General Options

Once the Calculation Options dialog box is opened and the General tab is selected, a dialog box shown below will appear on the screen.

The above dialog box is used to set general column design options:

If the dialog box is opened for RC columns, it also includes the option for unidirectional bending. Once the Design - unidirectional bending option is activated, then a column will be designed due to the case of unidirectional bending, independently of moments defined for the other direction. It also refers to ignoring not intended moments, influence of slenderness (second order effects) etc.

Additionally, the General tab for RC columns contains the option for selection of the reinforcement optimization level (high, average, low). For the high optimization level the program searches the greatest number of possible solutions of bar distribution, while for the low level - the lowest possible number. It means that calculations with the high optimization level applied take longer than calculations with the lower level applied, however, the generated reinforcement will be the result of checking a greater number of bar arrangements to find the optimal one. It does not necessarily mean that reinforcement generated for the low optimization level is always less optimal (while for the high level - more optimal than the remaining ones), but a greater number of verified bar arrangements allows finding potentially better solutions. This option is of practical importance only for bars with a considerable number of combinations (take note that the resistance verification has to be performed for each bar arrangement and it proceeds successively for each combination).

See also: RC column design procedure

In the case of the Calculation Options dialog box opened for RC beams, the contents of the General tab depends on a selected RC code. For each of the codes the following parameters can be determined in this dialog box:

In the case of the Calculation Options dialog box opened for continuous footings, the contents of the General tab depends on a selected RC code. The following parameters may be determined in this dialog box for each code:

The Calculation Options (beams or continuous footings) dialog box may contain different options depending on a selected code of RC structure element design: