Option: Tag Format "Family" Override Dialog Box

Override a component tag but still update the reference number portion on a retag.

Insert Component

 Command entry:  AECOMPONENT

Select the component type to insert and specify the insertion point on the drawing. In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, click the Options button in the Component Tag area.

Edit Component

 Command entry:  AEEDITCOMPONENT

Select the component to edit. In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, click the Options button in the Component Tag area.

You can substitute a fixed text string for the %F part of the tag format for a component. Retag can then use the override format value to calculate a new tag for the component. For example, a certain relay component must always have an "MC-R" family tag value instead of "CR" so that retag assigns MC-R100 instead of CR100. To achieve this tag override, enter "MC-R%N" for the tag format.