To Override Layer Properties in Layout Viewports

You can now apply overrides for color, linetype, lineweight, and plot style to layers in individual layout viewports. This is an efficient way to display objects with different property settings in individual viewports without changing their ByLayer or ByBlock properties. Because layer property overrides do not change the layer’s global properties, you can have objects display differently in various viewports without having to create duplicate geometry or use xrefs that have different layer settings. When the Layer Properties Manager is accessed from a layout tab, 4 additional columns for viewport-specific layer property overrides are displayed for VP Color, VP Lineweight, VP Linetype, and VP Plot Style (available only in named-plot style drawings; PSTYLEMODE=1.)

Viewport layer overrides in Layer Properties Manager

If you want to temporarily not display or plot property overrides, set VPLAYEROVERRIDESMODE to 0. Objects will display and plot with their global layer properties. Property overrides can still be set even when VPLAYEROVERRIDESMODE is set to 0.

Note: Property overrides that are on xref layers are not retained when VISRETAIN system variable is set to 0.

Layer Property Overrides in Previous Releases

When a drawing containing layer overrides is opened in a previous release of the software, overrides are not visible and the layer displays its global properties. The override settings are retained however when the drawing is saved in a previous release, and are visible again when the drawing is re-opened in the current release.

If a viewport containing layer overrides is deleted when the drawing is opened in a previous release, the override settings are not retained and are not available when the drawing is re-opened in the current release.

When VISRETAIN is set to 0 when the drawing is opened in a previous release, viewport overrides in xref layers are not retained.

To override layer properties in a layout viewport

  1. Make the layout viewport active for which you want to create viewport layer overrides.
  2. If necessary, open the Layer Properties Manager by clicking Home tabLayers panelLayer Properties.
  3. Scroll until you have the viewport overrides columns visible in the Layer Properties Manager.

    The following viewport overrides are available for layout viewports:

    • VP Color
    • VP Linetype
    • VP Lineweight
    • VP Plot Style
  4. Click the desired setting to change the property value.

    A layer value that is overridden in the viewport is marked by a different background color (light blue by default) on the override property, the global property, and the layer name.