To Open a Model Space View

Use this procedure to open a model space view.

When you create a model space view that is referenced to a callout, the model space view can be placed in the drawing in which the callout was placed, into an existing project view drawing, or in a new project view drawing.

Model space views are displayed and opened in the Views tab of the Project Navigator.

Exterior elevation model space views in Project Navigator

  1. On the Quick Access toolbar, click Project Navigator.
  2. In the Project Navigator, navigate to the view drawing containing the model space view.

    It is not important whether the drawing is already open.

  3. If necessary, expand the view drawing to display the model space views contained in it.
  4. Select the model space view you want to open, and double-click it.

    Alternatively, you can select the model space view in the Project Navigator, right-click, and click Open.