Compact Material Editor Tools

Above the Material Editor sample slots is the menu bar. Below and to the right of the sample slots are buttons and other controls that you use to manage and change maps and materials.

Material Editor tools below and to the right of the sample slots

Material Editor Menu Bar

Reflectance and Transmittance Display

Note: Reflectance and Transmittance are not displayed unless you change a toggle in Preferences Advanced Lighting.

Buttons below the sample slots (the "toolbar"):

Get Material

Put Material to Scene

Assign Material to Selection

Reset Map/Mtl to Default Settings

Make Material Copy

Make Unique

Put to Library

Material ID Channel flyout

Show Shaded/Realistic Material in Viewport flyout

Show End Result

Go to Parent

Go Forward to Sibling

Buttons to the right of the sample slots:

Sample Type flyout


Sample Slot Background

Sample UV Tiling flyout

Video Color Check

Make Preview, Play Preview, Save Preview flyout

Material Editor Options

Select By Material

Material/Map Navigator

Controls below the toolbar:

Pick Material From Object (Eyedropper)

Name Field (Materials and Maps)

Type Button (Materials and Maps)