To Show Display Overrides in Project Drawings

To keep project drawings synchronized, it is important to control the properties and display properties of building objects by style, to be able to update the objects when the project standards change. Introducing object-level overrides makes it impossible for the overridden objects to be updated through the synchronization process when project standards change.

Use this procedure to detect object-level overrides on style-based objects in the current drawing.

  1. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelShow Display Overrides.
    Note: Alternatively, enter AECSHOWDISPLAYOVERRIDES on the command line.
  2. On the command line, enter a display option:
    If you want to… Then…
    highlight the overridden objects in the drawing area. enter O (byObject).
    display a list of overridden objects in the AutoCAD command window enter S (byStyle)
    highlight the objects and display a list in the AutoCAD command window enter B (Both).
  3. Remove any object-level overrides.