Editable Patch (Edge)

An edge is the portion of a patch object between two adjacent vertices.

At the Edge sub-object level of an Editable Patch object, you can select single and multiple edges and move, rotate, and scale them using standard methods. You can also hold down the Shift key and drag an edge to create a new patch. Holding down the Shift key during edge extrusion creates a new element.


To unlock interior edges:


Selection rollout

Select Open Edges

Selects all edges that are used by only one patch. You can use this to troubleshoot a surface; open edges will be highlighted.

For information on the other controls in this rollout, see Selection Rollout (Editable Patch).

Soft Selection rollout

See Soft Selection Rollout for information on the Soft Selection rollout settings.

Geometry rollout

See Geometry Rollout (Patch) for detailed descriptions of these controls.