To Work With Manipulating Components

Delete, scoot, align, move, stretch, split, flip components and swap contact states.

Delete Components

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Components panelDelete Component. Find
  2. Select the components to delete.
  3. Press Enter.
Note: If you erase a parent schematic component, you have the option to search for related child components, surf to them, and delete them.

Scoot Components/Wire Segments

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Components panelModify Components drop-downScoot . Find
  2. Select the component to scoot along its connected wires or select the wire segment to scoot the entire wire, including components, along the bus. A rectangle indicates the selected items.
  3. Move your cursor to the appropriate position and click. The items scoot and reconnect.
Note: You can run the Auto-Retag operation on the components if they move to a new line reference, or update the child cross-references only.

Align Components/Wire Numbers

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Components panelModify Components drop-downAlign. Find
  2. Select the master component to align with. A temporary line appears showing the alignment position.
  3. Select the components to move into alignment with the selected master component. You can select the components individually or by windowing.

    All connected wires are adjusted, and wire numbers recentered if necessary. You can align vertically or horizontally by flipping the command with a V or H character and a [space] entered on the command line.

Move Components

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Components panelModify Components drop-downMove Component. Find
  2. Select the component to move.
  3. Select the insertion point for the move. The component automatically moves to the selected position.

Stretch PLC Modules, Components, or Blocks

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Components panelModify Components drop-downStretch PLC Module. Find
  2. Select the blocks to stretch using a crossing window or crossing polygon window.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Select your base and second point of displacement.

    The blocks are exploded, stretched, and are then reblocked using a new block name (maintaining all the original block information, including attributes).

Split PLC Modules/Components

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Components panelModify Components drop-downSplit PLC Module. Find
  2. Select the block to split.
  3. Select the split point or enter “M” to select the objects for the new child component using a crossing window or crossing polygon.

    Keep windowing until all objects are selected. To cancel the selection of any object, press U and select as usual.

  4. Define the origin point for the new block. You can enter the coordinates or click Pick Point and select the origin point on the drawing.
  5. Set the break type: no lines, straight lines, jagged lines, or draw it.
  6. (Optional) Select to reposition the child block to move it as part of this command.
  7. Click OK.
  8. To reposition the child block, select a point on the screen to place the block.

Reverse/Flip Components

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Components panelModify Components drop-downReverse/Flip Component. Find
  2. Select whether to reverse or flip the component.
    Note: This tool only operates on a component with 2-wire connections. Components are reversed perpendicular to the axis formed by the two wire connections or flipped along the axis of the wire connection.
  3. (Optional) Select to reverse or flip the graphics only.

Swap Contact States

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Components panelToggle NO/NC. Find
  2. Select the component to toggle.
  3. (Optional) Type Ctrl + Z to undo the contact swap if you selected the wrong component.