C++ API Reference
#include "sceneAssemblyStrings.h"
#include "adskRepresentations.h"
#include "assemblyDefinition.h"
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MDagModifier.h>
#include <maya/MFnContainerNode.h>
#include <maya/MFnAssembly.h>
#include <maya/MExternalContentInfoTable.h>
#include <maya/MExternalContentLocationTable.h>
#include <cassert>
namespace {
/*----- constants -----*/
const char CACHE_TYPE[] = "Cache";
const char SCENE_TYPE[] = "Scene";
const char LOCATOR_TYPE[] = "Locator";
MString pathSep(const MString& path, const char sep)
if (path.numChars() == 0) {
return MString();
MStringArray components;
MStatus status = path.split(sep, components);
if (status != MS::kSuccess) {
return MString();
return components[components.length()-1];
MString pathTail(const MString& path)
return pathSep(path, '/');
// CLASS CacheRepresentation::Factory
MPxRepresentation* CacheRepresentation::Factory::create(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& name, const MString&
) const
return new CacheRepresentation(assembly, name);
MString CacheRepresentation::Factory::creationName(
MPxAssembly* /* assembly */, const MString& input
) const
return pathTail(input);
MString CacheRepresentation::Factory::creationLabel(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const
return creationName(assembly, input);
MString CacheRepresentation::Factory::creationData(
MPxAssembly* /* assembly */, const MString& input
) const
return input;
// CLASS SceneRepresentation::Factory
MPxRepresentation* SceneRepresentation::Factory::create(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& name, const MString&
) const
return new SceneRepresentation(assembly, name);
MString SceneRepresentation::Factory::creationName(
MPxAssembly* /* assembly */, const MString& input
) const
return pathTail(input);
MString SceneRepresentation::Factory::creationLabel(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const
return creationName(assembly, input);
MString SceneRepresentation::Factory::creationData(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const
return input;
// CLASS LocatorRepresentation::Factory
MPxRepresentation* LocatorRepresentation::Factory::create(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& name, const MString& data
) const
return new LocatorRepresentation(assembly, name, data);
MString LocatorRepresentation::Factory::creationName(
MPxAssembly* /* assembly */, const MString& input
) const
return MString("Locator");
MString LocatorRepresentation::Factory::creationLabel(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const
return creationName(assembly, input);
MString LocatorRepresentation::Factory::creationData(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const
return input;
// CLASS CacheRepresentation
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& name
) : BaseClass(assembly, name)
assert( dynamic_cast< AssemblyDefinition* >( getAssembly() ) != 0 );
bool CacheRepresentation::activate()
AssemblyDefinition* const assembly =
dynamic_cast< AssemblyDefinition* >( getAssembly() );
if ( assembly == 0 ) {
return false;
// Create a gpuCache node, and parent it to our container.
MDagModifier dagMod;
MStatus status;
MObject cacheObj = dagMod.createNode(
MString("gpuCache"), assembly->thisMObject(), &status);
if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
int isLoaded = false;
// Validate that the gpuCache plugin is loaded.
MGlobal::executeCommand( "pluginInfo -query -loaded gpuCache", isLoaded );
MString errorString = MStringResource::getString(rCreateGPUCacheNodeError, status);
return false;
status = dagMod.doIt();
if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
return false;
// Set the cache attribute to point to our Alembic file.
MFnDependencyNode cache(cacheObj);
MPlug fileName = cache.findPlug(MString("cacheFileName"), true, &status);
if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
return false;
return status == MStatus::kSuccess;
MString CacheRepresentation::type()
return CACHE_TYPE;
MString CacheRepresentation::getType() const
return type();
void CacheRepresentation::getExternalContent(
) const
const AssemblyDefinition* const assembly =
dynamic_cast< AssemblyDefinition* >( getAssembly() );
if ( assembly == 0 ) {
table.addUnresolvedEntry( "Data", assembly->getRepData( getName() ), assembly->name() );
void CacheRepresentation::setExternalContent(
AssemblyDefinition* const assembly =
dynamic_cast< AssemblyDefinition* >( getAssembly() );
if ( assembly == 0 ) {
MString path;
table.getLocation( "Data", path );
assembly->setRepData( getName(), path );
// CLASS SceneRepresentation
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& name
) : BaseClass(assembly, name)
assert( dynamic_cast< AssemblyDefinition* >( getAssembly() ) != 0 );
bool SceneRepresentation::activate()
AssemblyDefinition* const assembly =
dynamic_cast< AssemblyDefinition* >( getAssembly() );
if ( assembly == 0 ) {
return false;
MFnAssembly aFn(assembly->thisMObject());
bool fileIgnoreVersion = (MGlobal::optionVarIntValue("fileIgnoreVersion") == 1);
MStatus status = aFn.importFile(
assembly->getRepData(getName()) /*fileName*/,
NULL /*type*/, true /*preserveReferences*/, NULL /*nameSpace*/,
return (status == MStatus::kSuccess);
MString SceneRepresentation::type()
return SCENE_TYPE;
MString SceneRepresentation::getType() const
return type();
bool SceneRepresentation::canApplyEdits() const
return true;
void SceneRepresentation::getExternalContent(
) const
const AssemblyDefinition* const assembly =
dynamic_cast< AssemblyDefinition* >( getAssembly() );
if ( assembly == 0 ) {
table.addUnresolvedEntry( "Data", assembly->getRepData( getName() ), assembly->name() );
void SceneRepresentation::setExternalContent(
AssemblyDefinition* const assembly =
dynamic_cast< AssemblyDefinition* >( getAssembly() );
if ( assembly == 0 ) {
MString path;
table.getLocation( "Data", path );
assembly->setRepData( getName(), path );
// CLASS LocatorRepresentation
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& name, const MString& data
) : BaseClass(assembly, name), fAnnotation(data)
bool LocatorRepresentation::activate()
MPxAssembly* const assembly = getAssembly();
// Create a locator node, and parent it to our container.
MDagModifier dagMod;
MStatus status;
dagMod.createNode(MString("locator"), assembly->thisMObject(), &status);
if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
return false;
status = dagMod.doIt();
if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
return false;
// If we have annotation text, create an annotation shape, and a
// transform for it. Parent the annotation transform to the assembly.
if (fAnnotation.numChars() > 0) {
MObject transformObj = dagMod.createNode(
MString("transform"), assembly->thisMObject(), &status);
if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
return false;
MString annotationName = "annotation";
// the + "#" forces Maya to rename using integers for unique names
MString transformName = annotationName + "#";
dagMod.renameNode(transformObj, transformName);
status = dagMod.doIt();
if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
return false;
MObject annotationObj = dagMod.createNode(
MString("annotationShape"), transformObj, &status);
if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
return false;
status = dagMod.doIt();
if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
return false;
// Set the annotation text.
MFnDependencyNode annotation(annotationObj);
MPlug text = annotation.findPlug(MString("text"), true, &status);
if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
return false;
// Get rid of the arrow: our annotation doesn't need to be
// offset from the locator for readability, since the locator
// has no volume. Therefore, we don't need an arrow to point
// from the annotation back to the object.
MPlug displayArrow =
annotation.findPlug(MString("displayArrow"), true, &status);
if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
return false;
return status == MStatus::kSuccess;
MString LocatorRepresentation::type()
MString LocatorRepresentation::getType() const
return type();
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy
// form.