To Assign a Variable to a Project Description Line for Title Block Mapping

For example, the environment variable “USERNAME” contains a value that must show up on the drawing title block.

  1. Click Project tabProject Tools panelManager. Find
  2. In the Project Manager, right-click the project name, and select Descriptions.
  3. Enter the AutoLISP function (getenv "USERNAME") on one of the description lines.
  4. Select OK.
  5. Using either the WD_TB attribute methodmethod or the WDT file method, map the project line to the appropriate attribute on the title block, for example “DWGBY”.
  6. Click Project tabOther Tools panelTitle Block Update. Find

    The Update Title Block dialog box displays.

  7. Check the appropriate project description line for update.
    Note: Check the Activate each drawing to process if the variable is drawing specific.
  8. Select the drawings for updating.

    During the title block update AutoCAD Electrical toolset evaluates the expression, and writes that value out to the attribute that is mapped to the project description line (mapped in the .wdt file or on the WD_TB attribute value carried by the title block).