To Work With Projects

Use Project Manager to create, activate, copy, and delete a project, or modify information associated with a project.

To launch Project Manager: Click Project tabProject Tools panelManager. Find

Create a Project

  1. Use one of the following:
    • On Project Manager, click New Project.
    • Right-click at the bottom of the tree inside the Project Manager and select New Project.
    • Click the arrow on the Project drop-down menu and select New Project.
  2. Enter the name for the new project. The .wdp extension is not required.
  3. Select or create the directory for the project. If you leave this field blank, the project WDP file is created at the location defined in the WD.ENV file.
  4. (Optional) Copy the project settings from an existing project file (WDP). If you leave this field blank, the software copies properties from the active project.
  5. (Optional) Click Descriptions to enter an unlimited number of descriptions for the project. Select the check boxes to include description lines in reports.
  6. (Optional) Click OK-Properties to modify your default project settings for libraries, icon menus, components, wire numbering, cross-references, styles, and drawing formats.
  7. Click OK.

Open a Project

To open a project and make it active, select Open Project and browse to the project .wdp file.

Open a Recently Used Project

A list of recently opened projects displays with the last project you worked on at the top. You can select another project to open without browsing for it. The list of recent projects is saved in a text file called lastproj.fil in the user subdirectory.

  1. In Project Manager, click the arrow on the Project Selection menu, and select Recent.
  2. In the Recent Projects dialog box, select the project from the list.
  3. Click Drawings to see a list of the drawings in the selected project.

    Double-click a drawing name to see a preview of it.

    click Pick Project, Open Drawing to activate the project and open the drawing.

  4. (Optional) Click Remove to remove a project from the project list.
  5. Click OK.

    The selected project becomes the active project.

Note: If you know the drawing name but you are not sure what project the drawing is in, click Find in the Recent Projects dialog box. In the Find Drawing in Recent Projects dialog box, enter the name of the drawing (wildcards are accepted) and click Find.

Close a Project

Right-click on the project name and click Close.

Copy a Project

  1. Close any drawings you plan to copy.
  2. Click Project tabProject Tools panelCopy. Find
  3. Enter the name of the project to copy.
    • Click Copy Active Project to copy the current project.
    • Click Browse to select a project to copy.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select the directory where you want to save the new project.
  6. Enter the name for the new project.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Select one or more drawings to copy to the new project.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Enter the path for the new project.
  11. Select the project-related files to copy.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Modify the new drawing file names if necessary.
  14. Click OK.

The copied project becomes the active project.

Delete a Project

  1. Click Project tabProject Tools panelDelete. Find
  2. Find and select the .wdp project definition file.
  3. Click Open.
  4. Select from the available options:
    • Delete “wdp” project list file - deletes the selected .wdp file.
    • Delete project’s AutoCAD drawing files - deletes all files listed in the project definition file unless the List option is used.
    • List - select specific drawings to delete from the project drawing list.
Note: Deleting a project and any of the drawings is permanent and cannot be undone.

Archive a Project

  1. One-time setup: Edit the wd.env file and create an entry for the utility labeled WD_ZIP followed by a comma and then the full path name to the executable zip program. For example, WD_ZIP,c:\Program Files [(x86)]\winzip\winzip32.exe.
  2. Click Project tabProject Tools panelZip. Find
    Note: You can also select the drawings or folders in Project Manager, right-click and select Publish ZIP Project. Selected drawings are preselected in the Select Drawings to Process dialog box.
  3. Select the drawings to process and click OK.
  4. Enter the zip name of the file to create or update.
  5. Indicate whether to include the project database (MDB).
  6. Click OK.
Note: Your zip program may generate an error message if the active drawing is one of the drawings to zip.