#include <maya/MPxLocatorNode.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnMatrixAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnMatrixData.h>
#include <maya/MFnFloatArrayData.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MFnDependencyNode.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MDataBlock.h>
#include <maya/MDataHandle.h>
#include <maya/MArrayDataHandle.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MVector.h>
#include <maya/MMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MDagModifier.h>
#include <maya/MPxGPUDeformer.h>
#include <maya/MGPUDeformerRegistry.h>
#include <maya/MOpenCLInfo.h>
#include <maya/MViewport2Renderer.h>
#include <maya/MFnMesh.h>
#include <clew/clew.h>
#include <vector>
class offset : public MPxDeformerNode
~offset() override;
static void* creator();
static MStatus initialize();
// deformation function
MItGeometry& iter,
const MMatrix& mat,
unsigned int multiIndex) override;
// when the accessory is deleted, this node will clean itself up
MObject& accessoryAttribute() const override;
// create accessory nodes when the node is created
// Communicate fixed setup data to the GPU node
MObject getFixedSetupData(const MString& name) override;
MFloatArray randomOffsetTable;
// local node attributes
static MObject offsetMatrix; // offset center and axis
static MObject chunkCount; // The number of chunks we want.
static MObject chunkEnvelope; // The influence of the chunks.
static MTypeId id;
// path from where the plugin was loaded
static MString pluginPath;
// local attributes
MTypeId offset::id( 0x8000c );
MObject offset::offsetMatrix;
MObject offset::chunkEnvelope;
MObject offset::chunkCount;
MString offset::pluginPath;
offset::offset() {}
offset::~offset() {}
void* offset::creator()
return new offset();
MStatus offset::initialize()
// local attribute initialization
offsetMatrix=mAttr.create( "locateMatrix", "lm");
chunkEnvelope = nAttr.create( "chunkEnvelope", "che", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0 );
chunkCount = nAttr.create( "chunkCount", "chc", MFnNumericData::kInt, 0 );
// We do not want this keyable since it is a parameter that alters the
// internal setup that is communicated to the GPU
// deformation attributes
addAttribute( offsetMatrix);
addAttribute( chunkEnvelope );
addAttribute( chunkCount );
attributeAffects( offset::offsetMatrix, offset::outputGeom );
attributeAffects( offset::chunkEnvelope, offset::outputGeom );
attributeAffects( offset::chunkCount, offset::outputGeom );
offset::deform( MDataBlock& block,
MItGeometry& iter,
const MMatrix& /*m*/,
unsigned int multiIndex)
MStatus returnStatus;
// Envelope data from the base class.
// The envelope is simply a scale factor.
MDataHandle envData = block.inputValue(envelope, &returnStatus);
if (MS::kSuccess != returnStatus)
return returnStatus;
float env = envData.asFloat();
MDataHandle chunkEnvelopeData = block.inputValue( chunkEnvelope, &returnStatus );
float chunkWeight = chunkEnvelopeData.asFloat();
MDataHandle chunkCountData = block.inputValue( chunkCount, &returnStatus );
size_t numChunks = chunkCountData.asInt();
if (numChunks != randomOffsetTable.length()) {
// We are rebuilding the randomOffsetTable. This happens rarely
// and only because a change to the setup is made, in this case
// by altering the non-animatable chunkCount attribute
for (size_t i = 0; i < numChunks; ++i) {
float r = (rand() % 1001)/500.0 - 1.0;
randomOffsetTable.set(r, i);
// Get the matrix which is used to define the direction and scale
// of the offset.
MDataHandle matData = block.inputValue(offsetMatrix, &returnStatus );
if (MS::kSuccess != returnStatus) return returnStatus;
MMatrix omat = matData.asMatrix();
MMatrix omatinv = omat.inverse();
bool useRandomOffset = (numChunks > 0 && chunkWeight > 0.0);
// iterate through each point in the geometry
for ( ; !iter.isDone(); iter.next()) {
MPoint pt = iter.position();
pt *= omatinv;
float weight = weightValue(block,multiIndex,iter.index());
if (useRandomOffset)
weight *= (1.0 + chunkWeight*randomOffsetTable[iter.index()%numChunks]);
// offset algorithm
pt.y = pt.y + env*weight;
// end of offset algorithm
pt *= omat;
return returnStatus;
/* override */
offset::accessoryAttribute() const
// Description:
// This method returns a the attribute to which an accessory
// shape is connected. If the accessory shape is deleted, the deformer
// node will automatically be deleted.
// This method is optional.
return offset::offsetMatrix;
/* override */
offset::accessoryNodeSetup(MDagModifier& cmd)
// Description:
// This method is called when the deformer is created by the
// "deformer" command. You can add to the cmds in the MDagModifier
// cmd in order to hook up any additional nodes that your node needs
// to operate.
// In this example, we create a locator and attach its matrix attribute
// to the matrix input on the offset node. The locator is used to
// set the direction and scale of the random field.
// Description:
// This method is optional.
MStatus result;
// hook up the accessory node
MObject objLoc = cmd.createNode(MString("locator"),
if (MS::kSuccess == result) {
MFnDependencyNode fnLoc(objLoc);
MString attrName;
MObject attrMat = fnLoc.attribute(attrName);
result = cmd.connect(objLoc,attrMat,this->thisMObject(),offset::offsetMatrix);
return result;
/* override */
offset::getFixedSetupData(const MString& name)
// Description:
// This method is called when the GPU deformer wants certain setup data
// identified by the string name.
// In this example, the node has created an internal randomOffsetTable
// which we want to pass to the GPU node. This allows the GPU node to remain
// ignorant of how this table is being calculated and thereby avoids code
// duplication that would be hard to keep in sync between the CPU and GPU.
// Description:
// This method is optional.
if (name == "randomOffsetTable") {
return fn.create(randomOffsetTable);
// the GPU override implementation of the offsetNode
class offsetGPUDeformer : public MPxGPUDeformer
// Virtual methods from MPxGPUDeformer
~offsetGPUDeformer() override;
MPxGPUDeformer::DeformerStatus evaluate(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& outputPlug, const MPlugArray& inputPlugs, const MGPUDeformerData& inputData, MGPUDeformerData& outputData) override;
void terminate() override;
static MGPUDeformerRegistrationInfo* getGPUDeformerInfo();
static bool validateNodeInGraph(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode&, const MPlug& plug, MStringArray* messages);
static bool validateNodeValues(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode&, const MPlug& plug, MStringArray* messages);
// helper methods
void extractWeightArray(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& plug);
void extractOffsetMatrix(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& plug);
void extractRandomOffsetTable(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& plug);
void extractAffectMap();
bool needsAffectMap() const;
unsigned int affectCount() const;
unsigned int fullCount() const;
cl_int enqueueInitializeOutputPositions(MAutoCLEvent& syncEvent, const MGPUDeformerBuffer& inputPositions, MGPUDeformerBuffer& outputPositions);
cl_int enqueueDeformation(MAutoCLEvent& syncEvent, const MGPUDeformerBuffer& inputPositions, MGPUDeformerBuffer& outputPositions);
// holds the data for which verts are affected
MIndexMapper fIndexMapper;
// Storage for data on the GPU
MAutoCLMem fCLWeights;
MAutoCLMem fCLAffectMap;
MAutoCLMem fCLOffsetMatrix;
MAutoCLMem fCLRandomOffsetTable;
unsigned int fNumElements;
unsigned int fAffectMapBufferSize;
unsigned int fRandomOffsetTableSize;
float fChunkEnvelope;
// Kernel
MAutoCLKernel fKernel;
class offsetNodeGPUDeformerInfo : public MGPUDeformerRegistrationInfo
offsetNodeGPUDeformerInfo() {}
~offsetNodeGPUDeformerInfo() override{}
return new offsetGPUDeformer();
bool validateNodeInGraph(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& plug, MStringArray* messages) override
return offsetGPUDeformer::validateNodeInGraph(block, evaluationNode, plug, messages);
bool validateNodeValues(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& plug, MStringArray* messages) override
return offsetGPUDeformer::validateNodeValues(block, evaluationNode, plug, messages);
MGPUDeformerRegistrationInfo* offsetGPUDeformer::getGPUDeformerInfo()
static offsetNodeGPUDeformerInfo theOne;
return &theOne;
: fNumElements(0)
, fAffectMapBufferSize(0)
// Remember the ctor must be fast. No heavy work should be done here.
// Maya may allocate one of these and then never use it.
/* static */
bool offsetGPUDeformer::validateNodeInGraph(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& plug, MStringArray* messages)
// offsetGPUDeformer supports everything on the offset node except envelope
// envelope is handled in validateNodeValues because we support some values
// but not others.
return true;
/* static */
bool offsetGPUDeformer::validateNodeValues(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& plug, MStringArray* messages)
// As an example offsetGPUDeformer has conditional support for the envelop
// attribute. offsetGPUDeformer supports the underlying depend node if
// envelope is exactly 1.0f. Otherwise, the underlying node is not supported.
// Note that in additional to testing the value of the envelope attribute here
// we have also registered the envelope attribute as a conditional attribute in
// offsetNodeGPUDeformerInfo.
MObject node = plug.node();
MFnDependencyNode fnNode(node);
// Now that I know the envelope value is not changing, check to see if it is 1.0f
MPlug envelopePlug(node, MPxDeformerNode::envelope);
MDataHandle envData;
if (envData.asFloat() != 1.0f)
MOpenCLInfo::appendMessage(messages, "Offset %s not supported by deformer evaluator because envelope is not exactly 1.0.", fnNode.name().asChar());
return false;
return true;
cl_int offsetGPUDeformer::enqueueInitializeOutputPositions(
MAutoCLEvent& syncEvent,
const MGPUDeformerBuffer& inputPositions,
MGPUDeformerBuffer& outputPositions)
cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
if (!needsAffectMap()) // Nothing to do here...
return err;
// We need to copy the input verts over the output verts since we are
// not going to compute every single one of them.
MAutoCLEvent syncInputEvent = syncEvent;
syncEvent = MAutoCLEvent();
MGPUEventList eventList;
const size_t fullVertBufSize = fNumElements * sizeof(float) * 3;
err = clEnqueueCopyBuffer (
return err;
cl_int offsetGPUDeformer::enqueueDeformation(
MAutoCLEvent& syncEvent,
const MGPUDeformerBuffer& inputPositions,
MGPUDeformerBuffer& outputPositions)
cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
unsigned int count = affectCount();
MAutoCLEvent syncInputEvent = syncEvent;
syncEvent = MAutoCLEvent();
MGPUEventList eventList;
// Set all of our kernel parameters. Input buffer and output buffer may be changing every frame
// so always set them.
unsigned int parameterId = 0;
err = clSetKernelArg(fKernel.get(), parameterId++, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)outputPositions.buffer().getReadOnlyRef());
err = clSetKernelArg(fKernel.get(), parameterId++, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)inputPositions.buffer().getReadOnlyRef());
err = clSetKernelArg(fKernel.get(), parameterId++, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)fCLWeights.getReadOnlyRef());
if (needsAffectMap())
err = clSetKernelArg(fKernel.get(), parameterId++, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)fCLAffectMap.getReadOnlyRef());
err = clSetKernelArg(fKernel.get(), parameterId++, sizeof(cl_mem),nullptr);
err = clSetKernelArg(fKernel.get(), parameterId++, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)fCLOffsetMatrix.getReadOnlyRef());
err = clSetKernelArg(fKernel.get(), parameterId++, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)fCLRandomOffsetTable.getReadOnlyRef());
err = clSetKernelArg(fKernel.get(), parameterId++, sizeof(cl_uint), (void*)&fRandomOffsetTableSize);
err = clSetKernelArg(fKernel.get(), parameterId++, sizeof(cl_float), (void*)&fChunkEnvelope);
err = clSetKernelArg(fKernel.get(), parameterId++, sizeof(cl_uint), (void*)&count);
// Figure out a good work group size for our kernel.
size_t workGroupSize;
size_t retSize;
err = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(
size_t localWorkSize = 256;
if (retSize > 0) localWorkSize = workGroupSize;
size_t globalWorkSize = (localWorkSize - count % localWorkSize) + count; // global work size must be a multiple of localWorkSize
// run the kernel
MAutoCLEvent kernelFinishedEvent;
err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(
return err;
MPxGPUDeformer::DeformerStatus offsetGPUDeformer::evaluate(
MDataBlock& block, // data block for "this" node
const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, // evaluation node representing "this" node
const MPlug& plug, // the multi index we're working on. There will be a separate instance created per multi index
const MPlugArray & inputPlugs, // the input plugs which have GPU data in inputData
const MGPUDeformerData& inputData, // the input data provided by Maya or other upstream GPU Deformers
MGPUDeformerData& outputData // the output data to be passed to the rendering system or other downstream GPU Deformers
// offsetGPUDeformer only supports a single input plug
if (inputPlugs.length() != 1)
return MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerFailure;
const MPlug& inputPlug = inputPlugs[0];
const MGPUDeformerBuffer inputPositions = inputData.getBuffer(MPxGPUDeformer::sPositionsName(), inputPlug);
MGPUDeformerBuffer outputPositions = createOutputBuffer(inputPositions);
if (!inputPositions.isValid() || !outputPositions.isValid())
return MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerFailure;
// evaluate has two main pieces of work. I need to transfer any data I care about onto the GPU, and I need to run my OpenCL Kernel.
// First, transfer the data. offset has two pieces of data I need to transfer to the GPU, the weight array and the offset matrix.
// I don't need to transfer down the input position buffer, that is already handled by the deformer evaluator, the points are in inputBuffer.
fNumElements = inputPositions.elementCount();
MObject node = plug.node();
extractWeightArray(block, evaluationNode, plug);
extractOffsetMatrix(block, evaluationNode, plug);
extractRandomOffsetTable(block, evaluationNode, plug);
MStatus status;
MDataHandle chunkEnvelopeData = block.inputValue(offset::chunkEnvelope, &status );
fChunkEnvelope = (MS::kSuccess != status) ? 1.0 : chunkEnvelopeData.asFloat();
// Now that all the data we care about is on the GPU, setup and run the OpenCL Kernel
if (!fKernel.get())
MString openCLKernelFile = offset::pluginPath + "/offset.cl";
MString openCLKernelName("offset");
fKernel = MOpenCLInfo::getOpenCLKernel(openCLKernelFile, openCLKernelName);
if (!fKernel) return MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerFailure;
MAutoCLEvent syncEvent = inputPositions.bufferReadyEvent();
cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
err = enqueueInitializeOutputPositions(syncEvent, inputPositions, outputPositions);
if ( err != CL_SUCCESS )
return MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerFailure;
err = enqueueDeformation(syncEvent, inputPositions, outputPositions);
if ( err != CL_SUCCESS )
return MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerFailure;
return MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerSuccess;
void offsetGPUDeformer::terminate()
void offsetGPUDeformer::extractAffectMap()
if (getIndexMapper(fIndexMapper)) {
if (!needsAffectMap()) {
// No need for it, so release what we had...
fAffectMapBufferSize = 0;
// Now upload the affect map
// Two possibilities, we could be updating an existing OpenCL buffer or allocating a new one.
cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
std::vector<unsigned int> temp;
unsigned int bufferSize = temp.size()*sizeof(unsigned int);
MIntArray affectMap = fIndexMapper.affectMap();
for (size_t i = 0; i < affectMap.length(); ++i)
temp[i] = affectMap[i];
if (fAffectMapBufferSize < bufferSize) { // We need to grow the size of the buffer
fCLAffectMap.reset(); // Release what we had...
fAffectMapBufferSize = 0;
if (!fCLAffectMap.get())
fAffectMapBufferSize = bufferSize;
fCLAffectMap.attach(clCreateBuffer(MOpenCLInfo::getOpenCLContext(), CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR | CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, bufferSize, (void*)&temp[0], &err));
// Using a blocking write here, non-blocking could be faster... need to manage the lifetime of temp, and have the kernel wait until the write finishes before running
err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(MOpenCLInfo::getMayaDefaultOpenCLCommandQueue(), fCLAffectMap.get(), CL_TRUE, 0, bufferSize, (void*)&temp[0], 0, NULL, NULL);
bool offsetGPUDeformer::needsAffectMap() const
return (affectCount() < fullCount());
unsigned int offsetGPUDeformer::affectCount() const
return fIndexMapper.affectCount();
unsigned int offsetGPUDeformer::fullCount() const
return fIndexMapper.fullCount();
void offsetGPUDeformer::extractWeightArray(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& plug)
// if we've already got a weight array and it is not changing then don't bother copying it
// to the GPU again
// Note that right now hasAttributeBeenModified takes an attribute, so if any element in the multi is changing we think it is dirty...
// To avoid false dirty issues here you'd need to only use one element of the MPxDeformerNode::input multi attribute for each
// offset node.
if (fCLWeights.get() && !MPxGPUDeformer::hasAttributeBeenModified(evaluationNode, MPxDeformerNode::weightList))
// Maya might do some tricky stuff like not store the weight array at all for certain weight
// values so we can't count on an array existing in the weightList. For the OpenCL Kernel
// we want an array with one weight in it per vertex, we need to build it carefully here.
std::vector<float> temp;
// Two possibilities: we could have a sparse array in weightList[multiIndex] or there could be nothing in weightList[multiIndex].
// if nothing is there then all the weights at 1.0f.
// Get a handle to the weight array we want.
MStatus status;
if (!status) return; // we should always be able to get a weightList
status = weightList.jumpToElement(plug.logicalIndex());
// it is possible that the jumpToElement fails. In that case all weights are 1.
if (!status)
for(unsigned int i=0; i<fNumElements; i++)
MDataHandle weightsStructure = weightList.inputValue(&status);
if (!status) return;
MArrayDataHandle weights = weightsStructure.child(MPxDeformerNode::weights);
if (!status) return;
// number of non-zero weights
unsigned int numWeights = weights.elementCount(&status);
if (!status) return;
// we're building a list with a weight per vertex, even if the weight is zero
unsigned int weightIndex = 0;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<numWeights; i++, weights.next())
unsigned int weightsElementIndex = weights.elementIndex(&status);
while (weightIndex < weightsElementIndex)
temp.push_back(1.0f); // weights could be sparse, fill in default weight of 1 if no data
MDataHandle value = weights.inputValue(&status);
// now we have written the last non-zero weight into temp, but the last non-zero weight
// doesn't have to be for the last vertex in the buffer. Add more zero values if necessary.
while (weightIndex < fNumElements)
temp.push_back(1.0f); // weights could be sparse, fill in default weight of 1 if no data
// Two possibilities, we could be updating an existing OpenCL buffer or allocating a new one.
cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
if (!fCLWeights.get())
fCLWeights.attach(clCreateBuffer(MOpenCLInfo::getOpenCLContext(), CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR | CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, fNumElements * sizeof(float), (void*)&temp[0], &err));
// I use a blocking write here, non-blocking could be faster... need to manage the lifetime of temp, and have the kernel wait until the write finishes before running
// I'm also assuming that the weight buffer is not growing.
err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(MOpenCLInfo::getMayaDefaultOpenCLCommandQueue(), fCLWeights.get(), CL_TRUE, 0, fNumElements * sizeof(float), (void*)&temp[0], 0, NULL, NULL);
void offsetGPUDeformer::extractOffsetMatrix(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& plug)
// I pass the offset matrix to OpenCL using a buffer as well. I also send down the inverse matrix to avoid calculating it many times on the GPU
if (fCLOffsetMatrix.get() && !MPxGPUDeformer::hasAttributeBeenModified(evaluationNode, offset::offsetMatrix))
MStatus status;
MDataHandle matData = block.inputValue(offset::offsetMatrix, &status );
if (MS::kSuccess != status) return;
MMatrix omat = matData.asMatrix();
MMatrix omatinv = omat.inverse();
// Convert the matrix from Maya format to the format the OpenCL kernel expects
omat = omat.transpose();
omatinv = omatinv.transpose();
// MMatrix stores double values, but I want floating point values on the GPU so convert them here.
unsigned int numFloat = 32;
float* temp = new float[numFloat];
unsigned int curr = 0;
for(unsigned int row = 0; row<4; row++)
for(unsigned int column = 0; column<4; column++)
temp[curr++] = (float)omat(row, column);
for(unsigned int row = 0; row<4; row++)
for(unsigned int column = 0; column<4; column++)
temp[curr++] = (float)omatinv(row, column);
// Two possibilities, we could be updating an existing OpenCL buffer or allocating a new one.
cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
if (!fCLOffsetMatrix.get())
fCLOffsetMatrix.attach(clCreateBuffer(MOpenCLInfo::getOpenCLContext(), CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR | CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, numFloat * sizeof(float), (void*) temp, &err));
// I use a blocking write here, non-blocking could be faster... need to manage the lifetime of temp, and have the kernel wait until the write finishes before running
err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(MOpenCLInfo::getMayaDefaultOpenCLCommandQueue(), fCLOffsetMatrix.get(), CL_TRUE, 0, numFloat * sizeof(float), (void*)temp, 0, NULL, NULL);
delete [] temp;
void offsetGPUDeformer::extractRandomOffsetTable(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& plug)
if (fCLRandomOffsetTable.get() && !MPxGPUDeformer::hasAttributeBeenModified(evaluationNode, offset::chunkCount))
// The randomOffsetTable on the CPU node has been modified so now go ask the CPU for its data.
// Then upload it to a GPU buffer we can use in our kernel.
// Deeper dive explanation:
// We could of course instead replicate the code that generates the randomOffsetTable based on the node parameters
// here. But that would add a lot of maintenance costs to make sure we do the identical work to avoid mismatches
// between the CPU and GPU implementation. The getFixedSetupData call below allows us to tunnel through to get
// the exact data we want. This will move all logic to the CPU and the only responsibility of the GPU node is to
// upload it and use it in the kernel.
// This should of course only be done for data that does not depend in any way on any animated attributes. The
// data should already be present on the CPU node and it should not cause any computation to be done in the
// graph on the CPU.
MObject arrOb = getFixedSetupData("randomOffsetTable");
if (!arrOb.isNull())
// upload it to the gpu buffer
MFnFloatArrayData fn(arrOb);
MFloatArray array;
fRandomOffsetTableSize = array.length();
if (fRandomOffsetTableSize <= 0) return;
float& f = array[0];
cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
if (!fCLRandomOffsetTable.get())
fCLRandomOffsetTable.attach(clCreateBuffer(MOpenCLInfo::getOpenCLContext(), CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR | CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, fRandomOffsetTableSize * sizeof(float), (void*)&f, &err));
// I use a blocking write here, non-blocking could be faster... need to manage the lifetime of temp, and have the kernel wait until the write finishes before running
err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(MOpenCLInfo::getMayaDefaultOpenCLCommandQueue(), fCLRandomOffsetTable.get(), CL_TRUE, 0, fRandomOffsetTableSize * sizeof(float), (void*)&f, 0, NULL, NULL);
fRandomOffsetTableSize = 0;
// standard initialization procedures
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
MStatus result;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "3.0", "Any");
result = plugin.registerNode( "offset", offset::id, offset::creator,
offset::initialize, MPxNode::kDeformerNode );
MString nodeClassName("offset");
MString registrantId("mayaPluginExample");
offset::pluginPath = plugin.loadPath();
return result;
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj)
MStatus result;
MString nodeClassName("offset");
MString registrantId("mayaPluginExample");
MFnPlugin plugin(obj);
result = plugin.deregisterNode(offset::id);
return result;