C++ API Reference
MDGModifier Class Reference

Dependency graph modifier. More...

#include <MDGModifier.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for MDGModifier:

Public Member Functions

 MDGModifier ()
 The class constructor.
virtual ~MDGModifier ()
 The class destructor.
MObject createNode (const MTypeId &typeId, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 This method adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that will add a new dependency graph node of the given type to the dependency graph. More...
MObject createNode (const MString &type, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 This method adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that will add a new dependency graph node of the given type to the dependency graph. More...
MStatus deleteNode (const MObject &node)
 This method adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that will delete a dependency graph node from the dependency graph. More...
MStatus deleteNode (const MObject &node, bool includeParents)
 This method adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that will delete a dependency graph node from the dependency graph. More...
MStatus renameNode (const MObject &node, const MString &newName)
 This method adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that will rename a dependency graph node. More...
MStatus setNodeLockState (const MObject &node, bool newState)
 This method adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that will set the lock state of the node. More...
MStatus connect (const MObject &sourceNode, const MObject &sourceAttr, const MObject &destNode, const MObject &destAttr)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that connects two attributes of two nodes in the dependency graph. More...
MStatus disconnect (const MObject &sourceNode, const MObject &sourceAttr, const MObject &destNode, const MObject &destAttr)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that disconnects two attributes of two nodes in the dependency graph. More...
MStatus connect (const MPlug &source, const MPlug &dest)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that connects two plugs in the dependency graph. More...
MStatus disconnect (const MPlug &source, const MPlug &dest)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that disconnects two plugs in the dependency graph. More...
MStatus addAttribute (const MObject &node, const MObject &attribute)
 Add a new dynamic attribute to the given dependency node. More...
MStatus removeAttribute (const MObject &node, const MObject &attribute)
 Removes a dynamic attribute from the given dependency node. More...
MStatus renameAttribute (const MObject &node, const MObject &attribute, const MString &shortName, const MString &longName)
 Renames a dynamic attribute on the given dependency node. More...
MStatus addExtensionAttribute (const MNodeClass &nodeClass, const MObject &attribute)
 Add a new extension attribute to the given dependency node class. More...
MStatus removeExtensionAttribute (const MNodeClass &nodeClass, const MObject &attribute)
 Removes an extension attribute from the given dependency node type. More...
MStatus removeExtensionAttributeIfUnset (const MNodeClass &nodeClass, const MObject &attribute)
 Removes an extension attribute from the given dependency node type but only if there are no nodes in the graph with non-default values for this attribute. More...
MStatus linkExtensionAttributeToPlugin (const MObject &plugin, const MObject &attribute)
 The plugin calls this to indicate that the extension attribute defines part of the plugin, regardless of the node type to which it attaches itself. More...
MStatus unlinkExtensionAttributeFromPlugin (const MObject &mPlugin, const MObject &mAttribute)
 Tells a plugin that it no longer requires an extension attribute for operation. More...
MStatus commandToExecute (const MString &command)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that executes a MEL command. More...
MStatus pythonCommandToExecute (const MString &command)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that executes a Python command/script. More...
MStatus newPlugValue (const MPlug &plug, MObject &plugValue)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug value. More...
MStatus newPlugValueBool (const MPlug &plug, bool plugValue)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to a boolean value. More...
MStatus newPlugValueChar (const MPlug &plug, char plugValue)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to a char value. More...
MStatus newPlugValueDouble (const MPlug &plug, double plugValue)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to a double value. More...
MStatus newPlugValueFloat (const MPlug &plug, float plugValue)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to a float value. More...
MStatus newPlugValueInt (const MPlug &plug, int plugValue)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to an int value. More...
MStatus newPlugValueInt64 (const MPlug &plug, MInt64 plugValue)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to a 64-bit int value. More...
MStatus newPlugValueMAngle (const MPlug &plug, const MAngle &plugValue)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to an MAngle value. More...
MStatus newPlugValueMDistance (const MPlug &plug, const MDistance &plugValue)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to an MDistance value. More...
MStatus newPlugValueMTime (const MPlug &plug, const MTime &plugValue)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to an MTime value. More...
MStatus newPlugValueShort (const MPlug &plug, short plugValue)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to a short value. More...
MStatus newPlugValueString (const MPlug &plug, const MString &plugValue)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to a string value. More...
MStatus removeMultiInstance (const MPlug &plug, bool breakConnections)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that removes an element of a multi (array) plug. More...
MStatus setMetadata (const MObject &node, const adsk::Data::Associations &metadata)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that replaces metadata on a specific node. More...
MStatus deleteMetadata (const MObject &node)
 Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that deletes all metadata from a node. More...
MStatus doIt ()
 Executes all of the operations that have been given to this modifier. More...
MStatus undoIt ()
 Undoes all of the operations that have been given to this modifier. More...
MStatus addAttribute (const MObject &node, const MObject &attribute, MFnDependencyNode::MAttrClass type)
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus removeAttribute (const MObject &node, const MObject &attribute, MFnDependencyNode::MAttrClass type)
 This method is obsolete. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...

Detailed Description

Dependency graph modifier.

An MDGModifier is used to change the structure of the dependency graph. This includes adding nodes, making new connections, and removing existing connections. To perform operations using an MDGModifier, register all of the changes that are to be made and then call the doIt method to make the changes. Undo is provided through the undoIt method.

Under some situations, a doIt() call may be required to separate some of the operations. The specific case of interest involves performing a disconnect() and a deleteNode() on the same node within the stack of operations.

Assuming that the Maya model has a connected node that was going to be deleted, do the following:

MStatus cmd::redoIt()
MStatus result = dgModifier.disconnect(plugA, plugB);
if (!result)
result = dgModifier.doIt();
if (!result)
result = dgModifier.deleteNode(plugBNode);
if (!result)
result = dgModifier.doIt();
if (!result)
return result;

Then undoIt() can be implemented as:

MStatus cmd::undoIt()
MStatus result = dgModifier.undoIt();
if (!result)
return result;

MDGModifier does not understanding the hierarchical relationship between DAG nodes. When performing DG operations on DAG nodes MDagModifier should be used instead. In some cases MDagModifier may even be required when operating on non-DAG nodes. For example, a container node is a non-DAG node but it may contain DAG nodes. When the container is deleted its members will be deleted as well. Since some of those members may be DAG nodes an MDagModifier should be used to delete the container node.

AbcImport/CreateSceneHelper.cpp, AbcImport/NodeIteratorVisitorHelper.cpp, AbcImport/util.cpp, atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp, cgFx/cgfxAttrDef.cpp, cgFx/cgfxAttrDef.h, cgFx/cgfxShaderCmd.cpp, cgFx/cgfxShaderCmd.h, cgFx/cgfxShaderNode.cpp, closestPointOnCurve/closestPointOnCurveCmd.cpp, createClipCmd/createClipCmd.cpp, deletedMsgCmd/deletedMsgCmd.cpp, dx11Shader/dx11Shader.cpp, geometrySurfaceConstraint/geometrySurfaceConstraint.cpp, geometrySurfaceConstraint/geometrySurfaceConstraint.h, glslShader/GLSLShader.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheCmd.cpp, latticeNoise/latticeNoiseCmd.cpp, meshOpCmd/polyModifierCmd.cpp, meshOpCmd/polyModifierCmd.h, MetadataSample/createMetadataCmd.h, MetadataSample/importMetadataCmd.h, pointOnMeshInfo/pointOnMeshCmd.cpp, simplePhysicsEngine/simplePhysicsEngine.cpp, splitUVCmd/polyModifierCmd.cpp, and splitUVCmd/polyModifierCmd.h.

Member Function Documentation

MObject createNode ( const MTypeId typeId,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

This method adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that will add a new dependency graph node of the given type to the dependency graph.

This method may not be used to construct new DAG nodes. Use MDagModifier for that purpose.

When createNode is called, the new node is created and the MObject handle for it is returned. It should be noted that the node will not be added to the dependency graph until the doIt method is called.

If a node is created with this method, but the operation is undone, then the MDGModifier will take responsibility for freeing the node. This will be done when the MDGModifier is destructed.

[in]typeIdtype of the node to create
[out]ReturnStatusreturn status
A handle for the new node
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter the type passed in is not valid or the type is a DAG node (see MDagModifier)
AbcImport/NodeIteratorVisitorHelper.cpp, and gpuCache/gpuCacheCmd.cpp.
MObject createNode ( const MString type,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

This method adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that will add a new dependency graph node of the given type to the dependency graph.

This method may not be used to construct new DAG nodes. Use MDagModifier for that purpose.

When createNode is called, the new node is created and the MObject handle for it is returned. It should be noted that the node will not be added to the dependency graph until the doIt method is called.

If a node is created with this method, but the operation is undone, then the MDGModifier will take responsibility for freeing the node. This will be done when the MDGModifier is destructed.

[in]typetype name of the node to create
[out]ReturnStatusreturn status
A handle for the new node
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter the type passed in is not valid or the type is a DAG node (see MDagModifier)
MStatus deleteNode ( const MObject node)

This method adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that will delete a dependency graph node from the dependency graph.

The deleteNode method will perform some operations immediately like removing connections and removing DAG nodes from the model. However, it is still necessary to call doIt to complete the delete operation.

Special care must be taken when combining other operations with delete in the same MDGModifier and you should call doIt before and after deleteNode. Sample code showing how to disconnect and delete a node using a single MDGModifier can be found in the class description.

Note: The default behaviour when deleting a DAG node is to also include empty parents of the DAG node in the delete operation. If you do not want this behaviour use the other deleteNode method and pass false for the second (includeParents) argument.

[in]nodenode to delete
Return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter the node is invalid or is NULL
AbcImport/CameraHelper.cpp, AbcImport/CreateSceneHelper.cpp, and cgFx/cgfxAttrDef.cpp.
MStatus deleteNode ( const MObject node,
bool  includeParents 

This method adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that will delete a dependency graph node from the dependency graph.

The deleteNode method will perform some operations immediately like removing connections and removing DAG nodes from the model. However, it is still necessary to call doIt to complete the delete operation.

Special care must be taken when combining other operations with delete in the same MDGModifier and you should call doIt before and after deleteNode. Sample code showing how to disconnect and delete a node using a single MDGModifier can be found in the class description.

Note: If includeParents is true then empty parents of the DAG node will be included in the delete operation. Pass false to only delete this node.

[in]nodenode to delete
[in]includeParentsdelete empty DAG node parents
Return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter the node is invalid or is NULL
MStatus renameNode ( const MObject node,
const MString newName 

This method adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that will rename a dependency graph node.

[in]nodenode to rename
[in]newNamenew name for the node
Return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter the node is invalid or is NULL
AbcImport/CreateSceneHelper.cpp, and sceneAssembly/adskRepresentations.cpp.
MStatus setNodeLockState ( const MObject node,
bool  newState 

This method adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that will set the lock state of the node.

[in]nodenode to toggle lock state
[in]newStatenew lock state
Return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter the node is invalid or is NULL
MStatus connect ( const MObject sourceNode,
const MObject sourceAttr,
const MObject destNode,
const MObject destAttr 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that connects two attributes of two nodes in the dependency graph.

The value of the destination attribute is supplied by the value of the source attribute once they are connected.

It is the users responsibility to ensure that the source and destination attributes are of compatible types. For instance, if the source attribute is a nurbs surface then the destination must also be a nurbs surface.

To connect array attributes use the other version of connect which takes MPlugs as parameters.

[in]sourceNodethe source node in the connection
[in]sourceAttrthe attribute of the source node that is to be connected
[in]destNodethe destination node in the connection
[in]destAttrthe attribute of the destination node that is to be connected
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter one of the input objects is invalid
AbcImport/CreateSceneHelper.cpp, AbcImport/NodeIteratorVisitorHelper.cpp, atomImportExport/atomImportExport.cpp, cgFx/cgfxAttrDef.cpp, closestPointOnCurve/closestPointOnCurveCmd.cpp, dx11Shader/dx11Shader.cpp, glslShader/GLSLShader.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheCmd.cpp, latticeNoise/latticeNoiseCmd.cpp, meshOpCmd/polyModifierCmd.cpp, offsetNode/offsetNode.cpp, pointOnMeshInfo/pointOnMeshCmd.cpp, polyPrimitiveCmd/polyPrimitiveCmd.cpp, simplePhysicsEngine/simplePhysicsEngine.cpp, and splitUVCmd/polyModifierCmd.cpp.
MStatus disconnect ( const MObject sourceNode,
const MObject sourceAttr,
const MObject destNode,
const MObject destAttr 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that disconnects two attributes of two nodes in the dependency graph.

[in]sourceNodethe source node in the connection
[in]sourceAttrthe attribute of the source node that is connected
[in]destNodethe destination node in the connection
[in]destAttrthe attribute of the destination node that is connected
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter one of the input objects is invalid
AbcImport/util.cpp, cgFx/cgfxAttrDef.cpp, dx11Shader/dx11Shader.cpp, glslShader/GLSLShader.cpp, and latticeNoise/latticeNoiseCmd.cpp.
MStatus connect ( const MPlug source,
const MPlug dest 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that connects two plugs in the dependency graph.

The value of the destination plug is supplied by the value of the source plug once they are connected.

It is the users responsibility to ensure that the source and destination attributes are of compatible types. For instance, if the source attribute is a nurbs surface then the destination must also be a nurbs surface.

[in]sourcethe source plug in the connection
[in]destthe destination plug in the connection
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter one of the input plugs is invalid
MStatus disconnect ( const MPlug source,
const MPlug dest 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that disconnects two plugs in the dependency graph.

[in]sourcethe source plug in the connection
[in]destthe destination plug in the connection
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
MStatus addAttribute ( const MObject node,
const MObject attribute 

Add a new dynamic attribute to the given dependency node.

This method also adds all children of the attribute if it is a compound. So, if a compound attribute is being added to a node, then only the parent attribute needs to be added using this method.

[in]nodenode to which to add the attribute
[in]attributeattribute to add
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter either the node or attribute is invalid or the attribute already exists.
AbcImport/CreateSceneHelper.cpp, atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp, cgFx/cgfxAttrDef.cpp, dx11Shader/dx11Shader.cpp, glslShader/GLSLShader.cpp, and polyPrimitiveCmd/polyPrimitiveCmd.cpp.
MStatus removeAttribute ( const MObject node,
const MObject attribute 

Removes a dynamic attribute from the given dependency node.

This method also removes all children of the attribute if it is a compound.

Note: After a successful call to this method, the MObject passed to it that contains the attribute will have been reset to MObject::kNullObj because the attribute it referenced no longer exists. Thus no function sets, such as MFnAttribute, should be attached to the MObject at the time this call is made.

[in]nodenode to add an attribute to
[in]attributeattribute to add
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter either the node or attribute is invalid
cgFx/cgfxAttrDef.cpp, dx11Shader/dx11Shader.cpp, and glslShader/GLSLShader.cpp.
MStatus renameAttribute ( const MObject node,
const MObject attribute,
const MString shortName,
const MString longName 

Renames a dynamic attribute on the given dependency node.

[in]nodeThe node to which the attribute belongs
[in]attributeThe attribute to rename
[in]shortNameThe new short name
[in]longNameThe new long name
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter either the node or attribute is invalid, the attribute does not exist, one of the names is empty or one of the names is already being used as an attribute on the node
MStatus addExtensionAttribute ( const MNodeClass nodeClass,
const MObject attribute 

Add a new extension attribute to the given dependency node class.

This method also adds all children of the attribute if it is a compound. So, if a compound attribute is being added to a node type, then only the parent attribute needs to be added using this method.

[in]nodeClassclass of node to which to add the attribute
[in]attributeattribute to add
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter either the node type or attribute is invalid or the attribute already exists.
MStatus removeExtensionAttribute ( const MNodeClass nodeClass,
const MObject attribute 

Removes an extension attribute from the given dependency node type.

This method also removes all children of the attribute if it is a compound.

Note: After a successful call to this method, the MObject passed to it that contains the attribute will have been reset to MObject::kNullObj because the attribute it referenced may no longer exist. Thus no function sets, such as MFnAttribute, should be attached to the MObject at the time this call is made.

[in]nodeClassclass of node from which to remove the attribute
[in]attributeattribute to remove
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter either the node type or attribute is invalid
MStatus removeExtensionAttributeIfUnset ( const MNodeClass nodeClass,
const MObject attribute 

Removes an extension attribute from the given dependency node type but only if there are no nodes in the graph with non-default values for this attribute.

This method also removes all children of the attribute if it is a compound.

Note: After a successful call to this method, the MObject passed to it that contains the attribute may have been reset to MObject::kNullObj because the attribute it referenced may no longer exist. Thus no function sets, such as MFnAttribute, should be attached to the MObject at the time this call is made.

[in]nodeClassclass of node from which to remove the attribute
[in]attributeattribute to remove
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter either the node type or attribute is invalid
MStatus linkExtensionAttributeToPlugin ( const MObject mPlugin,
const MObject mAttribute 

The plugin calls this to indicate that the extension attribute defines part of the plugin, regardless of the node type to which it attaches itself.

This requirement is used when the plugin is checked to see if it is in use or if is able to be unloaded or if it is required as part of a stored file.

This should only be called once for root attributes (i.e. those with no parent). It is an error to call it with a child attribute. All children and ancestors are recursively tested. Forcing it to be called only on the root keeps the calling code simple and avoids duplicate calls.

[in]mPluginplugin to which the attribute is to be tied
[in]mAttributeattribute to associate with the plugin, must not have a parent
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kFailure the attribute could not be referenced by the plugin
  • MS::kInvalidParameter the plugin or attribute were not valid for the operation
MStatus unlinkExtensionAttributeFromPlugin ( const MObject mPlugin,
const MObject mAttribute 

Tells a plugin that it no longer requires an extension attribute for operation.

This requirement is used when the plugin is checked to see if it is in use or if is able to be unloaded.

This should only be called once for root attributes (i.e. those with no parent). It is an error to call it with a child attribute. All children and ancestors are recursively removed. Forcing it to be called only on the root keeps the calling code simple and avoids duplicate calls.

[in]mPluginplugin from which the attribute is to be released
[in]mAttributeattribute to disassociate with the plugin, must not have a parent
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kFailure the attribute reference didn't exist on the plugin or could not be removed
  • MS::kInvalidParameter the plugin or attribute were not valid for the operation
MStatus commandToExecute ( const MString command)

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that executes a MEL command.

The command should be fully undoable, otherwise unpredictable behaviour may result. For example, assume that the command is a MEL procedure which contains some undoable commands and some non-undoable commands. When doIt() is first called, the procedure will be executed and all of its commands will take effect. If undoIt() is subsequently called, only the undoable portions of the script will be undone, which may leave Maya in an unstable or inconsistent state. Any subsequent calls to doIt() will only redo the commands which were undone, the non-undoable portions will not be re-executed.

If the command contains no undoable portions whatsoever, the call to doIt() may fail (it depends upon the state of the MDGModifier at the time), but only after executing the command.

NOTE: It is best to use multiple commandToExecute() calls rather than batching multiple commands into one call to commandToExecute(). Using one command per call to commandToExecute() will simplify the undo stack which is important in case of command failure.

[in]commandthe command that will be executed (should be undoable)
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available.
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
AbcImport/util.cpp, and cgFx/cgfxAttrDef.cpp.
MStatus pythonCommandToExecute ( const MString command)

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that executes a Python command/script.

As noted for commandToExecute(), the specified command should be fully undoable, otherwise unpredictable behaviour may result. However, this is even more true for a Python command/script because it has access to the Maya API. Most Maya commands which modify the scene are undoable, but modifications made through the API are not.

For example, assume that the script uses the 'polySphere' command to create a mesh sphere, but then modifies its shape using API calls. When the MDGModifier's doIt() is first called, everything will work as planned and a modified sphere will result. When undoIt() is called, only the undoable 'polySphere' command will be done, not modifications made through the API. That's no loss since the sphere is being deleted. However, if doIt() is now called a second time, only those the undoable actions will be redone, so the 'polySphere' command will be redone, but the API calls to modify it will not, leaving an unmodified sphere. Variants on the same thing can end up corrupting your model and even crashing Maya.

If the command contains no undoable portions whatsoever, the call to doIt() may fail (it depends upon the state of the MDGModifier at the time), but only after executing the command.

Python Notes

In Python this method can also be passed a Python callable which will be passed no arguments when it is executed.

[in]commandthe command that will be executed (should be undoable)
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available.
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
MStatus newPlugValue ( const MPlug plug,
MObject plugValue 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug value.

Plug values can be created with the MFnNumericData class.

[in]plugthe plug to set
[in]plugValuethe value to set
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter plug or plugValue are null
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available.
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
MStatus newPlugValueBool ( const MPlug plug,
bool  plugValue 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to a boolean value.

[in]plugthe plug to set
[in]plugValuethe value to set
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter plug is null
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
MStatus newPlugValueChar ( const MPlug plug,
char  plugValue 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to a char value.

[in]plugthe plug to set
[in]plugValuethe value to set
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter plug is null
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
MStatus newPlugValueDouble ( const MPlug plug,
double  plugValue 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to a double value.

[in]plugthe plug to set
[in]plugValuethe value to set
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter plug is null
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
MStatus newPlugValueFloat ( const MPlug plug,
float  plugValue 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to a float value.

[in]plugthe plug to set
[in]plugValuethe value to set
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter plug is null
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
MStatus newPlugValueInt ( const MPlug plug,
int  plugValue 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to an int value.

[in]plugthe plug to set
[in]plugValuethe value to set
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter plug is null
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
MStatus newPlugValueInt64 ( const MPlug plug,
MInt64  plugValue 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to a 64-bit int value.

[in]plugthe plug to set
[in]plugValuethe value to set
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter plug is null
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
MStatus newPlugValueMAngle ( const MPlug plug,
const MAngle plugValue 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to an MAngle value.

[in]plugthe plug to set
[in]plugValuethe value to set
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter plug is null
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
MStatus newPlugValueMDistance ( const MPlug plug,
const MDistance plugValue 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to an MDistance value.

[in]plugthe plug to set
[in]plugValuethe value to set
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter plug is null
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
MStatus newPlugValueMTime ( const MPlug plug,
const MTime plugValue 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to an MTime value.

[in]plugthe plug to set
[in]plugValuethe value to set
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter plug is null
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
MStatus newPlugValueShort ( const MPlug plug,
short  plugValue 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to a short value.

[in]plugthe plug to set
[in]plugValuethe value to set
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter plug is null
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
MStatus newPlugValueString ( const MPlug plug,
const MString plugValue 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that sets a plug to a string value.

[in]plugthe plug to set
[in]plugValuethe value to set
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter plug is null
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
MStatus removeMultiInstance ( const MPlug plug,
bool  breakConnections 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that removes an element of a multi (array) plug.

If breakConnections is true, all connections to the attribute will be broken before the element is removed. If false, then the operation will fail if the element is connected.

[in]plugthe plug to remove
[in]breakConnectionswhether to break connections before removing the element
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter plug is null
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
MStatus setMetadata ( const MObject node,
const adsk::Data::Associations metadata 

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that replaces metadata on a specific node.

[in]nodeThe node to receive the metadata
[in]metadataThe metadata values it will receive
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter node is null
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
MStatus deleteMetadata ( const MObject node)

Adds an operation to this dependency graph modifier that deletes all metadata from a node.

[in]nodethe node from which the metadata is to be removed
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter node is null
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory No memory available
  • MS::kFailure operation failed
MStatus doIt ( )

Executes all of the operations that have been given to this modifier.

It is only valid to call this method after all of the operations have been specified. This method may also be called after undoIt to redo the operations.

The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kFailure operation failed because at least one of the operations was invalid
AbcImport/CameraHelper.cpp, AbcImport/CreateSceneHelper.cpp, AbcImport/NodeIteratorVisitorHelper.cpp, AbcImport/util.cpp, atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp, cgFx/cgfxAttrDef.cpp, cgFx/cgfxShaderNode.cpp, closestPointOnCurve/closestPointOnCurveCmd.cpp, dx11Shader/dx11Shader.cpp, glslShader/GLSLShader.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheCmd.cpp, latticeNoise/latticeNoiseCmd.cpp, meshOpCmd/polyModifierCmd.cpp, pointOnMeshInfo/pointOnMeshCmd.cpp, polyPrimitiveCmd/polyPrimitiveCmd.cpp, sceneAssembly/adskRepresentations.cpp, simplePhysicsEngine/simplePhysicsEngine.cpp, and splitUVCmd/polyModifierCmd.cpp.
MStatus undoIt ( )

Undoes all of the operations that have been given to this modifier.

It is only valid to call this method after the doIt method has been called.

The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kFailure operation failed because at least one of the operations was invalid
gpuCache/gpuCacheCmd.cpp, meshOpCmd/polyModifierCmd.cpp, polyPrimitiveCmd/polyPrimitiveCmd.cpp, and splitUVCmd/polyModifierCmd.cpp.
const char * className ( )

Returns the name of this class.

The name of this class.
MStatus addAttribute ( const MObject node,
const MObject attribute,
MFnDependencyNode::MAttrClass  type 

This method is obsolete.

This method also adds all children of the attribute if it is a compound.

[as of Maya 2019]

Use the method MDGModifier::addAttribute( const MObject&, const MObject& ) instead

So, if a compound attribute is being added to a node, then only the parent attribute needs to be added using this method.

[in]nodenode to add an attribute to
[in]attributeattribute to add
[in]typedetermines if this is a local or global attribute
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter either the node or attribute is invalid or the attribute already exists.
MStatus removeAttribute ( const MObject node,
const MObject attribute,
MFnDependencyNode::MAttrClass  type 

This method is obsolete.

Removes a dynamic attribute from the given dependency node.

[as of Maya 2019]

Use MDGModifier::removeAttribute( const MObject&, const MObject& ) instead

This method also removes all children of the attribute if it is a compound.

Note: After a successful call to this method, the MObject passed to it that contains the attribute will have been reset to MObject::kNullObj because the attribute it referenced no longer exists. Thus no function sets, such as MFnAttribute, should be attached to the MObject at the time this call is made.

[in]nodenode to add an attribute to
[in]attributeattribute to add
[in]typedetermines if this is a local or global attribute
The return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter either the node or attribute is invalid

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