About Stair Styles

A stair style is a group of properties assigned to a stair that determines the appearance and other characteristics of the stair.

You can use a stair style to control properties for all stairs that use that style, rather than changing properties for each stair in the drawing. Various styles exist in the templates for common stair configurations, such as steel-pan, ramp - concrete, and wood-housed. Within the stair style, you can specify the dimensions, landing extensions, components, and display properties of the stair.

Stair Components and Design Rules

In a stair style, you specify these properties of stair components:

Design rules determine the code limits for maximum, optimum, and minimum slopes for the stair style.

Display Components of Stairs

Display components determine the graphical characteristics, such as color and linetype, of stair components. Other display properties you can change for a stair style include cut plane, stair line, arrow properties, and the break mark.

Using Materials in Stair Styles

You can use materials to control how stairs of each style are displayed in a drawing. You assign materials to the stair components in the style. The components are then displayed using the display properties of the assigned materials.

Creating Tools from Stair Styles

You can create a stair tool from any stair style. You can drag the style from the Style Manager onto a tool palette. You can then specify default settings for any stair created from the tool.